Chapter 21

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Our Line Of History

Your POV

We decided to tackle Mike and Clara's legacy by starting a 'school' of our own. We traveled around the world to find more people like us and fought off some Upir Hunters just to get more people in our circle. Being the leader of the group, I had to say that our circle was truly powerful and anyone who messed with us had a storm heading their way.

"Rule number one, do not get involved with mortals! You'll only end up with your heart broken or you'll have to watch over them like they're your fucking property. Rule number two, don't ever leave the house during a full moon or planet alignment. The moon and planets have dangerous effects to pure bloods, half bloods, and most importantly werewolves. Rule number three, you can't show off your abilities in public or hint at them in any way. Rule number four, if you break any rules I have listed like the idiots you are, go tell one of your mentors. Specifically Sofia, Lauren, Zendaya, Carmilla, or Beatrice since none of you feel extremely comfortable to tell me anything and if I were you I'd go to one of them before reporting the situation to me. Just a reminder, for every rule you break or crime you commit there will be a punishment! Do you understand me?" I hopped off of the counter and faced all of my students, glaring at all of them. They gulped and nodded, a part of me feeling slightly joyful that they were afraid of me.

"Alright Vampires you'll be up first for training." Sofia gently stepped in and lead her group out of the room with Carmilla doing the same. Zendaya and Beatrice skipped away with their team of half bloods while the werewolves went outside. Since I had the most experience being a werewolf, I trained the only three wolves there were along with some help from Lauren. My team obviously had it the worst with me being their mentor. I was more strict and serious with them as I wanted them to be able to beat their colleagues and become Alpha's but with how immature they were I knew it'd be a bit of a challenge.

"Y/N! We have an emergency!" Lauren ran inside of the house and dragged me outside with her into our backyard and noticing a fallen tree branch, I groaned at the stupidity of my wolves. Ally was laid down flat on her back with her hand on her shoulder while Normani and Dinah frantically ran around in circles, screaming their heads off for help.

"Settle down!" I snarled and both girls stood still in their places. I rolled my eyes and kneeled down next to Ally, moving her shirt to the side so I could see her injury.

"Your shoulder popped out? Ehhh it's no big deal. I'll pop it back in on the count of five, ready?" I smirked and Ally shut her eyes tightly, whimpering when I poked her shoulder. I put my hands in the proper position and looked down at the small girl who was already freaking out. "One, two-" I abruptly pushed her shoulder back in place causing her to shriek. I gave Allyson a few seconds to recover previous to forcefully pulling her over to Dinah and Normani.

"You three have really done it this time! I can't believe you were climbing the fucking trees again! You're wolves, not cats! Didn't you learn from your mistake last time? Are you three really that idiotic?" I shoved each girl back as I yelled and they all began to stutter as they tried to come up with an excuse for their dumb antics. "Answer me!" I picked up the fallen branch and swung it across our field, making all three wolves gulp. I got in Ally's face and she sadly turned away from my burning gaze.

"You're the oldest aren't you? Allyson you are supposed to know wrong from right! Do you have any common sense or are you really just that brainless? I want all of you to step it the fuck up! How do you expect to become leaders when you can't even lead your own lives?" I was beyond agitated and I wouldn't have stopped screaming if it wasn't for Lauren stepping in. She pushed me away from the three girls and caressed my face, putting my arms to my sides and turning my head away from everything but her.

"Stop being so harsh Y/N. They made a foolish mistake, we have made some mistakes too. I know you want them to be at the top but they have yet so much to learn, they'll rise whenever they're ready." Lauren kissed my jaw and I relaxed when she hugged me. "I love you, Wolfie." She whispered and I rested my head on her shoulder, getting a full view of the three girls who were now calmly sitting down around the tree. I huffed and Lauren giggled at the feeling of my breath hitting her ear.

"That tickled." Lauren scrunched up her nose and I carefully tackled her to the ground, planting kisses all over her until she couldn't stop laughing. I stopped to rest my forehead on hers, Lauren noticing I had a few things on my mind.

"I remember driving Mike crazy to the point where he'd threaten me but Clara always came to save the day. I drove them insane and now it's happening to me. Karma really is a bitch." I smiled at the old memories and Lauren's lips curled up as she combed my hair back with her hand. "Did we act like this?"

"I'd love to say no but you know I'd be lying if I said that. After all, my parents did ban us from school for accidentally exposing our true identities while we sexually teased each other during class. Oh and we all had affairs with each other, including you and me. Also we would sneak out of our training sessions to make out or do the nasty-nasty. So we were worse than these kids." Lauren put her hands over her head and I leaned forwards, interlocking our fingers together.

"I'm so proud of us. We all moved on from our past and now look at us, starting our own line of immortals. If something happens to us the others can take over and our legacy will never be forgotten. May our line of vampires, wolves, and half bloods never cease to exist." Lauren spoke in a clear voice and I smiled at her passion. She pecked my lips and slipped out a letter from her pocket, neatly unfolding it for me.

"What's this?" I asked but Lauren cupped my face and gave me one last kiss before rolling out from underneath me, walking back to our small pack. I skimmed through the letter and my heart skipped when I read the name of the person who wrote it.

Dear Y/N,

Lauren must have given you this letter after you've finally moved on. I don't know if you have moved on to Lauren or to somebody else but just remember that I will always love you. I am so happy that you have found love again and I wish you the best. The person you are with is very lucky and I only hope that they are treating you right. I'm sorry if I caused you any pain and I'm sorry for not wanting to turn, I can only wish that you understand my reasons. Y/N, keep taking care of Sofia for me and tell her that I love her. I'll be watching over you both, don't forget that. Good luck with your new love, and please keep me in your heart forever. And remember, Love Only.
-Camila Cabello

A/N: Well that's the end. I hope you enjoyed this book and if you are interested in reading more of my works make sure to check out my new book, Heartbreaker. Again, thanks for reading, hopefully this book was worth your precious time. I love you all, and take care of yourselves!

Impaired Judgement  [Camila/You/Lauren]Where stories live. Discover now