Silent Voice

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Luffy X reader

Angst-ish, inspired by song above.
Yeah, it's Luffy's voice. I'm crying.
Please listen to the song while reading.
I apologized if it's kinda lame -_-

Third Person POV

Summer, is nearing. Meaning graduation is coming. Graduation is where everyone will go on to their separate ways. Some you won't be seeing, some if you're lucky you'll meet again someday.

But as for Luffy, he's one of those unlucky once. Because, he won't be able to see (y/n) anymore after graduation.

(Y/n) is his best friend and they had done everything together, from HW to Projects and even walked her home everyday. Visiting each other when feeling unwell, eating large amount of food in buffets. Sit next to each other when going on feildtrips. Being stubborn together when their PE teacher refuse let them pair up. Became each other's prom date when all they did was chased each other around when Luffy stole her heels and (y/n) took his big plate of meat. Running away late at night to meet at the park and play in the moonlight. It wasn't long when Luffy had fell in love with her but never said it. She's all he ever cared about in school, all he ever took cared of like a fragile glass in the middle of the busy road.

(Y/n)'s family is moving to Canada and she will be studying college there from now on. (Y/n) is a smart girl and even got scholarship. There's only a day left, and that's today. Before she's gone. Forever.

"How long?" Luffy rasped holding onto her hands.

"Hmm?" She hummed holding his hand tightly.

"How long will you be gone?" Luffy asked looking down. Holding in his tears.

"Luffy, we discussed this already, I'll be living there from now on. We promised to send emails right?" She reassured with a small smile. But inside she's tearing apart as well.

"But I won't be able to embrace you when you're sad. Don't go, don't leave me behind (y/n)!" Luffy pleaded.

"You know I can't do that, Luffy. I would if I could, you know that. But I can't, this isn't my choice, it's my parents'" (y/n) leaned in and engulfed Luffy in a hug.
"We'll stay as one, the two of us don't worry."

"But I'm scared. We might fall apart completely, what if you forget about me?" Luffy protest.

"Do you not trust your magnificently smart best friend?" (Y/n) joked lightly with a giggle but Luffy didn't smile instead he frowned further.

"What if your parents decided that you shouldn't talk to me anymore?"

"(Y/n), (L/n) of Grade 10 Class A." The speaker announced. (Y/n) gave Luffy a big grin and finally went up the stage to get her diploma.

Her parents both by her side with serious but proud looks. They nod at her and went down the stage. The parents said a few words to (y/n) which made her look down with tears falling now.

She mumbled a few words back and her parents sighed then nodding. She wiped her tears and quickly turn back and ran towards her best friend engulfing him once more in a last hug.

"Luffy, I have to go now. My parents told me our flight will be there soon. I had lots of fun being with you." (Y/n) mumbled to him with tears welling up to her eyes again but she held it in and smiled brightly. Luffy couldn't say anything and stayed silent with wide eyes.

Don't go. I still love you. (Y/n) please!

"(Y/n), I..." He managed to find his voice when (y/n) pulled away.


"I'll miss you too Luffy. I'll message you when I'm on the plane k?" (y/n) giggled and told him.

"Yeah....I'll miss you (y/n)" Luffy managed to say. He couldn't help but let a small smile slipped as seeing her smile at him so brightly. "Someday, wherever you are, I'll meet you again." He told her determinedly.

"I'll be waiting then!" She replied and started walking back to her parents.
"Oh, I forgot!" She turned around. "I will always love you ok? Don't forget that best bud!"

And with that they left. With Luffy unable to say anything in return while he just stayed silent with tears streaming down to his cheeks. There's nothing much left here for him so he left as well and head home.

I couldn't even say a simple 'I love you'.

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora