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"I can't do this!" I shrieked, holding on tightly to Laylani's arm as we walked through the doorway of the exclusive club they were making a supposed 'bust and hit' at. The lights were colorful, yet dim, glowing against the tight, exposing clothes on my body. Panic arose in my chest as multiple faces came into view, leaving me wondering how many people I'd have to lure in by the end of the night. "Yes, you can Hazel." Laylani spoke, leading me around the club areas and to where we were supposed to meet the guys. "I've been doing this for a long time. Look, just follow my lead, okay?" She told me in a hushed voice. "Y'all know who y'all have to get, right?" Rakim asked, tapping a blunt and Laylani nodded, answering for me even though I was unsure. "6 G's each, no problem right?" She said, throwing her long hair over her shoulders. He nodded, waving us off.

"Okay, see those two over there?" She pointed to two grimy looking dudes. It was easy to tell they had money, and easier to tell they were up to something. I took a deep breath, nodding. "Well they're each worth six grand, plus whatever's in their pockets. All you have to do, is juice them up. Show as much goods as possible, and lead them to the backroom." She pointed to where all them were, armed with a variety of guns. "And them we all get a pay day. Trust me, you can do this. Just follow me." She fixed her assets, licking her lips as she made her way over to the two men. "Well, hello baby, you lost?" One of them said, and Laylani smirked. "Oh no, me and girl over here were just diggin' you two out at the bar, wanted to get to know you, offer a couple drinks." She said seductively. I flashed a fake smile as the other one looked me up and down, licking his lips. I wanted to gag, but I knew it was all part of the job.

"You? Offer us drinks?" He asked and she leaned over, making her cleavage visible as she slid a one hundred dollar bill on the car table, towards his hand. "On me." She whispered, before smiling in his face. The two men looked at each other, giving wide grins, before turning to us and nodding. Lani nudged me and I stepped towards the one eyeing me, sitting on his lap uncomfortably. "Why don't you tell me your name, big boy?" I asked in my best slutty voice. "Dominic. My man right here is J.R." He said in a husky voice. Dominic and J.R...Rakim did mention those two owing him money before. "Dominic, hmm?" I said, tilting my head and placing my hand on his chest. "Mind if I call you Nick?" I teased, getting closer to his face. He reeked of booze and tobacco, and I tried to suppress my disgust. "You can call me anything you'd like, baby." He smirked, grabbing my butt and smacking it roughly. I cringed, giving Laylani a look and she shook her head subtly. "Now how about those drinks?" She asked in a perky voice, ordering 4 Henny Blacks for all of us. I gingerly took my glass, taking a small sip and smiling, despite my throat burning. I never really had alcohol besides a few sips of red wine, and this was way stronger, and much more bitter. Either way, I took a few more sips, attempting to get used to the taste.

After 20 or so minutes, Laylani whispered in J.R's ear, and he grinned, mumbling something to Dominic. I was more uncomfortable on his lap, as he kept his hand on my backside, giving it a tight squeeze every so often. She stood up, making sure he had a full few of her butt before turning to me, signalling to also get up. "I think it's time we had a little fun in the private room, hm?" She said to me, smirking. I nodded, giving a wink. "Excuse us for a moment, we should, freshen up." She said, leading me to the bathroom by the bar. "Tell me I don't have to do anything!" I shrieked and she grabbed me by the shoulders. "No, you're doing good, you're doing great. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and he damn sure won't let anything happen you don't want happen because you're only 17." She told me, placing a piece of loose curl behind my ear. "You're doing great. We almost have them, just remember to follow my lead, okay?" She reassured, giving me a hug. I hugged her back for a moment, surprised. For now, she was the closest thing to a mother figure I had in this place. We fixed ourselves, stepping back out to find them still sitting there. "Ready to go boys?" She said, twirling her hair around her fingers. They hungrily nodded, following us to the back of the club, heading up the stairs to the backroom. She nudged me again and I looked back at them, flashing a small smile before unlocking the door, stepping inside.

It seemed empty. Either the jig was up or they were really good at discreet locations. "So where do you want to do this? The couch or the back?" Laylani suggested and they both shut and lock the door, rubbing their hands. "Oh, we can do it right here, baby." They stepped towards us, snaking their hands around our hips and rubbing our butts. I blinked and saw the silencer barrel of a gun by both of their heads. "Sounds perfect." Both had masks on over their faces, and I looked to find the goons everywhere in the room, all armed, all with their faces covered. I gulped, stepping back with Lay as soon as they released us, holding their arms up carefully. "Yo, the fuck is this shit?!" They spat at us as two goons sat us down on the couch. "You bitches set us up?!" "Shut the fuck up." Laylani said coldly, pouring herself a glass of champagne and leaning back. "What is this?" I whispered to her and she shushed me, taking a sip. "Watch."

They hassled both of the men, snatching their wallets and looking at their IDs, handing it over to the one I assumed was Rakim. "Dominic Corzo, Jason Roberts." He announced, flipping the wallets closed and pulling his mask up. "You owe over 12 grand in debt. How would you like to pay up?" He asked, flicking out a switchblade and picking at his fingernails with it. "Bullshit! We're not paying shit!" J.R yelled and one of the masked men pistol whipped him over the head, causing him to groan and spit blood. "As I'm sure you can tell, I'm a very busy man. Which is why I had these two beautiful ladies, track you down for me, and bring you straight to me, hopefully with my 12 thousand dollars in tow." He spoke, pacing as he puffed on a blunt, twirling the switchblade. Laylani gave off a wave, and I looked at him confused. If he had the wallets, he knew what was inside. Why would he still ask for the money from them? "And to my knowledge, my leading lady here Laylani was able to wipe off 3 of that 12 grand, with the help of Hazel over there." I froze, hearing my name on the spot as Laylani pulled the wad of cash out of her top, handing it over to him.

She leaned towards me. "Grab the bag from behind the couch." She whispered and she nudged me, causing me to snap out of it and follow her instructions, bending down and grabbing a heavy duffel. Their eyes widened as soon as it came into view, and Rakim simply smirked, motioning for me to give it to him. I handed him the bag, and went back to my seat on the couch, watching him place it down on the table and go through it, counting the money. "3, 4, 5...6." He gave off a grin. "So 3 from our lucky man J.R, 6 from the bag you dumbasses assumed we would never find, and...?" He trailed off, leaving Laylani to hand me her glass. She walked over to Dominic, sliding her hand down his pants and pulling out another wad of cash. "12." She said, tossing it to Rakim. "Bitch." He spat in her face and she barely flinched, grabbing a towel and wiping at her face. She smiled, quickly backhanding him and I jumped. I didn't know she had it in her to make him bleed too. "Fat son of a fuck." She shot back, walking back over to the couch and standing me up. They handed the gun to Rakim, and he readjusted the silencer. "Any last words?" He asked, holding it up to their heads. "Fuck you." J.R spat and he shrugged, clicking off the safety and shooting both in the head swiftly. I let out a scream, seeing only blood splatter the walls and our clothes as they took their masks off. Laylani covered my eyes quickly, pulling me close as laughter erupted from all sides of the room.

"Somebody's never seen brains before, hm?"

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