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"Now I know you probably don't want me here," I started, "I'm not exactly sure why you are acting like this, but I need to talk to you. I don't know how to deal with the fact that you lied and I don't know why you lied but I know for sure that I didn't do anything wrong at all. When I first saw you, I knew there was something about you that was different from every other boy that I have seen You were really nice and sweet, and I don't know what's gotten to you, but I think it's best that maybe we don't talk anymore to each other." He looked at me in shock, but before he could say a word, I left the room.

Brandon's POV

I really don't know what to think right now. I just want to leave this place. It sucks being cramped up in a room like this. I heard a knock on the door to find that it was my mom, hunter, and the doctor.

"How are you doing today?" the doctor asked.

I simply replied, "Great."

"Well I was talking to your mom and brother and I think you will be fine to leave today. You will have to come in every week though so we can check on your foot and wrist, but other than that everything seems great." she told us.

"Thank so much for everything!" I said happily. Finally I get to leave this place. I just want to go home and be in my bed. One thing I couldn't help thinking was why hadn't Eva visited me. Why hadn't any of my friends visited me? It was only my family, and Weston and his family. Was I really hated that much? I looked down at my arms and saw the scars. Why? Why did I ever do that? My thoughts were interrupted when my mom came and told me it was time to go. It was a long and quiet car ride home. Once I got home, I went into my room and sat there. I sat for a login time. I didn't move or talk, I just stared into the vibrant blue wall. While I was staring, I didn't even notice that we had guests over. My mom had invited Marcie and her family over.

All of a sudden Hunter knocked on the door and walked in, "Are you ready for our guests?" He questioned. I faintly nodded and out in a nice pair of jeans and a flannel. I walked down the stairs and fretted everyone except for Marcie. I noticed how she stared at me as I sat down and zoned in and out during our families talking.

Marcie's POV

I watched Brandon as he stared into the space. His eyes were following the words everyone else spoke.

"Hey, dinner's ready." Hunter said. We all got out of our seats and headed to the table. Christine made an amazing plate of spaghetti for everyone, but I just wasn't hungry. I pushed around my meatballs and set my fork down.

"I was just wondering if I could go for a walk." I said as I got up from my chair. I walked out from the room and slipped my converse on. I walked outside and began my way towards the park. As I walked, I heard heavy breathing. The ground was cracked, and my fingers were freezing.

"Hey," I heard hunter say from behind me. I turned and stared into his green eyes.

"Um hi." I answered back. He weakly smiled as if he was hurt.

"Marcie, what's going on between you and Brandon?" he asked.

"Everything, he just hates me." I told him.

"Why don't you stay the night with us tonight, I want to show you something." I nodded.

I followed as Hunter pulled me into the room that Brandon was sleeping in. He wasn't there.

"Where is he?" I gently whispered

"Out on the roof. Why don't you go and talk to him." he firmly said. After Hunter left the room, I made my way towards the window. Only to find Brandon gazing at the stars.

"Brandon.." I started.

A/N: Finally updated! Enjoy! Don't forget to go and read my other books!!

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