Chapter 10

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You're My Ride Or Die

Your POV

I struggled to open my eyes as I was too tired to do so. Camila was humming and I could hear water splashing around so I began to purposely increase my breathing. Camila must have heard me since she wiped my eyes with a sponge, helping me regain my consciousness.

"Y/N try not to move, I'll help you get to bed in a few seconds." Camila put shampoo in my hair, massaging my scalp lightly and I struggled to keep my eyes open. "Go to sleep if you're tired. I've got you." Camila washed off the shampoo from my hair and I groaned lightly.

"Camila why are you......." I managed to spit out a few words but then I started drifting off to sleep again. "You were covered in blood and Mike said it'd help if someone bathed you. He said the water would help you wake up faster. Lauren volunteered to do it but she got into an argument with Perrie and I decided it'd be best if I did it. I hope you don't mind, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Camila grabbed the robe on the counter and I took my time standing up. She swiftly slipped the robe on me with her eyes closed and I cackled.

"Thanks Mila but I think you're more uncomfortable than I am. You better get used to seeing me naked if we're going to be together." I joked and she scooped me up in her arms. Camila laid me down on my bed and I used all of the energy I had to peck her lips.

"This is why I like you. You're always cracking jokes even if you're not in good shape. It's like there's no way to put you in a bad mood." Camila's voice was like a lullaby and my eyes took it upon themselves to close. Camila giggled and caressed my face which made it difficult for me to stay awake.

"Hey! I have a few announcements to make. Camila we're trying to get Y/N to wake up, don't let her fall asleep!" Mike shouted obnoxiously, his voice aggravating me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, getting up from the bed.

"I wasn't sleeping! I blinked and forgot how to open my eyes." Mike laughed at my words and he pulled me downstairs into the kitchen. Everyone's eyes landed on me and Tori shot up from her seat to pull me in a hug. She spun me around causing me to get dizzy, Tori put me down and I closed my eyes so the world would stop spinning. Carmilla shot me a smile and Lauren eyed me. I glared at her and she slumped back in her seat, putting her head down.

"Y/N baby sit down. Eat something so you won't feel weak." I sat down and Camila pushed the plate full of food towards me. I was nauseous but I complied and I ate whatever I could fit in my stomach. I pushed the plate away when my jaw got tired of chewing and Camila put her warm hand over mine.

"You're freezing! Come here." Camila sat me down in between her legs and she snaked her arms around me. She closed all the space between us and my body began to heat up. Lauren locked eyes with me and I could see the sadness in them but I ignored her and turned my attention to Sofia who was bouncing on the chair excitedly.

"I am happy to announce that Sofia Cabello has learned how to control her hunger." Mike stood up from the table and I walked over to Sofia. "Congrats! I know I don't sound very enthusiastic but I'm really proud of you Sofi." I patted her head and Camila snorted at my attempt to be affectionate. Mike put his hand on Lauren's shoulder and he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"Lauren has achieved a step closer to recovery. If she goes 6 months without feeding, she'll be cured from her vampirism." Mike announced happily and Perrie rolled her eyes, walking back into the living room. Tori gave Lauren a smile but didn't say a word and Carmilla stopped eating.

"I don't get it! Why in the world would you want to cure yourself? Being a vampire is the best thing in the world!" Carmilla rambled and Lauren threw an apple at her which Carmilla caught with no problem. "The reflexes are the best thing about being a vampire." Carmilla added and Lauren stood up angrily. I followed her into her room and she ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm trying to live a normal life before it's too late. I don't want to live forever as a vampire, I want to experience things humans get to. Living forever is going to be boring, I need to live my life now. Why don't they get that?" Lauren muttered under her breath, she hadn't noticed I was behind her so I spoke up.

"Us wolves think you're throwing an opportunity out of the window. You get to live on for centuries, you have plenty of time to restart your life. Half Bloods are just as lucky, they can choose to be immortal or they can choose to die. Wolves don't have a choice at all, we're bound to die but I do understand what you're saying and I respect your decision. Congratulations Lauren, I hope you achieve your goal." I started walking towards the door but Lauren stood in front of it, blocking my exit. She leaned in slightly and I weakly pushed her off. Lauren wasn't affected by my force instead she caressed my face and let her lips brush over mine.

"Lauren I can't be next to you, seeing you makes me angry. I can't risk turning again, I'm too weak in my wolf form. Please get out of my way." I grew aggravated when she didn't move from her place. She was using my weakness as a way to manipulate me and I hated her for it. Lauren hesitantly stepped out of my way and I went across the hall, twisting the doorknob to my room.

"Please don't leave. Y/N I love you. I can't cope with all of this! People are hating on my decisions and you're starting to despise me. Y/N I need you right now, don't leave me when I need someone to rely on. I have always been there for you, can you please return the favor?" Lauren sobbed uncontrollably and I faced her, shaking my head. She smashed her lips onto mine and I used all of my force to push her off but she overpowered me. I harshly bit her lip and she pulled away, wiping the blood that was pouring out of her mouth.

"Camila's a damn mortal she can't do the things I can. She'll break if you touch her the wrong way and she'll cry if you say something wrong but I won't. You and I, we're different from each other in many ways but opposites attract and you know it." Lauren held me against the door and I heard someone sniffling. Her words cut sharp but I looked away from her and met Camila's gaze.

"Mila go inside of my room and let me explain everything, please." I beseeched and Camila went into my room. A sudden burst of energy took over me and I successfully got Lauren off of me.

"It's not about sex! You promised you'd step out but you never keep your promises do you? Lauren it is true that opposites attract but we're too different from each other and it will never work out! We'll always clash heads like we are now! Lauren get over us, please. We were never official and we'll never be it." I had no control over my words as I was too worked up to have any compassion for her. Lauren's face dropped at my words and I gently closed her room door before walking into mine. I locked my door and saw Camila curled up in my bed, with the sheets over her head. I got in bed with her and consoled her, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes.

"Lauren's a vampire, I can't compete. She's stronger and smarter but she's also cold-blooded. I'm more of a better match for you. You're a warm-blooded werewolf and I'm a warm-blooded human. We're alike in many ways and we can live the life we have together." Camila sat up and pinned me down on the bed. I got my hand out of her grip and cupped her face, letting my other hand pull her in.

"You don't have to compete with Lauren. Camila I want you, not her. Once I met you all of my feelings for Lauren died out. You're the only person I want to be with." I flipped Camila over so she'd be beside me but she jerked away when a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the house.

"Who was that?"

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