Thug love

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Heya peeps! I know that I've been not updating for a very long time. So sorry because you see guys, I'm home schooled now. You may think I have more time now, I thought so too but nope! I have less time for myself. I gotta make sure I finished the 10 lesson by the end of the week with HWs and all. So yeah. I had enough and decided to update for a while. Love you guys tnx for being patient.
Law x reader
You can feel him. You can see him. Wherever you are he was there. Looking at you. When you're in the canteen you can see him looking at you from the corner of your eyes.

When you go to classes he isn't far behind. You're the top A student of this batch and he is a top A thug.

"So how about you come to my place (y/n)?" Asked Usopp as you get your books from the locker. Luffy was beside him chomping on food.

"Sure when?" You asked back, he cheered with Luffy and as Usopp was about to reply, his skin paled and you frowned knowing why.

"H-He had f-followed you a-again." Usopp whispered with a shiver. You cursed and adjust your glasses in annoyance. The crowd grew quieter too.

"He-he's coming this way! Meet ya tomorrow (y/n)!" Usopp screech as he grabbed Luffy and took off. A shiver ran down your spine as you felt his stare.

(Y/n)'s POV

I quickly closed my locker and made way through the crowd swiftly so he wouldn't catch up. I was practically running by now as I felt my throat dry out from breathing. I was so focused on making sure I wasn't followed that I didn't notice someone intercepting my path.

I bumb the hard figure and fell on my knees. My books falling on my head one by one. I rubbed my head from the pain and winced. Looking up I was met with intimidating steel gray eyes. My skin paled drastically. He clicked his tounge and bend down to gather my books.

I gathered my books quickly and snatching the ones from him and got on my feet.

"S-sorry Trafalgar!" I stuttered out.

"You were too busy running away from someone. You should get that checked." He said uninterestly pointing at my bummed head.

"I'm alright." I said all too quickly and went to class not waiting any longer.

I got on my seat breathing heavily and I felt a pen poke my side I looked over to see Zoro.

"Followed again?" He asked. I know who he was referring to even if I didn't tell him. In fact, for some reason everyone knows he's following me. I nodded my head, the class door opened again and everyone became silent. Zoro retreated back mouthing a good luck to me.

I hesitantly looked at the door to see him again. He slipped a lazy smirk directed at me and I gulped nervously. Then he looked around the class only to send a small glare towards Coby. Coby, who was behind me, gathered his belongings in fear and moved to the back making his seat now empty.

Law sauntered and sat behind me. I kept my head low as he walked pass. This time the teacher came looking surprised to see Law.

Throughout the lectures for the whole day I couldn't focus. I was a nervous wreck.

What if he decides to stab me with a scissor, what if he decides to choke me from behind, what if he decides to rip my hair off my head?!?!

The bell rang and I was quick to get out of class. Running to the canteen faster as the halls begin to grow quieter knowing he was following me and catching up. I saw my friends waving me over their table and I went and sat down to catch my breath.

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now