Chapter 15: Surrender

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I opened the door to see if my hunch was correct, and sure enough, there was Paul. You think I would have been prepared for what happened to me whenever I saw him, but I wasn't. That intense feeling came to my stomach and I know my skin heated up a few degrees.

"Hello Paul," I repeated for his sake.

"Anne," he said, coming forward and kissing my cheek. I knew it was just a greeting, but his warm, soft mouth pressed against my cheek was almost more than I could handle.

"Won't you come in?" I said, knowing that's what he wanted. I was being very calm, considering everything in my being was telling me to kiss him.

He stepped in brushing past me, his hand touching mine briefly. He was not making this easy. He fidgeted around for a couple seconds, and I could tell he was trying to form the right words.

"Well, get on with it Paul. Why are you here?" I was using my only defense mechanism I had at my disposal, bitchiness.

"I came here to tell you...well...I need...I...I broke up with Dot" He replied, the last part of his sentence coming out in a rush.

"Yes, I know. I saw her right after you broke up with her."

As I expected Paul was taken aback by my revelation. "You did? How did that happen? Is she all right?" His two questions coming right after each other.

I expected his first question, but not the second. Damn it! He had to go and be all concerned, causing my bitchiness to lessen a bit.

"I've rented the room next to Cyn's. Cyn wanted to introduce me to Dot, but she was not in the mood for introductions" His face reddened, and I could see the concern in his eyes. That was the last straw. I walked up to him and I saw him flinch. I guess he thought I was going to smack him. Instead of a slap I gave him a hug. It took him a second, but he eventually returned the embrace.

"Paul, why do you have to be so cute?" I said hanging on to him, not wanting to let go.

He didn't answer me; he just nuzzled his face in my hair. After a while he pulled back still holding on, to look in my eyes.

"What are you doing to me? I don't know which way to go with you. You're driving me absolutely batty," He said pulling me close again.

I looked up at him raising my eyebrows. Did he think he was the only one suffering? "And what do you think you were doing. I really liked you, but I wasn't going to begin to get involved with a guy who has a girlfriend. That's just not the kind of person I am. Though I have to admit, it was very tempting. You are very tempting," I told him honestly.

"Oh, god." He said, pulling away from me. " If you keep saying things like that I'll never be able to leave. And I have to leave in a few minutes because I've got practice & we're playing tonight at the Cavern. So I can't stay much longer," He said regretfully. "But, if you want to come to the show tonight..I would love to see you..."

"I would love to" I replied, a little too enthusiastically. I was really looking forward to seeing them perform.

"Well, I've got to be going. See you tonight" Paul started heading for the door.

"Bye, Paul" I said pulling him close to me and kissing him on the cheek, hoping it affected him as much as his had me.

"Oh, God" he said pulling away and walking out the door.

I closed the door, a satisfied smile on my face. I had him right where I wanted him, slightly scared and sexually frustrated. It was a great combination.

I started to get ready for the performance tonight. The Sir Paul show in the future was awesome, I couldn't wait to see him & the rest of the Beatles in their younger days.

I usually left my hair straight and long, but as I seemed to remember from my "Hallucinations" it was pretty sweaty in the Cavern with all of the people crammed in there. I decided put my hair in a quick and easy chignon, secured with bobby pins. I chose to wear one of the new dresses I had bought on my shopping trip earlier. I was a pretty light blue A-line.

After I was ready, I took a cab to the Cavern. The street in front of it looked pretty much the same, except for the line of people heading in. I got out of the car and walked in. The Cavern itself looked quite the same as well. Still dank and slightly claustrophobic because the ceilings were so low. Definitely lived up to its name. It did seem a little damper than when I was there in the future.

I looked for Cyn as I walked into the main room. It was a little difficult, with the crowd gathered, but I found her near the front of the stage. I had to push through some pretty pissed off looking girls to get there, though.

"Hey, Cyn" I said, finally reaching her.

"Hey, Anne. I'm glad you could make it. You are going to love the show. They really are talented, you will see." She said, cheerfully.

"Are they backstage?" I said eager to get a glimpse of Paul. Because I knew we were destined to be together made it really hard to be patient. I wanted to be with him at all times. He had no idea about any of that though, so I had to be careful not to seem too eager.

"Yeah, they are. Oh, look there's Paul right now." She said pointing to the left of the stage.

I looked where she pointed and saw Paul looking over at us. When our eyes met, he gave me the hugest smile and winked one of his gorgeous eyes at me. I winked back, smiling and waving at him. He gave me a little wave & went back to where he came from.

About ten minutes later everyone in the room started cheering as the boys came out on stage to play. It's hard to describe the show. The best I could think of is magical. The way they performed, their humor and Paul's frequent looks my way made for the best concert of my life. To think, I had avoided listening to them in my time. I could only think that was to be able to experience them fully in this time. At that moment I felt so thankful to be able to be here.

However, dark thoughts started creeping in at that moment. I would only have a few years with him if I was to believe the book I had read. I then knew for certain, that it would not be nearly enough time.

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