Chapter 18

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I'm Immortal But You're...

Your POV

Camila's body was sprawled on mine so I traced my finger up her arm and interlocked our fingers, bringing her hand up to my lips. She giggled when I kissed the back of her hand and I yearned to hear her laugh again.

"Camila you don't realize how happy you make me. I wish we could spend eternity together." Camila sat up when my voice faded away and she put her hand on my face to comfort me. My throat was burning from fighting back my cries and it only took one glance for me to break down.

"My poor baby, come here. I love you, okay? Don't cry." Camila whispered as she wiped my tears and I let out a few deep breaths to calm down. Her lips trapped mine and I hummed softly, keeping the slow pace. She broke the kiss to grab my hands, squeezing them lightly until I stopped crying.

"Camila I can't imagine the pain I'll feel when you're gone. I can turn you, let me turn you! We can spend our lives together forever, literally. Our love will never die, Camila I can turn you whenever you're ready." I got too deep in my thoughts that Camila had to cup my face. Her soft chocolate eyes locked with mine and I groaned when she rejected my offer.

"Don't you love me!? If you really did you'd be willing to turn! Camila tell me if you love me or not because I can't be wasting all my love on someone who's just going to throw it out." I started getting worked up so Camila got up from the bed to lock the bedroom door. She punched the wall and I stood up with my fists balled to my sides. Camila's face was flushed and she kept slamming her fists against the wall as she knocked down everything in sight.

"Karla calm down. It's okay baby, I'm sorry. I love you and I know you hate when I doubt you. Forgive me." I snaked my arms around her waist and she fell to the floor with her hands in her hair. She put one hand out to keep herself from falling and I pulled her up, holding her close to me.

"You know that I fucking love you! I hate it when you act like this! I love you Y/N and I am not toying with your emotions. You practically own me! That's how whipped I am for you. I'll do anything for you but endangering my life for immortality is out of bounds. I want to experience death, I don't want to live forever. You need to understand my choice, I've got at least 21 more years until I get old and wrinkly so you'll enjoy having me til' then. Otherwise you can choose to leave me for another woman and I promise you, I'll understand your decision. Now instead of complaining about the time I have why don't we enjoy it like a normal couple?" Camila's emotions confused the hell out of me. She went from pissed off to calm and collected so I just nodded my head and opened the door, walking outside to my car.

"Let's walk." Camila dragged me away from my car and I huffed. My body was still sore from the inconsistent work outs from yesterday and this long walk to the ice cram parlor was not doing me any favors. Camila ran ahead of me but I trailed back and refused to take any part in her race. The only time I did run was to stop her from fully hitting the ground.

"I stepped on my ankle and now it hurts." Camila pouted and I rolled my eyes but still carried her in my arms. I was practically carrying a grown puppy since Camila kept kissing my neck and scrunching up her nose whenever I looked down at her.

"You are so full of shit but I still love you. I bet you intentionally fell just so I would carry you." I whined but my girlfriend gave me a careless shrug and traced her hand on my bicep. My muscles were bulging since I was lifting her up and Camila clearly liked seeing my arms flexed. She bit her lip and I flung her over my shoulder so she'd stop being a tease but the position I was holding her in only made matters worse.

"Now I have a full view of your ass! Thanks babe!" Camila playfully poked my ass and I groaned, feigning annoyance. "Touch my ass again and I'll smack yours. I have supernatural strength so I recommend you think twice about your actions." I said sternly but Camila ignored my warning and poked me again. I put her down and glared at her causing her to gulp. I willingly let my fangs show and Camila took a step back, running towards the ice cream shop.

"I knew you faked an injury! Come back here Karla!" I chased after my frightened girlfriend and being the faster one out of the both of us I pulled her by her shirt towards me. "I should bite you but I'll tone it down a notch because you're out of breath." I laughed and Camila whined as she opened the shop door, holding it for me.

"Get anything you want, I'll carry you back home and give you a kiss for getting you all worked up." I sat down at a table and watched as Camila excitedly looked at the endless flavors in front of her. She ordered a cup of vanilla and chocoalte ice cream for everyone else but she settled for a banana split which she happily ate as she sat on my shoulders on our way home. The smell of her ice cream made my mouth water and I was glad that she noticed because she fed me spoonfuls of her ice cream until it had finished.

"Woohoo! You're back and you brought me some ice cream! I love you." Sofia snatched the bag from Camila and ran inside with it making me chuckle. I bent down and Camila hopped off of my shoulders, pushing my body into hers.

"You promised me a kiss." She licked her lips and leaned in slightly but I was the one who eagerly closed the spaces between us. Her lips moved slower than mine and I groaned when she refused to pick up her pace. I gave her one last chance to comply but she denied my request so I drew her lip down with my teeth, teasingly keeping it there until she tried pulling away.

"Ugh you're annoying." Camila complained and I looked at her sadly, making her feel bad for insulting me. "I'm kidding Mila, I'm not that sensitive. Now go inside, your sister keeps knocking on the window." I lightly nudged my girlfriend and she rushed inside handing Lauren an envelope before she made her way over to Sofia. I curiously walked over to the green eyed girl but she shoved the letter in her bra.

"Lauren I've had sex with you. Do you really think I won't dig in your bra for that letter?" I stepped forwards and Lauren jolted back, putting her hands up in defense.

"If you respect my privacy you won't touch me." Lauren scolded me when I reached for her shirt and Camila glared at me from across the room. "If you touch Lauren I'll break up with you! Don't try me Y/N." Camila warned and I put my hand behind my back. Lauren giggled and sat me down on the couch, resting her head on my lap.

"I heard you arguing with Camila about eternal life and I know she rejected it but I'll be here. I am immortal so if she makes up her mind when it's already too late I'll be there for you. I'll comfort you and check up on you once in a while, be it if I'm still in love with you or not. I doubt I'll ever get over you but I'll keep it friendly until you're ready to move on." Lauren took a deep breath and continued her speech but her next few words caused my heart to flutter and clench at the same time.

"Enjoy the time she's got but you should know that I'll be waiting for you."

A/N: I'm not trying to waste anymore of your time but I just wanted to leave my beautiful readers a heads up that this book will end at the 21st chapter.

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