Psychiatrist part 2

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As promized sorry for publishing so late. I got sick again.

Votes would bring me joy! 😋
Law was tumultuously shoved in the front seat of a car. Her friends seated at the back grinned excitedly.

"Shishishi you guys look excited." Luffy says with his usual grin.

"We are! Aren't we Law?" Sachi asked her friend who now had a frown.

"Not really. I'm more curious to know why Luffy-ya pretended to be a psychiatrist." Law grumbled bluntly looking back at Luffy.

"I was bored." Came his answer.

"Did you know you can go to jail just by doing that?" Law fussed. Penguin punched Law lightly at her shoulder

"Oh come on Law! It worked pretty well last week!" Penguin protested.

"Jaa Law will you go out with me?" The question made the three girls silent as they stared at the innocent looking boy who grinned cheerfully.


"That's a yes Luffy-san, if you'll excuse us we'll be leaving, have fun Law!" Penguin pulled Sachi out of the car as they waved goodbye.


"Yosh! We should go eat first!" Luffy announced stepping on the pedal as they drove off. Law sighed and accepted the fact that she'll never escape him.

Luffy chomps down on his food, while Law calmly eats her Onigiri taking a few glances at the glutton's direction from time to time.

The way Luffy has his mouth stuffed with food which made Law just wanna poke his cheek to see if it would burst from that much. Not knowing he actually did it until Luffy glanced at her curiously.

"Huh? What is it Torao?" Luffy asked after he gulped down the food in his mouth. Realizing what she did, Law pulled away her hand from Luffy's cheek.

"H-huh? N-nothing. I was just curious about why you're still in highschool even though you're already 20" She managed to stutter out a lie.

"Ah! Is that so. I get in trouble a lot of times shishishi." He told her. Law nods in understanding.

"Ah we should watch a movie next!" Luffy announced. Law looked at the man suspiciously with a sweatdrop.

Oi oi. Why does this look more like a date than a regular rehabilitation session?
She thought to herself fighting the urge to feel embarrassed.

"We need hurry though before Ace notices that I stole his car without driver's license. Shishishi!" Luffy had said when they begun speeding up. Law was lost for words as she gripped the seats in horror.


"Shishishi. It's fun isn't it? Like a roller coaster! Besides my gramps is a police anyway so he'll bail us out if we get caught." He says casually. Without much words Luffy had dragged Law in the cinemas.

Halfway through the movie Luffy fell asleep Law had to shake Luffy till he woke up after the film.

"Before I take you home. Is there anywhere else in particular you wanna go, Traffy?" Luffy asked Law. She blinked a few times before mumbling shyly the words.

"Pet...Shop...The one in near Whitefield street"Luffy grins and started the car once again.

It took slightly longer time to reach the place since traffic was already starting. Luffy wondered why Law would want to visit a pet shop. He thought that maybe Law just wanted to buy supplies, but then Law never mentioned she has a pet.

"Oh we're here!" Law got out of the car rather excitedly. Luffy didn't miss the smile that was painted on her face as they entered. The sound of dogs yapping is heard immediately and Law walked towards a cage with a single white puppy Labrador.

"Hey buddy, sorry I'm late" Law said extending her hand towards the cage. The puppy licked her hand and she giggled. Luffy stood beside the pet shop owner who is around her mid forties also smiling warmly over Law.

"Law-chan always visited the young pup at least twice a day. Are you young man perhaps Law-chan's significant other?" The woman states looking at Luffy.

"No, I'm her psychiatrist. Traffy said she wants to visit so I brought her here." Luffy answered. The woman looked at her and chuckled.

"Sure. She's been visiting him for 5 months now. When I asked her to take him she refused. Always saying she can't take care a pet." The lady said again. Luffy frowns glancing at Law who still had her smile.

"You can let him out if you want Law-chan."

"Really? Thank you." Law answered as she opens the lock and the puppy pounced at her, she let out a laugh and Luffy's eyes widen hearing her laugh for the first time.

The puppy walked over to Luffy and sniffed him. Luffy grins and squats down to pet the furball.

"You should adopt him Traffy. You seem to like him a lot and he makes you laugh !" Luffy suggested with a grin. Law pursed her lips into a tight line and mumbled.

"I can't. I'm not sure if I could do it."

"Eh!! But look at him he's dying to be with you!" Luffy protest holding the puppy up as it let out a small whine.

"I should head home." Law said as she sighed walking out of the shop.

"I'll take you!" Luffy shouts as he hands over the puppy to the woman.

"No need, my house not far from here." Law says as she started walking away.

"Then I'll walk you there." Luffy says as he catches up besides her. Law sighed but tensed slightly as Luffy slipped his hands onto hers.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" Law stuttered blushing profusely, Luffy chuckled only.

"Sanji said, a girl mustn't walk without protection so I'll hold your hand in case someone tries to snatch you away from me." Luffy quipped with a grin. Law sighed and smirked.

"Jaa then don't let me go alright?"

The next day Law got a box with the puppy inside...

"I'm never going to let you go"

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora