Chapter 19

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No More Humans

Your POV

"I'll always miss you Camila." I wiped the tear from my eye as I placed the red rose on her grave. This would have been our anniversary but the universe decided to fuck everything up for me. We had some crazy adventures before she had to go so those memories would always linger in my mind. Our relationship was kind of funny actually. Camila was worried I'd leave her for someone else but I never did. Technically I would have been the same age as her but my vampire side stopped me from aging. Her age didn't bother me at all because her personality was the main thing I was after but it seemed to me like everything went down hill after her 30's. We would get into arguments for everything ranging from me forgetting to cook breakfast or to the point where she'd have random breakdowns and beg for me to leave her.

"Y/N!" Camila stomped into the living room but I refused to face her. "Stop ignoring me." She snarled and I shut the television off, taking a deep breath as I turned around.

"Yes baby? What can I do for you?" I asked politely and Camila crossed her arms, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently. Her brunette hair was messy and she was still in her pajamas but she still managed to take my breath away, the only turn off right now was the death stare she was giving me.

"Are you really going to stare at me until I figure out what I did wrong? You better not be angry with me over something stupid or I swear to god I'll march out of this house." I pinched the bridge of my nose and she put her arms to her sides, her death stare turning into an apologetic gaze.

"I'm sorry. You must be fed up with my crap." Camila's voice shook as she spoke and I sensed her sudden change of mood so I tugged at her shirt until she sat on my lap. My arms rested on her lap and my head was placed upon her shoulder as she stared at the blank television.

"What's wrong? Hmmm?" I whispered and tears fell from her eyes. I put my hands over hers and I could feel her body shaking from how hard she was crying. No noise escaped her mouth and only the sound of her heavy breathing was audible. "I love you Camila. Please stop crying or at least tell me the reason why you're feeling like this." I gripped her hands lightly and brought them up to my lips, patiently waiting for her to explain.

"Don't you get it? The only reason why I act like an asshole and start arguments is so you could come to your senses! Y/N I'm getting old and you deserve better than me. We can't be together anymore! Please don't make this hard for me. Can you please leave? Leave and don't come back until you've moved on! That is all I ask from you." Camila's voice cracked repeatedly but she screamed at me until she lost her voice and I sadly stood up when she opened the front door of our house. "Get out!" She squeaked and I shoved her, slamming the door shut. Camila was surprised with my sudden outburst but I pointed my finger at her as tears poured out of my eyes.

"You're an inconsiderate asshole! I respected your decision to stay mortal and now I need you to respect my choice for wanting to be with you! If it's hard for you to push me away then don't. Camila I love you and I don't care about your age! I love you for you and you're the only person I can love! You're still stunning, you still make my heart flutter, and there is not a single day where I think about abandoning you." I got on one knee and Camila's eyebrows creased at my actions. I grabbed her hands with both of mine and looked up at her hopefully.

"I love you and nothing you say will drive me away. I don't have a ring right now but will you please marry me?" My heart raced with every silent second and Camila stood frozen in her place with her free hand over her mouth.

"I know it sounds crazy but I want to be with you for the rest of my life. If you don't want to marry me-" Camila threw herself at me and I fell flat on my back with her on top. She moved her lips slowly and sparks shot throughout my body. I was amazed on how after eleven years of being together, she held her power of making me feel madly in love.

But maybe instead of proposing I should have left. Camila was preparing me for her death, she was trying to save me from the pain of living on without her but I only learned that after it was too late for me to make a choice.

"Y/N come on it's been twenty years. You need to move on, you can't spend the rest of your life sulking around." A familiar voice broke me out of my trance and I dusted off my pants. Lauren put her her hands on my face and gazed in my eyes, making my breath hitch. We hadn't seen each other in a long time so seeing her now made me nostalgic.

"I have moved on but Lauren this was our day. It was our day." My voice lowered at the last part and Lauren kissed my forehead softly, letting her lips linger there for a while.

"I know it hurts but let me help you. Let's take a walk." Lauren nudged me and I shot her a small smile. We walked down the empty roads and I let my mind wander until we got to our unknown destination. I took a deep breath in and hopped up excitedly at my familiar surroundings. Lauren giggled and opened the front door to our old house and I walked inside, smiling at the four girls before me.

"We're two wolves short but the half bloods and vampires are still rocking their looks." Sofia opened her arms and I lifted her up in the air, grabbing Zendaya and Bea as well but Carmilla backed away from us.

"Hey how are you munchkin? I see you're vampire blood has stopped you from aging." I teased Sofia and she smiled widely, kissing my cheek.

"I'm trapped in my eighteen your old body but you've got to admit, I look good for forty." Sofia ruffled my hair and I shoved her off, wiping the grin off her face. Carmilla quietly sat back and I pulled her in for a hug before she could run.

"Still looking good Karnstein!" I shouted obnoxiously in her ear and she shrieked, jumping out of my embrace. Carmilla chased me around the living room but stopped when Lauren glared at her. All of the girls left the living room and I took a seat on the couch, not hesitating to pull the green eyed vampire down with me.

"Thank you for this Lauren. You always know how to make me feel better." I breathed in her vanilla scent and she giggled, pushing my head away from her neck. I purred playfully and planted kisses all over her face, stopping when I reached her lips. Lauren cleared her throat and I pulled away, awkwardly shifting back in my seat.

"Y/N I said I'd wait for you. I haven't stopped loving you and I don't want to stay your friend but I'll keep waiting until you are one hundred percent ready to start a new relationship." Lauren propped herself up on her elbows and I gulped, my hands shaking nervously. I had moved on from Camila but I never thought about starting something new with someone. I thought love was over for me but maybe Lauren would be my second chance at it and I couldn't risk letting the opportunity slip through my hands.

"I'm ready, Lauren I want to start something with you."

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