Chapter 4

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Making Ourselves Useful

Your POV

I woke up to a loud ringing in my ear so I reached for the alarm clock and slammed my fist against it, accidentally crushing it. "Oops." I whispered to myself as I lifted my head from the pillow. My body was extremely sore and I yelped when my back bone cracked. Lauren woke up at the noise and she snaked her arms around my naked body.

"Babe are you okay?" She asked softly as she rubbed my back soothingly. I groaned and got up from the bed but Lauren refused to let go of me. I gently pushed her hands off me causing her to pout. I quickly changed into sweats and a hoodie, giving Lauren a quick kiss before heading outside. I usually woke up mid-day but since I promised myself I'd drop Camila off to school losing sleep was an exception of course this time only.

Brunette Beauty: Honk when you're outside! I really can't wait to see you!

I smiled at Camila's message and quickly hopped inside my Lamborghini, purposely revving the engine. I didn't need my GPS to direct me to Camila's house since I had memorized where she lived. Simply looking at a familiar tree would jog my memory on how I followed her there. I pulled up next to her house and honked my horn, looking into my rear view mirror. My eyes were starting to change colors and I put my sunglasses on so Camila wouldn't be able to see them.

"Y/N!" Camila ran towards my car and I hopped out to hug her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I tilted my head to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning gorgeous. You look stunning." I complimented, earning a kiss on the cheek. She tapped my nose and I opened the car door for her, she winked at me as she got in and I quickly hopped into the drivers seat.

"Y/N can you take off your sunglasses?" Camila's voice lowered and she tilted my head towards her. I closed my eyes and nodded slowly, getting lost in her touch. I hadn't noticed Camila had took off my sunglasses for me but I opened them anyways.

"I could stare into your eyes for hours. You're so beautiful and your presence lights up my whole world." Camila complimented back and I leaned in slightly but she kissed the corner of my mouth. I cleared my throat and began to drive to her school. I felt a bit embarrassed for jumping at her like that but I relaxed once she reached for my hand. Her smooth hand was placed on top of mine and I regretted driving too fast since we were already inside the parking lot. I saw a gang of teenagers leaning on a car and I drove past them, catching their attention. Camila stepped out of my car and I quickly pinned her down next to it.

"I'll find a way to get inside when you have lunch. Have a good day cutie." I kissed Camila's nose and she giggled. I smiled at her cuteness and she hurriedly walked towards the entrance of her high school.

"Cover your eyes! I don't want anyone else falling for them!" Camila shouted playfully and I put on my sunglasses. People started to surround my car but I drove away before someone could get in. I got home and looked through the refrigerator, my eyes landing on some raw chicken. I felt drool come out of my mouth and my stomach growled loudly. I started to stuff my mouth with the uncooked chicken and looked for other things to eat. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days and my stomach wouldn't stop making noise.

"Y/N you're disgusting. Stop eating it like that! If you're hungry I'll cook you something to eat." Lauren scrunched up her nose in disgust but I shook my head furiously. "I'm so hungry. I need to go hunt." I wiped my mouth and Lauren nodded at my words.

"Let's go hunt. I'll help you catch some deer or whatever it is you need." Lauren pulled me outside and we ran into the woods. My senses were heightened and I attacked any animal that came my way. I wasn't in my wolf form so I found it odd that I could still hunt things down. I kneeled down next to the deer I had just killed and I used my strength to rip it open. Lauren turned around while I feasted on my hunt and once I was done, my hunger was extinguished.

"Let's go home, I feel dizzy." Lauren bent down and I allowed her to jump on my back. I carried her all the way home and into our basement where we stored our blood supply. Lauren grabbed a blood bag and sunk her teeth into it, spitting out the liquid when it went in her mouth.

"I'm hungry but this tastes like pure shit now. I don't understand, it tasted fine yesterday." Lauren wiped her mouth and I furrowed my eyebrows at the yells I heard from upstairs. Lauren glanced at me and we both ran up the stairs. Mike had trapped Gregg, Katie, and Carmilla inside one of our training rooms and I saw Rita along with Yvette's bodies in the corner of the room.

"Rita drained Yvette and Katie attacked Laura! The love of my life is dying because your girlfriend hurt her!" Carmilla had tears streaming down her face as she held Laura in her arms. I tried to get inside the room but Lauren and Mike held me back. Carmilla put Laura's lifeless body aside and she charged towards Gregg who was protecting Katie. I howled but Gregg couldn't hear me so I fought off Lauren who was holding me back.

"Carmilla no!" I banged my hands on the window but she ignored my pleads. Gregg turned into his wolf form and pinned Carmilla down to the floor. A bitter laugh escaped her lips as she got a grip on Gregg's mouth, pulling his jaw downwards while she pushed the other half of his mouth upwards. Gregg yelped but Carmilla separated his jaw from the rest of his body, killing him instantly. I felt a pang in my chest and I fell to the floor with Lauren struggling to hold me up. Katie looked down at her dead boyfriend and a low rumble left her throat as she kicked Carmilla in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. They battled it out and I turned away from the scene. Clara closed all the windows and exits preventing us from leaving and I watched as Carmilla left the training room covered in blood.

"Carm....." Lauren began but Carmilla wiped her tears and pushed past her.

"I'm locking all 15 of you down. I can't risk anymore lives. Go to your rooms and don't get out until I say so." Mike sent us off and I sadly walked into my room, plopping down on my bed. Lauren laid down beside me and I heard my phone buzz.

Brunette Beauty: I was waiting for you in the cafeteria but you never showed :(

I read Camila's text and rubbed the side of my head. I had forgotten all about our lunch date and I felt guilty so I instantly called her.

"I'm so sorry Camila. I had things to take care of and it slipped my mind! I'll pick you up from school and we can get a quick bite. Just give me a few minutes, I promise I'll be there." I whisper shouted into my phone and I heard Camila sigh softly.

"It's okay. Take your time, I want you to drive safe. I'll be waiting." Camila hung up the phone and I ran a hand through my hair, whispering to myself.

"How the hell am I going to escape this house?"

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