I'm Here For You

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Brandon brushed the hair off my face.

"I had an amazing night." I said with a light smile. His eyes shining in the sunset. I knew I really liked Brandon, maybe even loved him. As I began to lean closer, my stomach felt uneasy. I opened my eyes and began to run.

"Marcie! Where are you going?" Brandon yelled from afar.

"It's Weston, he needs help." I shouted back. I ran as fast as I could. Through the secret back way where the trees were. My legs and arms getting scratched up. Once I arrived to the house I knew Weston was alone. I should've been smarter than this, I can't trust Weston at the house alone. I shoved my front door open, the coldness running down my back. I ran up to Weston's room, only to find him in a corner, shaking.

I ran over to him, "Weston, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm, I'm not good enough." He said stuttering. He stared at the wall. Not even taking a second to look at me.

"Weston, come on let's go downstairs." I comforted him. Helping him up, I looked down at his arms and noticed that new cuts were appearing. It was a while since the last time he did this to himself.

"Do you want me to call someone over to stay the night with us?" I asked him softly.

"Hunter, he always knows how to help." Weston said shakily. I made a quick phone call and got Weston situated. I turned on a movie and gave him a blanket to use. Hopefully Brandon would come with hunter, I really need someone to talk to right now. I'm scared for Weston, and the pain in my heart is only getting worse.


The doorbell rang and ear pitching sound. I ran in my dark grey slippers to open it. A smiling Hunter appeared at the door. The sound of Weston snoring could be heard from throughout the house. My parents were upstairs sleeping so it was just Hunter and I standing for a few moments. He suddenly pulled me to the kitchen and made me talk.

"I know nothing is ok Marcie, you need to talk to me. You can't just keep it all in." He stated.

"I'm fine." I said. Repeating those works in my head. I'm fine. I'm fine.

"No your not." He interrupted.

"Obviously not. My brother and one of my best friends are depressed. I'm not good enough either, but I can't show it because I have to be strong for them. Without me, I don't know if there would still be here today," I began to cry. "I'm not ok." I cried into Hunter's shoulder. "Where's Brandon?" I quietly asked, trying not to wake Weston.

"He's outside." Hunter whispered into my ear. There was something about his soft voice that I found calming. It was like a dream hearing it. It was just what I needed.

"What? Why did you leave him there?" I rushed to the door to bring him inside. "Brandon! Get in here." I yelled. There was no answer. I knew exactly where he had gone, but I didn't want to tell Hunter.

"Hunter, Brandon and I are going for a walk." I explained as I put my black jacket on. He nodded and got comfortable on the couch across from Weston's snores. As I left, I ran down the street to the park. Upon arrival, I saw Brandon's hair light up in the moonlight. He was laying flat on the grass, gazing up at the stars.

I layed down next to him. He began to spread, "Marcie, do you ever just wonder what your purpose in life is?" he asked.

"All the time." I replied. "But you know what, I think about the people who want me and need me here. I think about how much of an impact I make on this world, and I think about you Brandon." I turned and whispered to him.

"Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve you? Nothing. Nothing at all. I don't deserve you. I'm not good enough. I've never done anything for you at all. I'm done with this, I'm done with me, and I'm done with you. I'm sorry, but I can't deal with us anymore." he began to yell.

"Brandon, please, calm down." I softly said. At this point we were walking. Where? I don't know, it was just somewhere. Until I realized that somewhere would be the worst thing to ever happen to me.  

a/n: enjoy! update tomorrow?

the one || a brandon rowland fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें