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"Lost, ma?"

I tensed up at the words spoken. A sly smirk came from a tall, lean looking boy around 19. I held my spare belongings to myself closer around me, and an uproar of snickers came around. "Fuck you doing walking around here so late by yourself?"

I blinked, continuing not to say anything. He made a face, as if he was impatient for my answer. "I-I was just..." I stuttered aloud. He only mocked me, erupting in more laughter. I kept my head down, but I still took a mental note of what he looked like. He had french braids, which was odd, I never saw anybody I knew with braids.

But then again, I never knew anybody from this part of town. Only around Uptown, towards the hills, and I was far from here.

I came to terms with it, swallowing a lump in my throat. "You deaf or some shit?" A different guy asked. He too had braids, but had a large marking on his face. I shook my head quickly, looking back down at the ground. "I said," The other one spoke. I also noticed that he had a row of solid gold teeth. If that didn't further more intimidate me, I didn't know what else would. "Do you not have a home?"

I gulped again. "I-I was just walking, I..." I began saying, then simply shook my head no. I had a feeling I should've lied instead, before he made a face at that, putting a blunt up to his lips and lighting it. He blew out smoke into the air, whispering to the two guys he was standing around beside before he looked at me again, sizing me up and blowing smoke inches from my face. I wrinkled my nose, coughing slightly. The smell was strong as musky, and I could hear my heart thumping in my ears.

He held his hand out and my first reaction was to flinch, backing away from him slightly. I didn't know what he was about to do to me, or where he was about to take me, and I wasn't going to risk it by grabbing his hand. He could be some sort of goon, or a killer. But then again...it's not like I was missing much. He laughed, shrugging. "Then freeze, shit." He said, smoking once more. I blinked, chewing my bottom lip in thought. "W-Wait..." I said quietly, rubbing my arm. He looked up at me again, raising an eyebrow. The two people he was standing with nodded their heads, and they had a brief conversation before walking the other direction. He started walking and I stood there for a while, confused. "Usually people follow, but I guess standing like a dumb ass is aight too."

I stayed quiet, walking after him at a slightly fast pace. I followed him in silence for about a block until we reached a really shady looking apartment. Graffiti littered the walls of the lobby, and the elevator seemed wore down. The entire time I didn't say anything. I gulped, feeling the terror begin to brew again at the pit of my stomach. I wasn't exactly putting my trust into a complete stranger, but I was allowing myself to follow him to wherever he stayed, which didn't look too clean.

The elevator stopped at the top level, and the halls didn't seem as bad up here as the ones did downstairs. He stopped at the last door, unlocking it and not even holding it open for me. I thought nothing of it, stepping in and looking around at the place. It was fairly clean...besides the amount of guns and 'extra things'. I kept my head down, following as he showed me an empty room. I peeked my head in, observing. Just a simple bed, with a nightstand and a lamp. I nodded, stepping inside cautiously. "Don't worry, rich girl, I won't steal your things and touch you during the night." He grumbled, about to close the door. "T-Thank you." I piped up quietly. "And..." I started, fiddling with my fingers. "And?"

"M-My name's Hazel."

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