Mine and only mine

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OOC Law X Possesive Reader

Modern AU


Reader's POV

I wandered around the phase of the Earth aimlessly collecting souls here and there. I'm currently waiting for the next soul for me to reap, and as if on cue a man fell from the building above, people started gathering near the dead man as I took out scythe and stab it on the body I swiftly pulled out the soul and with a swift movement of my hands I send it to heaven. 

"Oi you" a voice say I stop in my tracks and shook my head, I'm Death no one can see me. I sigh as I started to walk away. suddenly I felt a hand grab my shoulder, my eyes widen as I slowly turn around to see a young teen.

 suddenly I felt a hand grab my shoulder, my eyes widen as I slowly turn around to see a young teen

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"What did you do back there?" He questions me.

"you can see me?" I asked him, he slowly nodded and I smiled.

" To answer your question I collected his soul and sent it to heaven." I say his eyes widen before letting go of my shoulder, I frowned. He's probably afraid of me now.

"What's your name?" he asked me, I snapped my head back to look at him.

"You're not afraid of me?" I asked him. He sighs and shook his head.

"Don't answer my question with a question ms. Grimm Reaper" He says annoyed, I laughed at the way he called me.

"(y/n) but you may call me Death, how about you what's your name?" I asked him.

"Nice to meet you (y/n)-ya my name is Law, Trafalagar Law" I giggled when he said -ya after my name.

"what's so funny (y/n)-ya?" he asked me tilting his head.

"It's just you're so cute saying -ya at the end of my name." I answered truthfully I saw him blush which made me giggle more.

"Are you still busy If not wanna come to my apartment?" He asked me.

"Sure! Where do you live I'll take us there?" I told him, he told me his address and I grab him by the waist and teleported to the destination . He opened his apartment and we went in. I checked the time and it read 7:00 pm.

"Hey law what's your favorite food?" I asked him. He looks confused so I went in his head and looked for his favorite food.

"Nevermind I know now~" I said, I snapped my fingers and grilled fish and Onigiri appeared on the table.

"How did you do that?" He questions, I chuckled.

"I'm Death I can do anything. Go ahead and dig in I don't need to eat" I said.

Law's POV

  "I'm Death I can do anything. Go ahead and dig in I don't need to eat" (y/n)-ya said.  suddenly a scroll appeared in front of her.

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now