Chapter 16

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New Day

Your POV

My eyes felt oddly heavy and my body was immersed in cold water. I harshly sat up, rubbing my eyes and gasping for air as I whipped my head left to right to get a better view of where I was. The flagrantful scent of vanilla caught my attention and I relaxed when Camila sat beside me, cupping my face. Looking in her eyes washed away all of my anxiety and those pillow-like lips of hers on mine only made me feel better.

"Camila......wait." I broke the kiss to lick my new sharp fangs and a horrified expression took over Camila's face. She lifted my chin to get a better look at them and I shamefully retracted my fangs. "Sorry." I mumbled but Camila was interrupted by her overly excited little sister. Sofia assisted me up from the freezing cold water and Beatrice came along to wrap a towel around my body.

"I see you have awoken from the dead!" Lauren came downstairs and put her hands on both sides of my face. I batted my eyelashes playfully and Lauren smiled, pressing her lips to my forehead. "It's nice to see your eyes again." She whispered and I removed her hands from my face, quickly picking her up in my arms. Lauren squealed as I tickled her but she wouldn't laugh to give me any satisfaction so I lightly bumped my head with hers. Carmilla and Perrie came racing down the stairs, both girls attacking me with kisses.

"Get off me ya'nasties." I groaned and Carmilla let up while Perrie leaped on my back. Tori and Zendaya walked in the room with sly smirks on their faces so I made sure to be weary around them.

"Alpha ain't alpha anymore if she can't defeat the vampires and the half bloods." Tori mocked as she walked around me in circles. Zendaya and Bea put their hands up in defense to say that they didn't want to participate in any competition therefore I had already beaten the half bloods.

"Y/N will not be taking part in any competition unless I make sure she's eligible to fight." Camila announced as she pulled me downstairs inside the basement. I grunted when she pushed me against the wall and my knees grew weak with every kiss. Camila put her lips on whatever part of me was closest to her and I had the sudden urge for blood. Her moans filled my ears making me forget that I was hungry and I noticed my claws digging into her back. I removed my hands from Camila to prevent any injuries but my fangs popped out of my mouth and I worriedly jerked back.

"It's been two months since I have gotten to kiss you, I don't want to stop now." Camila's hands rode up my shirt but I turned my head and gripped her wrists. Camila shook her wrists loose from my hold and I frustratingly hit my hands against the wall. My hunger was getting powerful with every second and the smell of Camila's desirable blood was making matters worse.

"Y/N take this, you have to get used to drinking blood." Carmilla shoved me off of my girlfriend and my howl came out as a roar causing her to cover her ears. Carmilla's eyes turned bloodshot red but she retracted her fangs and used her strength to keep me down.

"I don't want the blood bags! I want Camila." I fought against her grip and Camila gulped, still pouring some of the blood supply in a large cup. Carmilla put her knees on my shoulders and I glared at her, hissing and growling until she let go of me.

"I know this half blood thing is new to you but you can't attack your own girlfriend. Y/N you need to learn how to change states into what benefits you more! You have total control over your wolf side so if you ever get hungry as a vampire, change into a wolf. You're already strong, if you get more abilities you'll be unstoppable and we can't have that, at least not now. We can't risk you abusing your powers." Carmilla slapped me lightly and I sat up to lean against the wall. Camila kept her distance so I glanced at Carm and she nodded softly. Carmilla left the room and I pulled Camila down to the floor with me, kissing her head over and over again.

"I won't bite, well I might." I teased and Camila giggled, pushing her body into mine. I grabbed the cup from her hands and chugged down the blood, my hunger becoming irrepressible. I went up to supply closet and grabbed another blood bag to sit down with.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting you Mila. I'm sorry if I scared you but I'll get better at improving my emotional stability and my hunger, I promise. You shouldn't be scared of me." I whispered as I got up to get another bag, doing the same thing a few more times until there was nothing left in the closet. Camila stood up with her eyebrows raised and she laughed when she noticed I had cleaned out the entire blood supply. We went upstairs and I sat down on the couch with Camila on my lap causing Carmilla to smirk.

"I'm not scared of you, well maybe a little but I love you and I know that you can learn how to control yourself. I believe in you." My girlfriend's mocking tone transitioned into a serious one and I knew that I had her full blown support. Camila rested her head back and I wrapped my arms around her waist, occasionally kissing her cheek only to lean next to her ear.

"I love you." I lowered my voice and the ends of Camila's curled up. Her eyes lit up and her leg bounced up happily at my words and I giggled at how adorable my girlfriend really was.

"It's crazy ya'know. There's only a few of us left. Three vampires, one human, two half bloods and three wolves." Lauren spoke up and I snickered in response, winking at the half bloods.

"Make that two wolves and three half bloods! Zendaya, Bea, and I are running this house now. Don't mess with us." I joked causing the two youngsters to smile. Sofia's small frown turned into a straight line when she realized that she was added in the count of vampires. It seemed to me like the usual cheerful girl had issues keeping up a smile now so I called her over.

"Sofia c'mere you little monster! I love you so much!" I cooed as I pushed Camila off me. I sat Sofia down on my lap to replace Camila and she laughed hysterically, rubbing it in her sister's face.

"You're my favorite person in this household and since I'm fully alive now, I'm going to take you out more often. We'll go scope you out some good ice cream flavors because ice cream is better than any immature boy out there." I wrapped my arms around the small brunette girl and she sighed softly, cuddling up to me. I ran my hands through her hair and noticed that she was very pale. Sofia had bags under her eyes but she rubbed her eyes to keep herself awake so I gently put her hands in mine. She drifted off to sleep almost instantly and I carried her up to her room, kissing her goodnight and walking back to my room when I was done tucking her in. I got under the covers and moaned at how soft the bed was. My aching back and my sore bones eased up but my peace was interrupted by three girls. Camila laid her head on my chest, Lauren was to my left cuddled up to my side, and Carmilla was at the edge of the bed near my feet.

"Thank you for helping me get my girls back." I nudged the two vampires and Lauren slipped her hand in mine while Carmilla put her thumbs up. Camila reached for my left hand and Lauren immediately let go, giving my hand to Camila. "I'm your girl." Camila kissed the back of my hand and I sighed, enjoying the company of my best friends.

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