I own a demon

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Trafalgar law X author-chan
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"Come on, show us!" The man slap me hard, I was tied around a chair in a bright lit room with white tiles.
"Show us your true self demon!" I remain silent and look at the floor. Being beaten up gave me no strength to even snap at them.

'White tiles, that's too lame'

"What? Too scared to even admit what you did to these islands?" A tear trickle down on my face.
"I didn't do it, that's not me!" I said finally.

'Actually you did, and I am impressed!'

This hidden voice why won't it stop, it has been bugging me non stop!
"You lying, your face was in the news! I'm going to kill you for what you did!" The man yelled as he grab a dagger behind him.

Why did I allow myself to get caught, the only thing I remember was living a stable life alone and the next thing I know I'm about to get killed, somehow a part of me is saying it's my fault and that I deserve to die.

'Oh boy, here comes the messy part.'

"Just shut up!" I mumbled to myself. I close my eyes as I awaited for the dagger to meet my flesh and paint the white tiles in thick red. But it never came. Instead the man instead was killed...........by an actual demon. How can I tell? Well it has a tail and a pair of tiny horns.

He turned around to face me, a smirk plastered on his face. I looked at him suspiciously. He cut the ropes around me and gently pick me up. I tense up at his touch, since a stranger is picking me up without even introducing himself, rude much. I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

"Trafalgar Law at your service Rachel-ya" He said noticing my tense muscle, I relax myself a bit.
"So did I really destroy those towns?" I asked hesitantly.
"Technically I possessed your body to do those, so yeah you did destroy the towns in their perspective" He said calmly, how can he be so calm at this, he ruined my life, my future, and now marines are gonna put a bounty at my head. We came to a stop at my house, he gently place me on the bed, he knelt down and started to treat my wounds.

"Sorry if I ruined your so called life and future, but I need you to know I exist and you need to accept that." He said softly, oh so the demon can show compassion and read my mind that's great I guess.
"As for the marines that will put a high bounty on your head.....don't worry about it I'll protect you ok?" he looked at me and place a kiss on my forehead. I blush but nod in agreement anyway.

"Have you been living in me this whole time?" I ask quietly. Hugging my knees.
"Yea, I can also stay in this form though" he said.
"Then can you stay like this always, so I won't be lonely...please?" He chuckled at this and place a blanket on me I lay down and slowly drift to sleep.

"Of course, master"


Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now