Chapter 15

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Impaired Judgement

Your POV

"Harry why are you doing this? What did Camila ever do to you?" I moved my foot towards him and he tightened his grip on Camila. Tears fell from her eyes so I took a step back, glancing at the vampires.

"Go look for Sofia, I'll be fine." I sent them off but Lauren hid around the corner of the door. I pressed my back against the wall with my hands raised and Harry pointed the knife at me.

"Put the crossbow down and slide it away!" Harry raised his voice and I did as I was told. I kicked the crossbow outside of the door and Harry caressed my girlfriend's face.

"You get to live a perfectly normal life while I have to deal with this stupid supernatural crap! Why'd you get involved in this world? Your family deserved to die. Your little sister will be cured soon enough but you, I'll have to kill you." Harry teared the duck tape from Camila's mouth and she yelled for her sister. I put my finger over my lips and she quieted down, searching for my eyes. I turned into a wolf while staying in my human form and my red eyes glowed in the dark. The only light was shining above Camila and it was very dim so she couldn't see much but I could see everything with my night vision. Harry didn't have night vision yet but he had heightened senses so if I attacked, he'd know where I was.

"Harry I know you had a rough childhood. Mike saved you last, didn't he? You stayed here and you were mistreated by the rest of the group. I understand how you feel, I was always at the bottom but now I'm the alpha and you can be one too. Harry don't be like them, you're better than them! Let Camila go and you can take my power! All you have to do is beat me at a fair fight." I offered my powers but he scoffed and shoved me back. I slipped on the blood and fell flat on the ground, my head pounding from the impact. Harry's hands slid up my neck and he tightened his grip. I fought back but he was too powerful and I heard Lauren load the crossbow.

"You tried to kill me! Don't give me the fucking pity card! I'll kill you and get every last drop of your power! I'll be at the top of my pack." Harry's fist met my face and Camila screamed for him to stop but he didn't. His hand tightened around my neck and his claws dug into my skin while he knocked me senseless but soon enough his grip loosened and his lifeless body laid on top of me.

"Silver fucking bolt!" Lauren kicked Harry off me and I stood up, untying Camila from the chair. She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her forehead but before she could pull away from my embrace, I turned around. My body covered hers and a silver bullet passed through my chest and stayed inside of me. I clutched my chest and turned around to see a man looking down at me. His dark brunette hair and caramel eyes resembled Sofia's and I squinted at him, reaching my hand up to him.

"Alejandro no! You're supposed to be my father! Why would you hurt someone I love?" Sofia's squeaky voice came closer to me and I turned my head to see Carmilla standing protectively beside her. Camila was holding my head up in her lap with Lauren crying beside her, I tried to heal myself but my heart slowed down everytime I tried to. Alejandro shook his head at his daughter and raised the gun at her, making me growl.

"My poor baby. I'm sorry but this is for your own good." He shot the gun but Sofia put her hand up, freezing the bullet in mid air. She put her free hand up and formed a shield around herself, letting the bullet ricochet off of her protection. The bullet flew through Alejandro and he collapsed on the floor and I grunted, feeling the bullet move deeper in my chest. Carmilla kneeled down beside me and inserted two fingers in the bullet hole with no warning and I held my breath. Her fingers clutched the silver bullet and she pulled it out of me but the pain was still there and I couldn't breathe correctly. I lifted my head to see my veins a black color and Camila squeezed my hand in response. A sensation of fire coursed through my body and I whimpered at the excruciating pain. It felt like someone had put a flamethrower inside of me and turned it on, my body burned and my blood was literally boiling.

"The bullet must have exploded in your system. Silver must have poured out and flowed through your bloodstream, there's no way you can heal from this." Carmilla's voice faded away as her sad eyes fell upon my face and I faced Sofia, giving her a small smile.

"You're awesome Sof. You really do know how to handle yourself, you're strong and I need you to take care of your sister for me. Promise me that you will." I clutched her hand and she nodded at my words. Carmilla's tear filled eyes poured out like an ocean so I tapped her with my foot, smiling widely.

"Man up Carm! Stop crying man, you're killing me." I joked and she laughed lightly, resting her head on my chest. Camila put her head on mine and I put my hand on her face, wiping her eyes.

"I love you babe. Be strong for me and Sofia. You didn't need me before and you still don't, go back to living a normal life. You'll meet someone better than me, I promise." I whispered and she moved her lips against mine. Her lips numbed the pain but it soon came back when she pulled away.

"I won't find anyone better than you. Y/N, I love you and you're the only one for me." Camila kissed the bridge of my nose and I brought my hand up to the green eyed girl I'd come to love. Her brave eyes closed slightly, her pink lips trembled, and her nose scrunched up. Lauren cried hysterically and I locked my fingers with hers.

"I love you so much Lo. You're my best friend and I need you to get yourself together soon. You're the glue that holds everyone close and you need to be there for everyone else. Make sure you help Carm solve every one of Laura's journal entries. Go on crazy expeditions together and enjoy your everlasting lives." I gave her hand a light squeeze and Carmilla searched through my backpack. She skimmed through every page of Laura's journals until she came across a certain page.

"To cure a werewolf from exposure to silver a vampire must bite them unless, the silver item can be properly taken out. If not, the only way the wolf will be able to live is with the vampires immune system. Warning, the werewolf will turn into a half blood." Carmilla read the page aloud and I pulled Lauren's head towards me. Lauren refused to bite me and my heart slowed down completely making it hard for me to stay awake.

"It's worth a can choose to save me. It's better than watching me deteriorate right in front of you." My voice was hoarse and I shivered at the sudden body temperature change. I was freezing and Camila sensed it too so she rubbed her hand up my arm to help keep me warm. Lauren hesitantly revealed her fangs and sunk them into my neck. I gasped at the pain and she pulled away, shaking me harshly when I began to drift away.

Impaired Judgement  [Camila/You/Lauren]Where stories live. Discover now