The Crash

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He ran down the street to the park. I told my mom I would go after him. I bolted down the street and came upon Weston sitting on the ground crying.

" Why don't you want to go?" I asked.

" Because I can't leave Mary."

"It's time that you move on from her. She has already moved on from you. who knows there might be some cute girls in Arizona anyways." I told him. He wiped his tears, got up, and we walked home together.

Next Day

"Let's go!" My mom yelled. I ran down the stairs making sure I had my everything. In my backpack I had my charger, phone, water, and my headphones. I said my goodbyes to this small house and we headed for the airport. Of course once we got to the airport the same thing as usual happened. Since Weston is "famous" to many people, there was a bunch of girls taking pictures with him. I always wondered why they loved him so much. I mean I never really watched any of his broadcasts so who am I to judge.

"Flight 275 time to board" a lady over the intercom said. I knew that was our flight so we boarded the plane and the first thing I did was turn on my music and fell asleep. I dreamed about my friends back home. I woke up to a sudden shaking. I woke up to see Weston in fear and a lady over the intercom saying to stay calm. This can't be happening i thought. All of a sudden my stomach jumped and we started to fall. By this time I was panicking. Was this the end. The plan was dropping so fast and all I could think of was Weston and my parents, my family. I took hold of Weston's hand and hugged him. I couldn't think. Was this really happening? The plane was about to hit the ground. I held onto Weston tighter than ever and we hit the ground. Something really heavy fell onto my foot.

"Owww!" I screamed. I turned to look at Weston. He had his eyes closed and he wasn't responding. "Weston!" I said tapping him, "Weston wake up." This couldn't be happening. I felt a tear drop down my cheek. All of a sudden his eyes opened. I hugged him like never before.

"Let's go." He turned back to see my mom and dad were fine.

"I can't." I told him, "My foot. Its stuck under this." He moved it and I clenched his hand in pain. I couldn't walk so he carried me out. He had many scratches on his face. I looked up to see that we had landed at the airport but a crash landing. All of a sudden everything went black.

Weston POV

Everything was turning out to be fine until I looked down at Marcie to see her eyes shut.

"Marcie." I said. No response.

"Help! Someone help!" My parents and I screamed as the paramedics rushed towards us.

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