He Hates Me

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"Get out of my room!" He yelled, "You pushed me off that roof!" I stood there, I completely froze. I never did anything. Why did he say that. So many things were rushing through my mind. Just then everything went black.

My eyes opened and the first person I saw was Weston. I was laying on a long couch that had seemed to be in the hospital waiting room.

"Marcie! You're awake!" Weston screamed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted. Did you really push Brandon?" He asked.

"No, I was in my room when it happened." I told him. "I don't know why he would ever say that."

Weston nodded his head. "Where are Hunter and christine?" I asked.

"I would stay far away from them if I were you." He told me. I had gotten up and saw my mom, she ran and gave me a hug.

"I didn't do anything." I whispered in her ear.

"I know ." She said in a soft and calming tone. I smiled. That was the first time in awhile that I smiled. "Why don't we head home?" She said.

"How" I questioned. "I was told to stay away from Hunter and Christine."

"While you were unconscious I talked to Christine so we could go and get the car from home. Its up to you if you want to leave or not. Christin and Hunter have left already because Brandon is sleep." She explained.

"Sure let's go." I said heading for the hospital exit.

I walked out and noticed that it was already dark. I checked my phone and it had said 11 pm. Why was it so late. I hadn't noticed how late it was getting. As we walked out to the car I could feel my legs fill with goosebumps, it was cold and windy outside and I was wearing shorts. So many things were rushing through my head. I kept replaying in my mind what had happened. I never pushed Brandon, I know I didn't. Did I? No, that can't be possible. I didn't nothing wrong, just then I heard a knock on the door. My mom came in the room, she had my laptop in her arms.

"Hey I want to show you something." She said. My mom opened the screen and it was a video of the day Brandon fell. It showed I had come back into my room before it happened. I had to email it to hunter. I couldn't stand him and his mom hating me too. I took the laptop and thanked my mom. I sent the email then shut my laptop and reached for my phone. I texted hunter.

Me: Check your email.

He never answered but he read the text right away. I sit there, just staring at my wall. Five minutes go by and I realized I recived an email from Hunter.

The Email Read:

I'm so sorry. I had the feeling that you really didn't do it. I showed my mom and she is mad at Brandon now. Why would he ever do that? We are going to see him tomorrow. Do you want to come?

I replied yes and laid down. I layed down and stared at the ceiling and drifted to sleep.

Next Morning:

I woke up to the sun shining in my face and birds chirping. It was only 7 am. I got up and put on a pair of shorts and a random blue shirt. I went to the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth, and out my hair up. I didn't feel like wearing contacts today so I put on my glasses. I walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes. I love pancakes. I turn into the kitchen to see Weston making them. Where did he learn to cook?

"Good morning." I said.

"Hey, you hungry?" He asked. I nodded my head and sat down at the table. I had a plate with 2 pancakes and I drowned them in syrup. I took one bite, these are amazing. They are crunchy on the outside, but light and fluffy on the inside.

"Woah," I said, "these are amazing Weston." I told him.

"I know." He said gloating. "Hey, so I hear you're going to see Brandon today. Can I come?" He asked. I nodded my head and texted Hunter to tell him Weston was coming. About 5 minutes later Weston was ready to go and Hunter and Christine pulled up into our driveway. As usual our moms talked for a bit and then we left. My mom also came along with us. AS we were turning into the hospital, I saw that same lonely tree, but the time someone was there. I didn't get a clear look of who, but it looked as if there had a lot of things with them. I quickly lost sight of the tree as we turned into the parking lot and parked. We all got out the car and walked into the hospital. I told them not to talk about Brandon falling of the roof. I let everyone else go in and I waited. About 15 minutes passed by and they came out and said I could go in. I slowly walked into the room, and I could tell Brandon was not expecting me. The expression on his face gave it all away. I went up to the hospital bed, took a deep breath, and began to talk.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in forever.

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