Mrs. Clause

320 3 0

Fem. Luffy X Law
Small steps to my yaoi OTP.
Should I make fem Luffy
a different girly name?

LuLaw and LawLu 4 lyf
Tis' the season to be jolly~

In a world where Christmas is oh so different. In which a slim figure would jump down a chimney to give gifts and instead of an old geezer 'hohoho' it would be a young girly 'shishishi'. Children would be laying out a few slices of Christmas Ham instead of cookies in the late evening.

But the population of world is just to big for Mrs. Clause to handle. So she had her husband help her this year.

"Torao! Come on! I can't do this alone!" Luffy whines, pulling on the said man who sat comfortably on the chair.

"No. Go asked somebody else and please change your clothes!" Law scolded the young girl who's gritting her teeth as she pulled on her husband's arm.

"But Zoro and the others are busy, also what's wrong with my outfit?" Asked the oblivious girl. Law stared at Luffy for a long time, before sighing. The low necked red vest that exposed her cleavage and the black leather belt that complimented her waist gave it all away to Law's bubbling fantasy.

"Just go change you'll catch a cold in that." Law said with an irk mark on his head. The risk of others seeing her in that is something he wouldn't take no matter how much he wanted to see her in those ravishing clothes.

"I like my clothes! Please Torao come with me!" Luffy pleads further as she jump and wrapped her arms around her husband who stood up to get yet another cup of coffee.

"Christmas is not my forte Luffy-ya. " Law continued on despite the young girl's protest.

"But Traffy! You love meh! So you have to go with me and who drinks coffee on Christmas!?"

"I do. Will you stop if I go with you?" Law asked finally giving up. Luffy's eyes lit up like Christmas lights as she nodded vigorously.

"Fine." Law grumbled as he went in the room to go change. Luffy runs ahead of him in the room as she begun rummaging through her closet. Finally she pulled out a set of clothes and tossed it to Law.

"Wear that Traffy. So we can be pairs! Shishishi!" Law caught the outfit skillfully and frowned as he got a good look at it.

Begrudgingly the frowning man complied to his wife's silly antics that he no matter what would still love.

They finally exited the mansion and rode on a sleigh where the blue nosed reindeer, Chopper awaits.

"Yosh!! Let's go shishishi!!" Luffy laughs cheerfully as they took off.

*Ok I'm gonna skip the gift giving part*

After giving the gifts to the children, they got back immediately. Luffy shook off her head as it was covered with snow and sneezes. Law's ear perked up at the sneeze and turns to look at her.

"Did you get sick? " Law asked the girl you once again sneezed as she stood up from her seat.

"I guess you did. I told you to change but you didn't listen" Law scolded. Law offered to help her down as she obliged. Law lifted her up and carried her bridal style as the girl pouted.

"It's fine, besides I like it when Torao takes care of me shishishi!!" The woman grins and Law sighed before it was replaced with a smirk.

"Well you won't after you get your medicine and shots." He mused. Luffy frozen in fear.

"Eto...can we skip the injection part?" Luffy asked with a nervous smile.


"Eh!! But Torao, I don't like shots. Please don't give me. You love me right?! Right?!" Luffy pleaded further as they now neared the mansion's infirmary.

"Yes I love you and I don't like to see you sick that is why I'm giving you shots." Law explained his smirk not falteringbone bit. He entered the infirmary and locked the door as if he knew that Luffy would head for the door once she's put down.

"I'm going to make this as painless as I can alright so relax." Law said soothingly as he caressed his wife's cheek with his right hand and kissed her lips.

Luffy nods as she allowed herself to melt in the kiss placing both of her open palms on his chest. The kiss was gentle and full of love then Law parted and moved towards her neck grazing his teeth over the soft skin licking it once, twice before sucking on it.

Luffy reeled her head back letting out a soft moan while she tugged his shirt upwards.

"Ready?" His breath tickled her skin as he said the words,  she nodded slowly. Law bit down on her skin as his hand skillfully gave Luffy her shot.

"There not so bad isn't it?" Luffy nods before sneezing once again Law chuckled.

"I love you Torao!"

Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.  Luffy X Reader Or OcWhere stories live. Discover now