Chapter 1

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We All Work Together

A/N: Things to know before you read....

Pure Bloods (Vampires):
Lauren Jauregui
Harry Styles
Rita Volk
Katie Stevens
Hayley Williams
Carmilla Karnstein

Half Bloods (Half Vampire/Werewolf):
Michael Clifford
Ashton Irwin
Zendaya Coleman
Bea Miller

Perrie Edwards
Niall Horan
Luke Hemmings
Gregg Sulkin
Tori Kelly

Jacob Whitesides
Yvette Monreal
Laura Hollis

Gregg & Katie
Rita & Yvette
Carmilla & Laura
Jacob & Bea

Your POV

I put my right foot in front of my left one and waited for Lauren to shoot the gun. The smell of the wet grass only made me feel more alive than I already was. Adrenaline was pumping through my body and I was ready to show off my true strengths.

Tori looked at me and smirked, I rolled my eyes and let out a low growl staring back at the obstacle course in front of us. The gunshot went off and I started running towards the high wall. Tori had already jumped over it but she hadn't transformed yet which meant I still had a chance at winning. I took a deep breath and jumped over the wall, turning within a few seconds. Tori was still struggling to turn so I howled at her, trying to get her angry. Her body started twisting and she began grunting as she looked at the full moon above us. I ran on all fours towards her, pushing my body against hers as hard as I could. Tori slid through the wet grass and I walked up to her. She snarled and clenched her jaw, giving me a full view of her canine teeth. We took turns pinning each other to the ground until she got a grip on my neck. I whimpered and squirmed underneath her as I struggled to get out of her grip.

"Come on wolfie, don't let her win!" I heard Lauren yell and her voice gave me the strength to knock Tori off me. I got back up on all fours and bit Tori's neck lightly so I wouldn't hurt her. I put my legs on her stomach and she yelped signaling that she gave up.

"Bow down to your new leader! Y/N has successfully beaten all five werewolves!" Lauren ran over to me, jumping on my back. She put her arms around my neck and I ran inside the house with her.

"Wipe your paws on the mat you know my mom hates it when you dirty the floor." Lauren scolded as she hopped off me. I wiped my paws on the mat and shook the water off my body purposely. Lauren gasped and pulled me by my ear all the way inside of my room. She threw some clothes on my bed and I whimpered while I turned back into my human form. Transforming wasn't as easy as the movies made it look, it was actually extremely painful. Imagine your bones cracking and shifting around your body everytime you wanted to transform. Doesn't sound too pretty, does it?

"Y/N I know it hurts but try to do it all at once." Lauren walked over to me with a towel and I started panting. I could hear my bones crackle and Lauren looked at me worriedly. I finally turned back but I collapsed onto the floor whilst trying to catch my breath and Lauren wrapped the towel around my naked body as she lifted my head onto her lap.

"Calm down. Take your time." Lauren kissed my forehead and I melted at the sign of affection. I caught my breath and quickly changed into my clothes, Lauren staring at me intently as I did so. I turned around and jumped onto her back, she struggled to carry me at first but managed to walk all the way downstairs to the basement.

"Mike and Clara is that batch going to be done soon? I'm starving!" Carmilla yelled and I glared at her. Lauren hated when people disrespected her parents but Carmilla was known for being rude, especially when she was hungry. I got off of Lauren's back and reached for her hand that was clenched. She untightened her hand and took a few deep breaths while I whispered in her ear.

"Hey beautiful look at me. Don't be mad, okay? I love you." I kissed her cheek and she smiled widely at my words. Lauren and I weren't together but we were very affectionate with each other. Since we all lived together Clara and Mike were in charge charge of feeding 20 people, 6 of which only consumed blood.

"If you're that hungry I suggest you feed on your girlfriend." I leaned on the wall and Carmilla walked up to me. Our faces were inches apart but I wasn't intimidated by her at all.

"Carmilla let's go. Y/N's right you can just bite me." Laura pulled her girlfriend away from me and I smirked. I was going to sit down beside Lauren but she pulled me down onto her lap instead. She scratched the back of my ear and I tilted my head to the side, enjoying her petting me.

"You're so cute. You're like a small puppy, I love it when you get excited." Lauren cooed as she ruffled my hair. I bounced my leg up excitedly and she giggled.

"Well we're fucked. Our leader loves getting her ear scratched, just imagine how easy it'd be to distract her during a fight." Tori teased and I stuck my middle finger up at her.

"Shut your mouth poodle." I laughed when Tori slumped back down in her chair, letting her curly hair cover her face. The only reason why I called her that was because whenever she'd turn into a wolf her fur would be curly and she'd resemble a rather large blonde poodle. Don't get me wrong, she might look adorable as a wolf but she was also very powerful.

"Clara and I don't have any batches of blood. We need someone to go hunt some animals, specifically deer since they're easy to find." Mike looked around but everyone was drained. I stood up and Lauren grabbed my arm.

"I'll go with you." Lauren took a few steps almost falling to the floor but I caught her in time. I sat her down on the chair and kneeled down in front of her.

"Lauren stay put. I'll be home in half an hour, you can't leave the house. I'll go with my pack." I kissed the tip of her nose and she sighed softly. I transformed into a wolf and so did the rest of my pack. I lead them outside and into the woods that were only a few miles away from our house. We walked through the woods with the cold wind blowing at us. I didn't spot any deer but I heard something rattle from above me. I looked up at a tree to see a brunette girl sitting down on a branch, letting her legs hang freely. My ears perked up and I sniffed the air around me inhaling her sweet scent.

'She looks like a good meal and she smells good too.' Harry telepathically communicated with me as he scratched at the tree while he barked at the girl. She was awfully scared to the point where she was shaking so I growled at Harry.

'We are hunting animals not humans! All of you leave now! Each of you hunt down a deer or I'll punish you.' I looked at my pack and they snarled at Harry for getting them into trouble. They all ran off but I stayed and sat down beside the tree as I looked up at the girl. Her brown eyes met mine and I pawed at the tree until she got the courage to climb down. I stepped towards her and she walked backwards, tripping over her own feet. I walked towards her and I could hear her heart start to beat faster. She was scared of me and I felt slightly guilty for making her trip so I rubbed my nose against hers before running away.

'We're done hunting, we're heading back home.' I heard Perrie's voice in my head so I nodded and sniffed the air around me, following the brunette girls scent. I don't know why but I felt somewhat protective over her and I needed to make sure she got home safe.

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