Chapter 12

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She'll Tame Me

Your POV

Two months have passed since Camila and Sofia's mom has passed away and I think it's safe to say we've all took our time to grieve. Everyone has been training including the humans and we have never been stronger. The pure bloods have mastered controlling their needs, the half bloods know how to control their double abilities and the werewolves have increased their stamina and have also been taught self control.

"What's on your mind?" Sofia's voice ripped me out of my thoughts and I looked down at her with a smile on my face. She looked awfully taller and more grown up which kind of scared me.

"I was thinking about how much we've all improved within the past few months and how fast you're growing up. Sofia stop growing will ya? You're almost as tall as me." I ruffled her hair and she jumped on my back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I can't stop growing up because of my advanced vampire hormones but I can thank you for making us stronger. You and Lauren make great leaders, I love you both." Sofia kissed my cheek and I spun around as fast as I could. She tightened her grip and I clumsily spun towards Lauren.

"Jump on 3." I ordered and Sofia giggled. "One, Two, Three!" Sofia let go of me and jumped onto Lauren's back causing the green eyed girl to stumble forwards. Lauren fell on top of me and we all landed on the floor. Lauren laughed and Sofia ran off towards Carmilla.

"We make a great team." Lauren picked herself off the floor and I reached for her hand but she pulled it back causing me to fall again. "Jauregui you have a one second head start!" I shouted and Lauren ran outside heading towards a tree. She effortlessly climbed it and I jumped from branch to branch until I caught up to her.

"Caught'cha" I wrapped my arms around Lauren and she squirmed around. The tree branch snapped and I quickly held Lauren's hands while I wrapped my legs around another free branch. "Spiderman kiss!" Lauren kissed my chin instead of my lips and I sighed in relief.

"You're girlfriend is on the roof top. Go spend time with her." Lauren used my hands for leverage and swung her body forwards, successfully landing on her feet while I struggled to climb down the tree. Lauren went back inside the house and I climbed up to the roof where Camila was laying down. I sat down beside her and she moved her head up to my lap.

"The stars are beautiful." Camila kept her eyes on the night sky but I kept my eyes on her. I couldn't seem to look away from her and she must have noticed me staring since she turned her head. "Y/N what's wrong?" She asked worriedly and I opened my mouth to talk.

"I love you." The words left my mouth and I then realized what I had said. Her jaw dropped and I gulped, my eyes not leaving hers.

"I don't know what came over me. If you're not ready to say those three words you don't have to say them back. Camila I couldn't keep the words locked inside of me anymore, I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful and you make it hard for me to contain my feelings, I've never felt like this before." I started rambling and Camila shut me up with a kiss. Her lips moved against mine slowly and I put my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her into me until there was no space between us. Camila swiped her tongue on my bottom lip, begging for entry but I denied it. She groaned and I pulled back, laughing.

"I love you more." Camila locked her fingers with mine and I stopped laughing. Camila noticed my seriousness so she brought her hand up to my face, caressing it with the pad of her thumb.

"I really really love you. Like I really really really-" I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers but she smiled forcing me to pull away.

"Stop smiling and kiss me." I whined but Camila walked over to the ledge and jumped, landing on Mike's truck which was parked in front of the house. I went after her but stopped once I reached the ledge making her chuckle. She teased me by whimpering like a dog and I swiftly landed on the ground.

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