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I woke up later that morning to someone shaking me by my shoulders and yelling at me in my ear. I groaned, reaching a hand up groggily to smack whoever it was in the face and pull the covers up to cover mine. “Hazel, get up!” The person shaking me yelled in my ear and at that point I could tell that the voice was a female. I simply turned over, quickly drifting back into the deep sleep I was in as the person huffed and left out of the room, leaving me in complete peace and quiet. I sighed lightly, pulling the covers up more as I fell back asleep. Minutes passed that seemed like a few hours before the door reopened, and more than one person’s footsteps barged into my room. I felt someone snatched the covers and pillows from off of me and I shrieked, sitting straight up and rubbing my face. I looked up to see Ferg hunched over laughing, the bed sheet in hand as Laylani smirked against the doorway. I glared, moving towards the edge and swinging my legs over the bed. “Was that honestly necessary?” I snapped, moving the trash bin aside that I kept around me.

"It actually was." She leaned off the doorway, taking the blanket from Ferg and throwing it casually on the bed. "New shipment and someone we gotta meet." She looked me up and down some before making a face. "Just..comb your hair some. And brush your teeth." She joked before grabbing his hand, leading him out the room and shutting the door. I rolled my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them before getting up, padding on the cold floor over to the dresser to put on shorts underneath the oversized tee I wore to sleep and pulled that off to put on a tank top. I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth, combing my fingers through the small knots in my hair and tying it up in a bun messily before hurrying out, walking into the room to see the boys and their assigned comfort girls sitting across from a small Asian looking girl with long, blonde hair. I glanced around confused as I took a seat beside Rakim.

"And this is one of the newer ones. Hazel." He motioned to me once I sat down, and I looked from him to the girl across from us. She nodded her head at me before turning to him. "That’s all the people, right?" She asked him and he leaned back, nodding. "Aight. When you want me to start slinging?" She pointed to the small pile of drugs on the coffee table between us and he shrugged, putting his arm around the back of the couch. "Whenever the time’s right for you, ma." He answered her as she stood up, walking over to shake his hand. He fished in his pocket, digging out something and tossing it to her. She caught it, raising a brow slightly. "Pager." He chuckled as she clipped it to her hip. "And your name ma?" He shook her hand lightly as she pulled away, moving her hair from her face. "Rayna." She answered him and he leaned back, rubbing his chin lightly. "Aight. You know your way out?" "Yeah, I got it." She nodded then smiled, walking towards the doorway. "I’ll see y’all whenever." She spoke, directing it at all of us before heading out the main room to the front door. "A broad though, bruh?" Yams asked once he was sure she was gone, moving Yazmin off of his lap and fixing himself a drink. "Well, it might be different. Could be useful." Brittany added. "How many of y’all would buy for a bitch? Besides, we largest. Ain’t shit to worry about." Everyone agreed with her statement and Rakim simply shrugged, moving his arm from the couch and leaning forward to roll a blunt.

"Doesn’t really matter to me." I yawned, moving my feet to get off the couch. "Want me to make you something?" Lay asked and I shrugged, getting up and walking into the kitchen. She followed and went towards the cabinets, opening them and looking through stuff. "Damn, it’s two already?" I asked, making a face and she laughed. "Did I not go through the damn struggle waking you up?" She asked, then leaned down towards my stomach. "Oh, yeah this should be fun." She poked it and I rolled my eyes, cracking a smile. "Does this mean I have an excuse to always bother you then because I’mma love this." I joked and she popped the back of my head, deciding on making bacon and eggs. "I’m not the one you gon’ be bothering the most. Ain’t sleeping in my room." She wrinkled her nose. "Throwing up everywhere and shit." I huffed as she started cracking the eggs into the pan. "I’m only like, two weeks almost. I’m not puking all the time." I crossed my arms and she waved me off. "Not around me. Do that shit to Rah." She laughed as she stirred, and I rolled my eyes again, fixing myself a glass of juice and pulling out an extra 40. "No it’s not for me." I answered as she gave me a funny look. I took a sip of the juice, holding it in my hand and taking the 40 ounce with me into the main room.

I walked in, placing the bottle down on the coffee table as he rose his brow at me. "What's this for?" He asked, blowing a stream of smoke in the opposite direction and leaning back. I simply shrugged, picking up some of the trash leftover from the meeting. He shook his head, grabbing my arm and pulling me away slightly. "One of them will clean it up." I nodded, sitting down and taking more sips of the juice. "You eat yet?" He asked, putting out the blunt on the ashtray on the coffee table and I shook my head. "Lani's in there cooking for me now. Why?" I tilted my head to the side and he rose a brow, glancing down at my stomach and back at me. I made a face, blushing slightly. "I forgot about that..." I mumbled, swirling the juice around in my cup before finishing it off, setting it down on the table. "What am I gonna do about work?" I asked him and he furrowed his brows, leaning back on the couch. "I ain't think about that. How, uh, 'big' do you end up getting?" He gestured and I frowned, trying to think. I hadn't really planned out when I'd have to stop doing things, but again, I wasn't even that far along.

"I don't know...about out here." I motioned. "Starting at 5 months maybe." He nodded, shrugging. "What, you still want me running til then?" I sat up straighter, suddenly getting defensive. "It's up to you. Chill the fuck out." He ordered and I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "I'd be uncomfortable. But I'm not selling either..." I mumbled mainly to myself, trying to come up with a solid answer. "Hell nah. That shit's way riskier. You can't carry a baby and a supply." He pointed out and I pulled my lips in, lurching forward a bit. "Can we...discuss this later?" I said quickly, picking up the cup and pushing myself off the couch. He looked worried for a split second and grabbed my arm, leading me out the main room to the nearest trashcan. Unfortunately, it happened to be the kitchen. "Hey, you're food's almost-" Laylani started, turning to look at me but I leaned forward into the garbage can, heaving contents of the previous night into it. "...finished. But I can see you're not hungry." She set the pan down slowly, cutting it off and washing her hands quickly. I stayed leaned over, feeling his arm wrapped around my waist as I waited for the illness to subside. "And neither am I." Lani mumbled disgustedly as she headed out the kitchen, down the hall into her room.

I pulled myself up, leaning against the wall. "I'll just...clean all that...later." I breathed, wiping my mouth with a napkin. He made a face, shaking his head at me. "Uh huh...you do that..." He mumbled, leaving the room and commenting on how he's gonna deal for the next few months. I let out another sigh, asking myself the same question.

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