Feelings you can't deny

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Everyone thinks love is something everyone needs, and that no matter how much you deny it you will soon encounter it and enjoy it. Well for this particular assassin a crew member of the heart pirates Aisaka thinks she doesn't need it or to be put simply she never loved anyone so she doesn't know how it feels, and her captain totally agrees with her. And they are currently at the ship of the strawhat pirates on their way to Dressrosa. And when you're with the strawhats miracles happen...

"You know both of you looked adorably cute together?" Nami gushes at Aisaka and Law who were both talking about their plan in Dressrosa. And everyone nods their head.

"Well that's because I'm cute and his adorable which makes us adorably cute get it." Aisaka said, although it was intended as a sarcastic reply. Law nodded but soon realized what she said about him.

"Tell me Aisaka-ya which part of me do you think is adorable?" Law asked raising a brow, Aisaka curled her lips into a smirk.

"Are you sure you want me to say it in front of them?" Aisaka asked her captain. The rest of the crew's ear perked up.

"Ooh do tell" Robin said finally facing in their direction, everyone's attention are now focused on her. She giggled since her captain didn't say anything she just take it as a yes.

"Well technically you tend to hug Bepo all the time whenever the crew is not around but sadly, I am your personal assassin and I tend to follow you everywhere without you knowing..." His eyes widen at what she said. She looked over at her wide eyed captain and giggled.

"Awww that is super adorable and I didn't know Law has a personal stalker." Franky said everyone seems to agree.

"Also your hat really represents Bepo...so it means you like a lot of soft stuff...and to strengthen my statement more, your clothes are always soft...again I'm an assassin, I can get informations without anyone knowing" suddenly Luffy hit his open palm with his fist in realization.

"Yosh! I think I know where this is going....." Luffy trailed off everyone turned to him, and he grinned.

"Aisaka-chan likes Law!" Everyone burst into oohs and aahs, Aisaka felt something in her stomach but ignores it.

"Of course I like Law! His my captain, if I didn't like him I could have killed him the moment I board his sub" Aisaka said everyone was about tease her on her first statement but frowns after she finished it with a defense that totally has a point. Law chuckled and patted his assassin's head.

"Man you sure are hard to crack" Zoro stated while shaking his head. Aisaka ignores it and proceeds to her conclusion.

"And there I conclude that Law is adorable because he likes fuzzy things" Aisaka said proudly with her hands on her hip. And just in time Sanji came out.

"Aisaka-swaaan you are way more adorable than him~ I made your favorite cake just for you~" Sanji said and gave Aisaka her chocolate cake. Aisaka giggled and and hugged Sanji causing him to bleed nose.

"Aisaka-ya I suggest you let go of black leg-ya" Law stated firmly with a frown. Aisaka let go and started eating her cake.

"Ne Robin I think Law is jealous" Nami said, Law raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why do you think that?" Law asked.

"Does Aisaka hug you like that?" Nami asked, Law frowns and shakes his head.

"Do you know that Aisaka likes chocolate?" Ussop asked, again Law shakes his head. Everyone sigh and mumbled a 'yep his jealous'.

"Hey captain don't frown, want some cake?" Aisaka asked holding a fork with cake in front of his face. Law nodded but instead of eating the one that is on the fork he grab the whole plate and ate it in 2 bites.

"Hey! That was my favorite and I liked Sanji's cooking!" Aisaka whined and ate the one on her fork sulking. Law sighs and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll make you cake when we get back at the sub" He mumbled.

"I knew it he was jealous, he likes Aisaka and Aisaka likes him back!" Nami yelled making the pair jump.

"YOHOHO young love it makes my heart skip a beat...although I don't have a heart YOHOHO!" Brook said.

"It's not love, it's mutual understanding!" Aisaka yelled an irk mark appearing on her head.

"They're the same!" The crew yelled Luffy was laughing very hard. Aisaka was about to explode anytime soon but then the unthinkable happened. Law kissed her in the cheek, which made her face red and the fuzzy feeling on her stomach to appear again.

"Relax Aisaka-ya your not cute anymore if you're mad" Law said turning away with a blush similar to Aisaka.

"See I told you one of you like each other!" Nami yelled in victory.

"So now that you know Aisaka are you going to accept his feelings?" Robin asked smiling at Aisaka.

"I accept"Aisaka mumbled quietly. Although the rest of the crew already know the answer they decided to tease the girl.

"What was that Aisaka the crew didn't hear you?" Zoro asked.

"I...like you too...Law" she finally said. The whole crew erupted in cheers.

"Well both of you should kiss and not on the cheeks okay?!" Nami said giggling the crew looked at them intently, Aisaka slap herself on the face.

"What do you think this is? A wedding?!" She yelled irritatedly, the crew looked away whistling, Law rolled his eyes and kiss Aisaka on lips. Aisaka was wide eyed but she felt Law smirking.


"Way to go chopper!" Luffy yelled, as Chopper snap a picture of both of them kissing.

"And now we pronounce you husband and wife!" Everyone yelled except Sanji who was crying a river of tears. Aisaka was to shocked at all of this that she couldn't react.she didn't even notice as Law slipped a ring on her finger. Although the ring was sponsored by Nami. Aisaka blinked a few times before she was pulled back to reality.

"Ehh nani! What just happen?" Aisaka yelled.

"We just got married" Law replied and pulled her close to him.


"Did it work?"

"Yes it worked Sachi, now your crew owes me money from the ring that I had spend on" Nami said with a smirk.

"It is fine, it was worth it!"


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