Chapter 3

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Green Eyes v.s Brown Eyes

Your POV

"Your eyes seem oddly familiar. Have we met before?" The brown-haired girl asked and I froze in my place.

'She remembers your eyes from yesterday. How the hell could she have possibly compared your eyes to your human form? You better come up with a lie.'

Perrie looked at me and I took a deep breath as I got on one knee in front of the girl. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, letting my lips linger there for a while. Everyone tried to communicate with me at the same time causing me to hear a loud dreadful beep. I whimpered but cleared my throat to cover up my pain.

"I wouldn't be able to get a gorgeous girl like you out of my head, therefore I don't think we have ever met. I'd definitely remember you if we did." I got up from the floor and her face turned bright red.

"I'm Y/N. I'm very pleased to meet you......I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." I looked at her and she bit her lip, still looking down at the floor. I lifted her chin which only made her even more nervous as she began to stutter.

"I-I'm Karla but I prefer being called Camila. This is my mom and my little sister, Sofia." Camila turned the attention away from herself when she introduced me to her mom. I shook her moms hand before kneeling down to match her little sisters height. I smiled and tilted my head to the side making the little girl smile.

"Hi Sofia. You're so adorable just like your sister." I looked up at Camila and winked causing her to smile. Sofia gave me a wide smile, showing me all of her teeth and I faced her mother again.

"I can definitely see where your daughters get their looks from." I whispered as I walked over to Katie who was cuddled up next to Gregg. I sat beside them and Gregg shook his head disapprovingly.

"You started flirting with Camila's whole family, that was kind of charming and weird at the same time." Gregg joked and Katie began to laugh. I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed and she put her finger up.

"Down girl." Rita joked making Katie laugh even harder but I rolled my eyes at them and made my way inside the dining room with everyone following behind me. I sat down besides Lauren and she put her hand on my lap, moving it up and down while she glared at Camila.

"Lauren baby, calm down." I whispered as I placed my hand over hers, rubbing my thumb over it. She planted a loving kiss on my cheek and Camila looked into my eyes, a smile taking over her face.

"Y/N your eyes are so breathtaking. I've never met anyone whose eyes change color." Camila said from across the table earning Mike's attention. He whispered something in Niall's ear and Niall looked at me.

'Go look in the mirror.' His voice echoed in my head and I gave Camila a polite smile.

"Excuse me. You should all get on with your meal, don't wait up on me." I excused myself from the table, rushing upstairs to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed that one of my eyes were light green while the other one was dark brown. The green one started turning into a darker color until finally both of my eyes were brown. I huffed and ran my hands through my hair, making my way downstairs. Everyone was involved in a conversation so I took a seat and ate quietly. Camila was scolding her little sister and I chuckled when Sofia chugged down her can of soda. I finished eating and went back into the living room to sit down next to Tori.

"That girl has got you wrapped around the tips of her fingers. I have never seen you look at anyone that way besides Lauren but you two haven't made it official and I don't think you ever will." Tori patted my back and Perrie pulled her ear.

Impaired Judgement  [Camila/You/Lauren]Where stories live. Discover now