Chapter 9

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My Little Upir

Your POV

"Let her go!" Camila's frantic voice made me nervous and I didn't hesitate to break into her house. I climbed up the window and jumped in, seeing Camila pressing her body on the door with her mom as little hands slithered inside trying to get a grip on anything in reach. I could hear hissing so I put my body against the door while Camila tried to explain what happened.

"My dad isn't Sofia's dad. My mom had Sofia with some guy when she broke it off with my real father! New secrets just keep spilling, it's honestly fascinating." Camila got pushed off by the weight on the door but I kept my balance. The hissing noise grew louder and I dug my claws into the door.

"I tried keeping you away from these abnormal people but I knew you ran into Y/N in the woods. You smelled like a wet dog and since secrets are coming out, you're sister is a damn vampire! We're the only ones who aren't abnormal." Camila's mom explained and I got pushed off by the weight on the door. Sofia jumped on me, her face pale and her eyes bloodshot red. I pushed her head back gently so she wouldn't bite me but I felt her fangs sink into my hand.

"Sofia!" Lauren screamed as she barged into the room. She ripped Sofi off of me and I rubbed my hand on my shirt, Camila and her mom's eyes widening at the amount of blood spilling from it. They both dropped to the floor and Lauren frantically searched for a container eventually finding an empty water bottle. I squeezed my hand until the water bottle was overflowing and then I let my hand heal.

"Here Sofi this will definitely fill you up." Lauren handed Sofia the water bottle and she took sips of it, her skin turning back to its original color. I huffed and Lauren hugged me tightly, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I feel guilty for what I did and I'm really sorry Y/N. If you want to be with Camila I can't stop you and I'll do my best to step out of your way. I just want you to be happy, you deserve all the happiness in the world." Lauren pulled back and I sensed that she was awfully sad so I planted a loving kiss on her forehead. Lauren's eyes teared up but she gave me a wide smile to cover her emotions up. I rubbed her arm and her face dropped quickly. Lauren blinked rapidly to hide the tears that were about to spill out of her eyes and a lump formed in my throat as I was unable to comfort her.

"Lauren, I-I d-don't....don't cry." I groaned at the only few words that escaped my mouth but a light giggle escaped her lips when she noticed me struggling to speak.

"Y/N you really are an idiot." Lauren looked down at the floor and then up at me, the sight of her eyes making my heart explode with happiness. She looked genuinely happy at my failed attempt to console her. Something about her eyes made me melt but I averted my eyes from her when I heard low groaning.

"Sof, do you feel better now?" Camila asked as she brought her hand up to her head. Sofia wiped her mouth and gave her sister a thumbs up before helping her mom up who just so happened to wake up at the same time as Camila.

"We all have a lot of explaining to do and I have something very important to tell you but first we need to get to my house. It's safer there than it is over here." I picked up Sofia and we all followed Lauren inside her car. Nobody questioned me and once we arrived, we ran inside of the house, huddling up together in the living room.

"After I fought with a few people, I ran into the woods and overheard men talking about wanting to a hunt down a little girl. They said she lived a few miles away and the only little girl around here is Sofia, although I still don't understand why'd they want to hurt her." I put my hand over Sofi's to calm her down but she glanced at everyone worriedly as she let the new information sink in. Mike's eyes lit up at my words and he jumped over the couch, snapping his fingers rapidly.

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