Chapter 6

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Human In Training

Your POV

"Wolfie wake up, we have to train." Lauren shook me lightly and I rubbed my eyes. I got up from the bed and looked over my shoulder to see Lauren changing into my tee shirt. I smiled and pinned her down to the wall, planting kisses all over her face.

"I love waking up beside you. Lauren you're a dream come true, kiss me." I leaned forward but Lauren turned around and pressed her back against my front.

"No kisses for you!" She opened the door and ran down the stairs with me chasing after her. She jumped down the last three steps and I caught her before her feet could touch the ground.

"I can be fast at times too." I whispered in her ear causing her to smirk. I wrapped my arms around her waist and trailed wet kisses down her shoulder earning a rather loud moan.

"You two better get your hands off each other before Mike sees you." A stern voice said from behind me. I put my hands behind my back and stepped away from Lauren, giving Clara a fake wide smile. Mike came rushing down the stairs with everyone else and I laughed when I heard them whine about having to wake up early.

"I want you all to be able to experience normalcy. Last time I sent you to school but that was the biggest mistake ever so now I'm sending you out to get jobs." Mike stared me down and I looked down down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I'll let Y/N explain why I took her out of school and how she ruined it for everyone." Mike put me on the spot and I felt my face warm up until I was bright red but I worked up the courage to step in front of everyone with a small smile on my face.

"When Mike sent me and Lauren to school we used to play around with our abilities too much. One day I decided to sexually.....tease Lauren during class. We sat across the room from each other and I kept on flirting, if you will. Long story short, Lauren showed her fangs, the teacher caught us, he was horrified and Lauren convinced him that she had a vampire fetish. After that we didn't risk going back to our high school and we moved here." I explained and Lauren struggled to hold back her laughter. She snorted and threw herself onto me, hiding her face in my neck while she laughed.

"Lauren since you think it's appropriate to laugh, go into your training room and we'll all watch as you complete your missions." Mike spoke sternly and Lauren purposely bit my neck causing me to moan. Clara slapped the back of her daughters head but Lauren laughed it off.

"Head to your rooms and begin your training sessions! Don't stop until you have completed every single achievement there." Mike ordered as he followed behind Clara but instead of leaving, I stayed to watch Lauren train. She took off her shirt and started to do chin ups, flexing and showing off her toned body. I quietly entered her room and she hopped off of the bar, walking over to me.

"Lauren you're making me lose my head. Please kiss me, I'm aching for your touch." I cupped her face and she smashed her lips onto mine but I didn't get a chance to kiss back because I was getting pulled away by her parents.

"Y/N I am going to kick your ass out of this house if I catch you kissing my daughter again." Mike twisted my arm behind my back and I rolled my eyes at his threat.

"I guess I'll just have to be more sneaky." I retorted and Clara got a grip on my ear, pulling me inside of my training room.

"Start your warm up." Clara stepped in front of the door stopping me from leaving and I began with the easiest thing on my list.

"You can do it Wolfie!" I heard Lauren yell from outside of my training room as I completed my five hundred pushups. I felt over heated and I had just only finished my warm up so I tossed my shirt aside to cool off. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and Mike asked me turn around.

"What happened to your back?" Mike asked worriedly but I shrugged and pointed to Lauren. "Ask your daughter if she had a fun time with me last night." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. Mike's face turned red and he angrily stomped out of the room with Clara who was laughing.

"Y/N I'm going to shut off all the lights and you're going to find your way through the obstacle course. Take a few deep breaths and memorize your surroundings." Clara instructed and I followed her orders. The lights shut off and I closed my eyes, picturing the whole room in my head. I opened my eyes and surprisingly, the room was in black and white. I could see everything clearly and Clara noticed the smile on my face so she turned the lights back on.

"Good job Y/N. Now I need you to look at the screen behind you. I'm going to project something and you have to make out what they're saying." I turned around and I could see Niall having a casual conversation with Harry. My ears twitched and I could hear whispering, I got scared at first but then eased into it when I realized it was only Niall talking.

"Do you think she'll find out?" Niall asked softly and I furrowed my eyebrows at his conversation. "Not unless you open your mouth." Harry snarled before he pushed past Niall. I looked back at Clara and gave her a thumbs up, Lauren winked at me through the glass window and I blew her a kiss.

"Last but not least we need to work on your ability to change your state without having to fully turn into a wolf. I'm going to send Lauren in and I'm going to leave you both to it. Oh and Y/N, work on your self control." Clara winked and dropped the metal gate down to cover the window. Lauren levitated inside of the room, showing off her new abilities and I rolled my eyes. She strapped me down to a chair and I struggled to break free.

"You need to practice on your self control and I think I know just what to do to help." Lauren teased and I furrowed my eyebrows when Luke walked into the room. He smashed his lips onto Lauren's and my stomach churned. Lauren relaxed into the kiss and Luke let his hands rise up her shirt. I growled but he didn't stop and my claws dug into the arm rests of the chair. My teeth clenched and I grinded them together as I kept on growling.

"Luke Hemmings I'll give you a head start!" I spoke through clenched teeth but Luke ignored me and kept kissing Lauren. A loud thundering roar escaped my lips causing Luke to pull away. I broke free from the restraints and Luke whimpered as I stared him down. I could see my red eyes glowing and Lauren held me back from Luke, letting him escape the room.

"Y/N control yourself. I didn't mean to get you so worked up. You know that I'm yours, I promise you that I didn't enjoy kissing him. Trust me, I'd rather be kissing you." Lauren leaned in for a kiss but I put my hand over my mouth, pushing past her.

"Well now you know how I feel when I saw you flirting with Camila." Lauren whispered under her breath but I heard her perfectly fine. I scoffed and shoved her to the ground, shaking my head disapprovingly.

"I didn't sleep with you and then make out with Camila in front of you did I? All I did was compliment her and have an interesting conversation with her! Not have I ever once thought about kissing her just so I could rile you up! I can't look at you right now Lauren, don't even think about stepping one foot in my room." I left the room without turning back. Lauren's pleads became louder but I ignored her and hopped outside into my car, driving to the nearest library so I could get some peace and quiet.

'Job Opening.' The sign taped to the window caught my attention and I rushed inside the library, sighing at the calm aura that surrounded me. I took a deep breath and inhaled the familiar scent that I had come to love. I turned to the desk and locked eyes with the girl I could count on to make anything better.


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