Psychiatrist 3

130 8 3

I didn't expect to have someone
request for a 3rd part but yeah.
"Bepo, come here boy!" The puppy paddled on his tiny feet as he scrambled towards Law who outstretched her hands for the puppy.

"Good boy! Now guard the house alright, I'll be back in a few hours." Law says with a smile as she pets the puppy's head a few times before standing up. Bepo bites on Law's pants as she begun opening the door.

"Bepo! No, you're going to rip my pants! Now sit!" Law ordered and the puppy who complied happily with his tiny tail wagging.

"Lie down. Good boy! I'll be back later with some treats." Law had promised before he left the house and Bepo became a barking mess.

*A few hours ago*


Law's eyes shot open as the loud blaring of her phone was heard. Clumsily she reaches for her phone and answered it.

"I'm slitting whoever's throat I'm talking to right now." She growled half awake. The sniffling from the other side of the phone was heard.

"Traffy! I wanna see you right now please!" Came Luffy's voice as he sobbed. Law massaged her temples and sighed.

"Can't you just come over? I just woke up and it's like 7 am." Law asked.

"I want to but I can't!!" Luffy sobbed louder.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Sabo and Ace grounded me after they found out I used the car again. Then Ace saw my unfinished homeworks under my bed and now I'm grounded." Luffy explained as he sobbed.

"Being grounded isn't such a big deal why are you crying so hard?" Law asked nonchalantly followed by Luffy crying harder.

"Because I can't come see you and I want to see you today but I'm grounded! Also Ace won't give me meat unless I finished my HW!!! Traffy!!!!" Law groaned and shuts her eyes.

"Alright I'll be there with lunch." Law said finally closing the phone and getting out of bed to the showers. After showering she put on her clothes before her phone rang again.


"Are you almost here yet?" Luffy asked impatiently

"I haven't even finished wearing clothes idiot!" Law scolded.

"Oh shishishi hurry up Traffy!" Law closed the phone again and prepared food for the two of them. Not forgetting Bepo's of course. After eating breakfast she texted Sachi and Penguin that she'll be out today.

Finally getting off the overcrowded train she looked down at her watch and saw that it was nearly 11 opening her phone she sweat dropped at the bunch of notifications.

20 messages from Lu.
3 missed calls from Lu.

Law decided to open the latest message to see what he keeps on getting at.

"Traffy what's taking you so long?" She once again sighed and sent a quick message and grabbed a taxi.

"You do know our house is far apart?"

Her phone beeped again after a few seconds and she checked it again.

"Ooh yeah. Are you here yet?"

She face palmed once again. The taxi stopped at last and Law paid it and walked towards Luffy's house ringing the doorbell.

She waited patiently before hearing an unfamiliar voice yelling.

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now