Chapter 2

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Feeding Time

Your POV

After I made sure the girl got home I ran back to the house so no one would be suspicious. I got there ten minutes after my pack and I ran into my room to get changed.

"There's clothes on the bed for you babe, I'll wait for you here." Lauren said from outside of my room door. I put on my clothes and got into bed moaning softly when I felt my body sink into the comfortable mattress. Lauren walked inside my room with a mug in her hands, she sat down beside me and finished slurping down whatever she was drinking. She put her empty cup on my bedside table and I scrunched up my nose when I saw blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Laur lay down." I patted my bed and she didn't hesitate to get under the covers with me. I wiped the blood from her lip and she leaned in slowly. Her pupils dilated as I leaned in and I could hear her heart pounding so I lifted her chin with my index finger and let my thumb trace her bottom lip.

"Were you waiting for me to come home?" I questioned and Lauren caressed my face.

"I really missed you. You were only gone for a few hours but I couldn't wait to see you again." Lauren's lips touched mine but instead of giving her what she wanted, I kissed the tip of her nose. She groaned and I wrapped my arms around her to stop her from complaining.

"I'm exhausted! Thank you for laying out some clothes for me. I don't know what I'd do without you." Lauren pressed her body against mine and I smiled. She traced circles on the back of my neck and I felt my eyelids become heavy.

"I know you're tired. You've had a busy day, don't fight it." Lauren's voice soothed me and I gave in to my exhaustion.


"Y/N don't even try to deny it. You were completely infatuated with the brunette. You almost killed Harry for scaring her and you made us leave so she could escape." Perrie took a bite of her pancake and I rolled my eyes. She nudged me playfully and she raised her eyebrows when I started to blush.

"Fine, I was infatuated with her but only because she was really pretty. She smelled like roses too, I couldn't get enough of her. Looking at her made me so damn happy. I want to go visit her soon." I sat down on the counter and Perrie spit out her water, her eyes widening at my words.

"You followed her home didn't you? You little stalker! You're totally falling for her. The way you talk about her is so adorable, you should go see her soon. I approve!" Perrie hit my arm and I scoffed at her words, walking back inside my room to see a distressed Lauren with her hands tangled in her hair. I locked the door and she stood up from the bed with her head bowed down.

"I overheard you're conversation. I don't like this brunette haired girl you're talking about. You're mine Y/N, don't you dare forget that." Lauren raised her head and I gulped when I saw her fangs escape her mouth. She grabbed a few pillows and ripped them up, breaking everything in sight.

"Lauren what the hell!? Did you eat already?" I wrapped my arms around her from behind to prevent her from moving her arms. I had never seen her this exasperated and it made me feel nervous. Lauren began whimpering when I stepped in front of my window. The sunlight touched her skin causing it to burn and she escaped from my grip. I closed the curtains and turned off all the lights, she was sensitive to any type of light when she was hungry and I didn't want her to freak out. My room was completely dark besides her red eyes that were glowing.

"Lauren come here." I opened my arms and she ran into them. I rubbed her back soothingly and she rested her head on my shoulder, pushing my body into hers.

"My parents were able to turn back into humans by restricting the amount of blood they drank and I'm trying to do the same but I can't control my emotions when I'm hungry. I started to drink our blood supply but no matter how much blood I consume nothing can extinguish my hunger." Lauren fell to her knees and I wiped the tears from her eyes. I pressed my lips against her forehead to comfort her and she hugged my waist.

"Y/N I might hurt someone, please help me." Lauren begged and I helped her up. She started shivering so I removed my shirt along with hers and pressed our bodies together. My body was warm while hers was alarmingly cold so I laid down in my bed with her, pulling the fluffy blankets over our bodies.

"Mike once said that werewolves are a good source of blood when a vampire is need of it. He said werewolves have more immunity in their bodies preventing them from ever getting sick so if a vampire needs to feed, none of us will have any problems. Lauren it's completely safe if you feed on me, it'll stop your hunger too." I kissed her cheek and she shook her head furiously. Lauren's eyes were filled with worry so I tilted my head to the side. My lips moved against hers but she didn't kiss back so I pulled away.

"Lauren I want you to do it. I hate seeing you like this." I said softly as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She sighed softly and hesitantly moved her head next to my neck. Lauren let her tongue trace over my skin and I moaned softly. Her upper lip rose and I let my eyes linger on her fangs, watching as she licked the sharp pointy tips. Lauren hesitantly moved her fangs against my skin and a loud cry escaped my lips when I felt her bite down. A mixture of pain and pleasure took over me as Lauren gently sucked on my skin. She soon stopped and soothed the bite with her tongue, pulling away completely with a shameful look on her face so I straddled her.

"Lo you shouldn't feel guilty." I bent down to give her a kiss and this time she complied. Her hands snaked around my neck as she slid her tongue inside of my mouth. I hadn't kissed her in a long time and the feeling of her lips brought me immense pleasure. I grinded myself against her and she broke the kiss to let out a loud moan.

"Y/N we should stop. I-I'm really not in the correct state to be doing this. I might bite you again." Lauren flipped our positions but instead of kissing me again she laid down beside me. I huffed and let my hand go down her backside until I reached her ass, giving it a light squeeze, earning a slap on the arm.

"Stop touching me like that you perv. Can't you keep your hands to yourself and cuddle with me?" Lauren rebuked and I laughed. I moved my hand back to her face and gave her a quick kiss before locking my legs with hers. I put one hand under Lauren's head and she flipped us over. I squealed and got up from the bed, pulling her by her ankles. Lauren giggled and I dragged her all the way down until half of her body was hanging off of the bed. I hovered over her, leaning in for a kiss but Lauren wrapped her legs around me and jumped onto my waist. I wasn't ready to catch her so I ended up falling flat on my back with her on top of me. We both started laughing but our laughter died down when Perrie barged in the room.

"Woah! Sorry for interrupting but Mike said to get you two downstairs. You know that we can hear you right? Well at least the werewolves and half bloods can." Perrie took glances in between us and Lauren got off of me, helping me up from the floor. Perrie smirked and stepped into my room once again, picking out a pair of clothes for me to change into.

"Put this on! I'm pretty sure you want to impress the brunette haired girl who just so happens to be downstairs." Perrie teased and Lauren threw on her shirt angrily while I changed into my tank top and skinny jeans. I put on my black boots and one of my black leather jackets, rushing downstairs with Lauren following behind me. Harry smiled at me and pointed at the brunette girl but I shot him a glare.

"The Cabello family just moved into the house a few miles away. You all better be nice to them." Clara had a wide smile plastered on her face and I kept my eyes fixed on the brunette girl, giving her a small smile. She stepped up to me and looked into my eyes, my breath hitching when she made direct eye contact.

"Your eyes seem oddly familiar."

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