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The paramedics took Marcie away and we followed them in another car along with our luggage. We arrived in the hospital and I was shaking. Tears running down my face. Marcie can't die. She is too young. I saw them try to restart her heart beat. One try. Two tries. Three tries. Nothing happened. I fell to the ground. I can't believe this. Is it just a dream. I felt a tap on my shoulder. My mom guided me into the room. Marcie lay there with her eyes opened, her heart beating, and a broken foot. I ran and hugged her as tightly as I could until it was time to go.

I carried her to the rental car and we got in. She fell asleep and rested her head on my shoulder. Once we got home, I carried her to her bed where she layed. Soundlessly asleep the rest of the night.

Next Morning: Marcie's POV

I woke up in pain. My left foot. It was hurting so badly. A replay of what had happened yesterday played over and over in my head. I sat up, grabbed the crutches that were on my floor and went outside. I might as well get used to the new neighborhood, I thought. Once I came to a corner I saw someone. I gazed at his perfect brown hair, shining smile, and beautiful eyes.

He looked up at me and quickly walked past. I made an attempt to say hi but he just kinda left. How rude I thought. All of a sudden, I felt a hand touch my back. I turned it fright. Only to see that it was Weston.

"Hey. Did you know that we live close to Hunter and Brandon?" He said.

"Who?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. I don't really use social media or anything so I have no idea who he is talking about. We went back to the house and my mom already had breakfast ready.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" My mom asked. I shook my head I hate school so much. Especially being the new kid. I can't really believe my mom is making me go to school after everything that has happened. Why. The crash. the plane crash just keeps replaying and replaying in my head. Why did that happen to me? Just why. I went up to my bed and layed and thought. About the crash, my friends back home, Weston, and that kid I saw on my walk. Why was he so rude? But he was so cute. When I saw him, I felt butterflies.

I heard a knock on my door. It was Weston. I acted like I was asleep and he came in, gave me a hug, and then I noticed some scratches on his arm. Could he be? No Weston wouldn't do that. He noticed that I had woken up.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to tell you that Hunter and Brandon were coming over in an hour." I shrugged not really caring. I got up and changed my clothes. I put on some tights that were able to slip over my cast, and a grey sweater with a black heart. I don't usually wear makeup so I just put washed my face, put on some eyeliner, and put on my glasses. I put my hair into a messy bun and was ready for the day. I smelt pancakes being made so I went downstairs to see my mom and dad making breakfast.

"Morning honey." My mom said.

"Morning." I replied. She gave me a plate and I sat down. It was honestly the best pancakes I have ever tasted. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. It must be Hunter and Brandon. I have never ever seen them before so i was nervous. I opened the door and I couldn't believe who was standing in the front me.

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