Chapter 46: Goodbye?

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We sat down in his living room and he began to ask me questions. I explained to him the whole story, about meeting Paul in 2015 and about him telling me to come to him. About traveling back, falling in love with Paul. Then, my trip back to the future the day before our wedding. I also told him about the baby, in case that information helped in any way.

"So you say Mr. McCartney asked you to come back and you did? It was that simple?" I nodded. "I've traveled back, but only for a few minutes at a time, but I could never get back to the same period of time. It's amazing! I believe I may have some idea of why you couldn't travel back, though"

My hopes were raised "Really what is it?"

"It may have been your pregnancy. I don't believe two people can travel at the same time. So you may be able to now. You were able to come back to this time because it wasn't a case of time travel, but of you returning to your proper time. Also, is there someone here that is tying you to the future? Parents, siblings, friends? Someone you thought about a lot and missed while you were in the past"

I thought about that for a minute and realized that there was someone. "Yes, my friend Sandy. I was thinking about her a lot especially before the wedding"

"That may be it then. I know of one other person who had traveled to the past, he was gone five years. When he got back, he came to me for help. He had a sister still living in this time & I advised him that if he wanted to get back he would have to say goodbye to her forever. So, I would suggest saying goodbye to your friend, and try not to miss her too much. That might just keep you in the past if you are lucky enough to get back. I told this man to call me if he didn't make it back, but he never did, and that was 10 years ago. I'd like to believe he made it."

That was not an easy thing to think of, because I loved Sandy. However, she had been happy without me, and I had been happy without her. It didn't mean I loved her any less. I could do what he was saying if it meant I could be back with Paul. I belonged with him. "It won't be easy but I believe I can do that. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I would suggest that you try not travel back to the same year you came from. Try the year after, it may work better. Also, go back to the last place you were at before you traveled back to the future. The familiar setting may help."

I nodded. I would follow everything he said to do. I needed to get back to Paul. "Thank you, Mr. Stevens. You don't know how much I appreciate it" I said, hugging him in gratitude.

He seemed a little surprised, but he hugged me back. "It's no problem, I'm glad to help. Please call me if you have any problems getting back and I will try to help again"

I truly hoped I would never have to talk to him again because then it would mean I was back with Paul. I was so hopeful after talking to him, because maybe with this new information I would be able to make it.

This led to me thinking of Paul more than I had in the past 6 months. I had really tried not to think of him much, because dwelling on the thought of him even a little made me long for him. That longing inevitably led to depression because of the circumstances. To see his face again would be like sunshine on a rainy day. There was nothing I wanted more.

Next I flew back to Austin. I needed to have a conversation with Sandy. I was not looking forward to it, but I had to do it.

I sat her down and explained everything R.J. Stevens told me.

"I'm sorry, Sandy. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it doesn't mean I don't love you. I have to get back, and it's the only way to do it, to say goodbye to you. I hope not to come back, because I belong there with him not here."

She had tears coming down her face "It's okay, Anne. I understand. I want you to go, because I want you to be happy. You've been so miserable here. I'll miss you, but it will be all right knowing you are where you belong"

I hugged her and thanked her. I asked her to say goodbye to everyone for me. I had to go right then, I was so anxious to see Paul again. I packed up my remaining things, and headed to the store for some supplies. There was something I needed to do before I traveled back. I stayed at a hotel near the airport. I took out my computer and downloaded documentaries on each of the Beatles. I carefully edited them, taking out many things.

The next morning, I headed to the airport, this time to London. When I arrived in London I got a hotel room. I then called the one person that could help me travel back, Paul.

The phone rang two times, then his unmistakable voice answered "Hello?"

"Hello, Paul. It's Anne"

There was a shocked pause "Anne! Is everything okay. Is it the baby?"

Of course the baby, he wouldn't have known what had happened and the baby would have been due in a few weeks. "Paul, I lost the baby two weeks after I traveled back. I'm so sorry" It felt horrible to have to give him this news and If I made it back I would have to tell the same thing to my Paul. That was one thing I was not looking forward to.

Another pause, and then he replied in an anguished voice. "Bloody hell, Anne. You don't have anything to be sorry about. I wished it hadn't happened though. The thought of you having our baby to comfort you always made me happy. I'm sorry"

"Not your fault either, Paul." I took a breath, to keep back the tears that threatened to come and to decide if I wanted to ask the question that was on my mind. I was a straight forward person, and usually said what I wanted to say so I went ahead. "Why didn't you get married Paul? I wanted that for you, for you to have kids of your own."

"I tried Anne, I knew it's what you wanted. I wanted it too, but I just couldn't. It wouldn't have been fair to those women. I could only offer them a fraction of my heart, you had the rest. You always have"

This conversation was a lot harder than I thought it would be. He may not have been my Paul from the 60's but he was still fundamentally Paul. "I'm going to try to get back to you again, Paul. That's really why I called. I need to use our old house in London"

"Oh God, I hope you succeed. Of course you can use it. It's yours you know? My will leaves everything to you"

I was shocked by that, because that was the last thing on my mind. I certainly wasn't after his money. "You don't have to do that, Paul."

"Yes, I do. Everything of mine has always been ours anyway"

"I appreciate it, but I hope it won't be necessary. If I get back, I'm going to try to save them. Brian, John, and George. I know you must have tried, but this time I hope to succeed."

"God, I hope you do. I could never get George to quit smoking, we almost came to blows about it several times. He wouldn't do it, though. And John, I tried, honestly I did. We weren't the closest then, but I tried to hang around him most of 1980. He got tired of me and made me leave. I had no proof he would get shot and he wouldn't have listened to me anyway." I could hear the sorrow in his voice. I felt so bad, I had given him this responsibility of saving his friends, but I hadn't given him enough information to do the job properly.

"I'm sorry Paul. I'll do better this time." If I could get back I would do better. I had all the information to save them. I hoped dearly that it would work. "I need to go now Paul. If you could have the house open for me tomorrow, I would appreciate it."

"Of course." He paused again. "Anne, can you do me a favor? If you can't get back, will you come see me?"

"Of course, I still love you Paul. Always have and always will"

"I love you the same Anne. Goodbye" He choked up a little with those words. I said goodbye back and hung up. If I couldn't travel back, I would go see him. It would not be the same, but I loved him. I would be appreciative of any time I would have with him. However, I still hoped to get back to him because then we could live our lives together.

The next morning, I checked out of the hotel, and headed to Paul's house. I hoped today would be last day I would be in 2019 until I saw it again when I was old and gray with Paul by my side.

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