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I woke up a few hours later. I tossed and turned all night, I still didn't feel safe and I wasn't even sure why I thought to tell this stranger what my name was. I just felt like I should at least have been more thankful, he didn't have to let me sleep here. Unless my suspicions about him were right. I stirred, opening my eyes slowly as rays of sunlight hit past the curtains and bathed my face in warmth. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, stretching slightly as I sat up in the small, twin sized bed. I glanced at my things, they were still slumped against the corner, untouched. I then glanced at the door to find that still closed too.

I sighed, crossing my legs in bed. Over 3 weeks...I've been harassed, raped, dropped out during my Senior year of high school, and thrown out. "Isn't that the life.." I mumbled, getting up slowly. I was afraid, or more so nervous to leave the room, because once again I didn't know who this stranger was and what he was capable of doing. From everything around the house when we walked in last night, it pretty much confirmed my thoughts that he was involved in drugs, or killing or some sort of thing like that. I stayed in the room for a good 20 minutes, making and unmaking the bed and going through everything in my belongings. She only left me two changes of clothes. No cell phone, nothing valuable to me, except a bear she gave me when I was 3. I held it in my hands, sighing before hugging it to myself.

I heard a knock at the door and wiped my eyes quickly, shoving the bear in the bag and scrambling off the floor into the bed, sitting with my legs crossed. "C-Come in..." I yelled slightly, making myself busy by tracing patterns on the comforter. The door opened a crack, and the guy from earlier poked his head in the doorway, a tired expression on his face. I noticed his eyes were sort of low, and when he opened his mouth to speak he didn't have any gold pieces in. He had really straight, and white teeth for someone with the sort of occupation he had. "Yams brought McD." He mumbled, and I looked at him confused. It took him a while to realize that I didn't know anybody's names, not even his, and he furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head and rubbing at his eyes. He motioned for me to follow him and I nodded, getting out of the bed carefully and padded barefoot behind him.

He led me into the kitchen, where the smell of fast food burgers and fries hit my nose. I looked around, trying to find a clock or something. I peeked at the microwave, seeing that it was almost 12pm. He sat down at the table, digging into the large bag and pulling out a variety of foods. I sat down in a seat carefully, hesitantly looking inside of the bag. I wasn't really hungry, though I needed to eat. I didn't have a full meal for at least 3 days, and I knew I needed something to at least try and sustain me. I pulled out a french fry, nibbling on it slightly while beside me, he was stuffing his face. I wrinkled my nose again, suddenly becoming severely unhungry. He finished all of what he took out the bag in the same time length that it took me to pick at and eat an entire fry. I could feel his cold eyes staring at me, making me uncomfortable.

"I take it you're homeless." He said, wiping at his mouth with a napkin. I played with my hands in my lap, not making eye contact. "How old are you?" He leaned back, asking me. I stayed quiet for a while, embarrassed for some reason. "17." I responded hoarsely. He laughed at that, and my face heated up. "You ain't even graduated yet, huh?" He replied smugly and I shook my head slowly. "I'm a dropout...things weren't going so well..." I whispered and he made a face. "You must be that girl that was on TV." He reached over, grabbing an unrolled blunt. I blinked, confused. "The news? Raped and left bled out on the street, hm. Sad." He said smugly, and I tensed up. "Fuck you drop out for?"

"Depressed. Bullied. Failing." I said simply, clearing my throat slightly to hide the fact that I was ready to cry. I hated hearing someone bring it up, especially from a stranger. "So you got no home, no education so no job, and no job meaning no money. Am I right?" He asked, crushing the weed before him and rolling it up, sticking it in his mouth and lighting it. I shook my head, swallowing. He nodded, inhaling and puffing for a while before leaning towards me. "I got a solution then." I tilted my head in confusion, moving away from him some.

"Well. My name is Rakim. I'm a 19 year old drug dealer. I don't know you, you don't know me and I don't think you want to either." He spoke, pausing only to take a puff of his blunt and blowing the smoke in my face, smirking. "I don't be doing this for any old drop out I meet on the streets. But since you ain't got nothing else to live for, for now, you work for me."

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