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Trafalgar X OC
Uhm.....I hope it's not too weird, hehe this is my first time writing something like this. So please enjoy
A high school student France Yurina, 17 years old, lives alone in a big apartment left for her by her parents. Good at close combat with swords or fist.
Time: 9:00 pm 3 days till classes resumes
Place: home

*Ding dong

My doorbell rang, I hesitantly opened the door since it was already late, no one was there but a box without anything written on it was on the ground, I picked it up, I felt a something soft brush pass my feet, I shrug it off and closed the door behind me, I dropped the box somewhere in my room and prepare myself for bed.

*next morning
I can feel something ruffling under my blanket, I ignored it since I was still sleepy, my eyes shot open when I felt something soft crawled under my shirt. I lift the blanket, and my eyes met a pair of gray beady eyes.
"Mew" it said. My face immediately lightened up and I lift the black cat in front of me and hugged in
"Kyaaa a kitten, you're the cutest!" I squealed while smashing it on my chest. After a few more hugs and squeals I took it into the kitchen. The first thing I saw was bread, in the trash can.

"Hmm I don't remember throwing bread oh well I'll have oatmeal then!" I chimed, I cooked my breakfast and gave the cat milk since I don't have it's food yet. After eating I cleaned up, the kitten ran to my room and I went after it.
"What is it boy?" I asked as the kitten scratch the box from yesterday. I walk up to it and opened it. There were collars leash and some male clothes, a fuzzy hat and a piece of paper . I took the collar and written there was the name of the kitten.

"Trafalgar law, that's your name?" I asked the cat just meowed.
"Fancy name ya got there, I'm France Yurina!" I giggled, I put it on him and took the piece of paper next.

Say this out loud: Surgeon Of Death.

"Surgeon Of Death, Who the heck is that?" I placed the paper back, and turn back to the cat.
"Who the heck are you?! And how did you get in here!? Where's my kitten!?" I screamed at a guy now in front of me. He has gray eyes and raven colored hair, quite handsome if I say so myself. He narrowed his eyes at me while rubbing the spot where my fist landed, right on his chest, but later on replace it with a smirk.
"Yurina-ya, Trafalgar Law at your service" he said swishing his tail sideways.

"Ooh, If you were my kitten then how come you have clothes? I don't remember giving my kitten clothes " I said crossing my arms.
"Why, do you perhaps prefer me naked?" Law's smirked grew wider. Heat crept in my face immediately.
"I-I d-do not! I was j-just asking!" I stammered while flailing my hands frantically and looking away.

"Is that so." Law mused.

"Were you the one who threw away all the bread?" I asked, he replied with a hum.
"I like bread" I pouted.
"I hate bread!" He said emphasizing the word hate. I just sigh, then I remembered something that happened which made me furious.

"What was that for!?" He snarled.
"You crawled inside my shirt awhile ago! You perverted kitten!" I yelled again. He snickers at my outburst.
"I must say they were comfy and soft though" He said putting his fingers under his chin recalling the event.

"Shut up! Go take a bath we're going out" I said. He frowned at me and I raised my eyebrow questioningly.
"No" he said plainly, it's my turn to frown now as I pointed at the bathroom.
"You have to give me a bath" he said
"What? Do it yourself, you're not a baby" I said as I looked away since I'm blushing. He gave a low chuckle
"Meow" I look at Law only to find him in his kitten form. I smiled and pick him up.


"Uurrgg Law stay still!" I demanded in a loud voice
"Ahh! Your getting me wet, just stay still I'm almost done!" I yelled, I rinse him well before blow drying him.

"Ok out I'm taking a bath" I told him. He stayed still and meowed refusing to leave. An irk mark appeared in my head and I forced a smile.
"Perverted kitten!" I picked him up and toss him outside before slamming the door shut.

After taking a bath I went out and found Law on my bed.
"Let's go!"

*time skip brought to you by Yukina focused on buying stuff.

"I want fish" Law said in his human form since pets are not allowed.
"I know" I replied absentmindedly, because I was too focus on what to buy that is healthier for the body.
"I want milk" he said again
"I know" I replied absentmindedly again.
"You are the most beautiful thing I ever seen?" he said or more like asked.
"Yeah sure" I said absentmindedly again.
"I love you~" He said.
"Yea" I said while checking the list making sure I have everything.
"Does that mean I can kiss you?" he asked while smirking.
"Yea whatever" I mumbled grabbing another bottle of soy sauce . As I place the bottle down, Law grab my chin so I was forced to look at him.
"Wha-" he placed his soft lips onto mine, my eyes stared widely at his gray eyes, my breath hitched, he caresses my cheek calming me down, then he nip my bottom lip slightly asking for entrance which I slowly gave him, he slip his tongue in as he took his sweet time exploring me, and we eventually parted slowly catching our breaths.
"F*ck you, why did you do that?" I said in between my gritted teeth.

"You really want me that bad Yukina-ya? I asked you if I could kiss you and you said ' yea whatever'." He smirks.

"No I didn't say that! Damn it you know what I mean" I growled angrily at him still with my flustered face.
"Yes you did...*pauses* Oh I do know what you mean" he taunted.
"I'm punishing you later Law" I grinned evilly.
"Hmm... I might actually like that idea" He replied with a smirk
"Shut up! Not in that way you perverted kitten!!.....why do I find this cursed kitten handsome anyway?" I mumbled the last part
"Did you just say that I was handsome?" He mused in
"You're hearing stuff!"

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now