Chapter 7

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Failed Test

Your POV

" are just the person I needed to see." My voice came out as a whisper and my palms were sweaty. Camila made me nervous and I couldn't control myself around her. Her lips curled up to an easy smile as she stepped up to me, pressing her hand against my stomach. I then became aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt and I raised my eyebrows when Camila let her finger trace down my toned stomach.

"I-I forgot to put a shirt on, I'll.....I'll be right back." I tripped over my words and Camila bit her lower lip, not taking her eyes off of me. "I prefer if you keep it off." Camila stepped back and I squinted my eyes at her, fighting back a smile. She grabbed a box full of books and I opened the door for her previous to putting on a tank top that was in my car. Camila's arms were flexed as she endeavored to carry the box so I sweeped her off her feet, carrying her with one arm while I carried the box with the other.

"You're so strong. I thought you were already perfect but Y/N, you are turning into a dream come true." Camila mumbled but since my senses were heightened, I heard her perfectly. I placed her down and she linked her arm with mine, putting her arm around my bicep which I intentionally flexed. Camila let out a shaky breath and licked her lips while she stared at mine.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you work at the library. I should work with you, that way we can spend more time together." I winked and Camila nodded encouragingly, opening the back door for me. I put the box on the shelf and stepped back outside with Camila who leaped into my arms.

"You should cuz' I would get to see you in a tight sleeveless shirt more often." Camila muttered and the sides of my lips tugged up until a smile was plastered on my face. Camila's eyes widened and she blushed profusely so I changed the topic.

"Do you enjoy working here?" I asked as I looked up to the shining full moon. A lump formed in my throat but I looked into Camila's eyes as she talked.

"Some people think it's boring but I say it's fascinating. It's so quiet and I could easily get lost in a good book without any disruptions. There's hardly any people inside and if there ever is, they're usually studying for their finals." Camila's hand snaked up the back of my neck and I pulled her in by her waist. She looked into my eyes and let out a dreamy sigh as I closed all the space between us. My lips moved slowly against hers and Camila didn't hesitate to kiss back. Her heart was pounding so I rose my hands up her shirt which helped her loosen up a bit. My claws soon replaced my nails so I broke the kiss and ran inside the backroom.

"Y/N, I-I am so sorry! I really like you and I thought you wanted to kiss but I guess I got the signals mixed up. It's just-I would flirt with you and you'd flirt back but you don't like me, do you?" Camila's voice cracked and I turned around to face her. My hands clenched and unclenched nervously as looked up at her, still unsure of what to say. Camila hugged me and I melted in her embrace, her touch provoking some words to come out of my mouth.

"I do like you. The feelings are mutual, Camila, there is a connection between us and I can't deny it but right now I need you to listen to me." I caressed her face but stopped once I saw the horror in her eyes. She ran towards the door but I stood in her way.

"Camila please don't be scared. I know my eyes are red and I know that I might look like something from a horror movie but I promise I won't hurt you. I need you to stay here until I turn. Once I take my form I need you to drive me home and I'll sneak you in. Alright?" I sweet talked Camila which was hard to do since my bones kept rattling in my body. Camila tilted her head to the side and I grunted as my clothes ripped open. I fell to the floor and Camila worriedly stood beside me.

Impaired Judgement  [Camila/You/Lauren]Where stories live. Discover now