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OC x Traffy
I'm gonna use my OC in my other story, from now on cuz I'm lazy to think of other characters but her personality will be very different. I'm also lazy to explain her devil fruit so just read my story if ya wanna know. 

One of the crew member of the heart pirate seems to have no fear at all, or any other emotions. Whenever the question or the statement can be responded with a yes or no, she would either nod her head or shook it.

"Mizuki-chan~ it's your turn to do kitchen duty" Sachi chimes when he opened the door to Mizuki's room. Mizuki didn't say anything but nod before heading to the sub's kitchen.

"Mizuki-chan why is it you don't talk? Are you shy?" Penguin asked. Which cause his other friend Sachi to look over.

"I like being quiet so I don't talk as much as much as possible" Mizuki answered with a smile, well she was told to smile more though that's why she did.

They may think it's rude of her to do that and they would wonder why would their captain recruit someone like her.

"Can you help me become human again?" Mizuki asked Law after their duel. Apparently Mizuki doesn't remember anything after she came to this island, specifically she doesn't remember how to feel any feelings at all. Without showing any emotions you're not considered as a human. In her opinion though.

"Why not? as long as you join my crew." Was Law's reply. Some of the crew members were shocked when Law recruited a member who is utterly useless in combat, since they never saw Mizuki fight before.
Law decide to prove them wrong though...

"Mizuki-ya can you take out these Marines without tainting the sub with blood.?" Law asked his new subordinate. She nods her head and mumbled a few words. Marines started floating and with a small movement of her hands the floating Marines were flung back to the Marines' ship like bullets, sinking it instantly. The other crew members watched in awe and Law smirked at his new recruit. She also makes sure that the sub is cool enough for the crew.

So back to the main topic. Fear. Something that is very hard to find in Mizuki. Law find it amusing to discover what Mizuki's fear is. So their currently in his sacred place aka the infirmary.

"Mess" he said and took out Mizuki's heart. Mizuki's eyes didn't show fear, but it showed interest and curiosity.

Mizuki looked at Law as if asking for permission to hold her own heart. Law nods and hand it to her. He grab his records of Mizuki and started writing.

"Curiosity, that's a good start I guess." He mumbles. A yelp was heard. He looked over at his patient who let go of her own heart.

"Did you squeeze it?" He asked. She silently nodded which caused Law to frown. Mizuki saw this and mumbled a quiet reply. He smiles and returned her heart back.

"you do know that humans need to communicate too whether they like it or not, it's the normal thing to do. That's all you can go" he said. Mizuki nods and leaves which cause Law to sigh.

" I just told her that communicating is a normal thing humans do, yet she still kept quiet." He grumbled irritated.

*time skip*

Lunch was over and everyone returned to their work or quarters. Suddenly a loud girly scream was heard.

"Do we have a stowaway?" Penguin asked Sachi. Sachi shake his head.

"Maybe it's Mizuki?" He asked him again, Sachi smack his head.

"Aho! She doesn't even talk, and you expect her to scream!" He scolded which cause his friend to pout. Another ear piercing scream was heard along with the sound of something smashing against the wall.

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now