Chapter 14

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Slaughter House

Your POV

Using Laura's journals to find members of the Upir Hunters came in very handy. Turns out Laura had been studying these hunters for quite a while. Carmilla was able to search up old records and we found out that these hunters had been at it since the 1900's.

"What? My parents were involved in this?" Lauren snatched the journal from Carmilla's hands and her eyes read through every line of the page. Her mouth shaped into an 'O' and I closed the book so she wouldn't read any further.

"Mike and Clara were in the circle but they saw how harsh they were treating the others. They escaped and decided to take things in their own hands by raising us! We must have been in the circle with them! They must have took us out! No wonder they want us back in." Perrie spoke enthusiastically and I sent a glare her way as if to tell her to pipe it down. She got the message and her eyes fell to the floor but the smirk on her face didn't fade away.

"Victoria and Perrie I need a huge favor from both of you. I need you both to hold down the fort and make sure you keep the girls safe. The vampires and I will go search for these assholes and get our justice." I slung the book filled bag on my shoulder and Beatrice weakly walked up to me. Her tear filled eyes were taken over by rage as she gripped on my shoulders, shaking me lightly.

"I'm coming with you. I want them to pay for all the destruction they've caused." Bea slid down my chest until she fell flat on her knees and I hugged her tightly. Zendaya made eye contact with me and we both nodded at each other. She picked up Bea from the floor and I kissed both of their foreheads.

"Both of you are going to do as I say and stay here. I can't let you fight, especially when one of you are emotionally invested." I ignored Bea's loud pleads and held my head high, walking out of the house with the two vampires behind me. Carmilla held up a glove in front of my nose and I sniffed it, following the scent into the woods. The scent ended and I searched through the trees but Lauren swiped my leg causing me to hit the ground. My head slammed into a fallen tree and my vision darkened but I could still hear faint shouting. Lauren put her body over mine and I lifted my head on her shoulder, looking at the man covered in tattoos. His hair was colored pink and he raised his crossbow up with a wide smile on his face so I flipped Lauren over. Blood splattered on Lauren's face and I felt a bolt pierce through my left shoulder. I stood up and blinked furiously, charging at the young man with all of my force. I knocked him down to the floor and Carmilla kicked the crossbow out of his hands, bending one of the steel bolts around his wrists. Lauren put a steel bolt through his chest, pinning him to one of the trees and I removed the bolt from my shoulder. He coughed up blood and I faced him, showing him my red eyes.

"Y/N........" His voice lowered in disbelief and I put my claw near his eye, threatening to take it out if he didn't comply with us. I ignored the fact that he knew me by name and he smirked when I asked my first question.

"Where is she? You better not lie or I'll push your fucking eye in!" I put my free hand around his neck, tightening my grip with each passing second until he was struggling to breath.

"Who are you talking about? The small one? Or the girl with the nice ass? I've gotta tell you, that Karla girl is quite the screamer......well at least when I'm doing her." He sneered and I pushed my claws into his throat. The way he objectified Camila angered me and I dug my claws deeper into his skin that a high pitched scream left his mouth.

"Y/N tone it down." Lauren snaked her arms around my stomach and she whispered softly, dragging me away from the pink haired boy. Carmilla stepped up to him and cracked her knuckles, happily revealing her long sharp fangs.

"I know you've been through hell of a lot growing up but I could care less about your shitty childhood right now. I want you to tell me about those two girls, tell me everything you know and I'll let you go. Alright bud?" Carmilla mocked his British accent and he spat blood at her. Carmilla wiped her face and sunk her rather large fangs into his arm and piercing yells filled the woods. She ripped the cross necklace off of his neck and tossed it at me. I examined the necklace and realized it was Harry's, it had a small carving in the back with the initials U.B and I dropped the necklace immediately.

"U.B........Upir Boogeyman! Harry was part of the hunter group! The cross signals a graveyard! The graveyard near our old favorite ice cream shop! Mike used to own it! We need to go there now! They're all there!" I picked up the crossbow and Carmilla walked up to me.

"The cross in Laura's journal........she knew all about this. That's why she wrote a full blown list of Harry's weaknesses. She kept tabs on all of us to see if we were apart of the group." Carmilla put her hands over her head in realization and I kept my eyes on Lauren who sunk her teeth into the boy. She drained him completely and I smiled when Lauren's skin started glowing in the sunlight. Her eyes turned bright green, making her look healthy and I cupped her face.

"You were so close to becoming a mortal. Why give it up now?" I questioned and Lauren wiped her mouth, smiling widely. Her short hair grew back to chest length and she transformed completely.

"I need my vampire abilities and strengths back one hundred percent if I'm going to kill the bastard that terrorized my parents and I need my health in order to help you get your girlfriend back. Fuck being a mortal, I've missed being a powerful vampire."
We stood frozen in front of the old ice cream shop and I took the first step inside, quietly moving my feet. The wooden floor was immersed in blood and I was ankle deep in the pool of blood. Carmilla and Lauren stood beside me and the wore down floor cracked, sending us all falling down to the basement. I picked myself up when I heard Sofia screaming and I ran up the stairs, slipping up them until I reached the nearest room. I busted open the door and searched Camila's fear filled eyes, a part of me relieved about seeing her alive. The smell of wet dog filled my nose and I gagged, reaching for Camila's hands. She shook her head and Harry stepped up to me, laughing hysterically at the sight of my girlfriend crying. I growled and stepped up to him but he put a knife against Camila's throat making me stop dead in my tracks.

"One more step and I'll slit her throat."

Impaired Judgement  [Camila/You/Lauren]Where stories live. Discover now