20. Proper

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I made a pit stop where we keep the blood slaves and had my fill before going back to my work.  I had gotten my thirst a few months back, but it seemed like it was still developing.  At first it was subtle hints that I needed a dark drink, now it was this urge that drove me, changed me.  It went from a few times a month to a few times a week that I turned into this cruel person that enjoyed the tears, enjoyed the screams, enjoyed drinking till the very last contraction of the heart.

That's what I would have done tonight, I would have toyed with my food, then viciously drank, making a bloody mess of anything within ten feet of me, but Stacy had calmed my urge slightly, she had brought back a speck of humility in me.  Just enough that I had some sense to drink prepackaged before going to the fresh.  Just enough to keep my blood slave alive for a little longer.

I made arrangements for Kyle's schooling, and read over the briefs about the lounge.  In a little over a week, it would be finished and we needed to start hiring people to work, get them trained.  It was starting to become stressful, and I felt under the same pressure that I had the first time around.  I was essentially betting my new life on the viability of a business.  I know Khole had connections and if this failed, he would make sure that I couldn't move from my very spot to eat.

I headed to my room a little early, hoping to catch Stacy and tell her what she would be doing to help Kyle.  I had read Stacy's file when I took over, I did with all the employees who were here.  I made sure everyone's background fit their job title and made adjustments as needed.  Stacy didn't have an education, but somehow she had learned.  Ruth had all her employees, human or vampire, tested at the age of nine, then again at sixteen.  Stacy was rather smart.  She was well versed in literature and sciences, she did above average in math, and failed history.  Although that is extremely common in this world.  Vampires like to keep the human's from knowing they were ever in charge, it helps to keep them below one's feet  so to speak.

I checked my room and found it empty, then headed to Kyle's.  Kyle was in the middle of telling a scary story he just made up and I heard two heartbeats in the room.  I walked in and interrupted him, rather rudely, ignoring Stacy who was sitting next to him on the bed.

"Kyle, things are going to be a little different from now on."  His face stayed calm, and serious, like he was waiting for the punch line, then it scrunched in a sneer on one side. 

"You can't have Stacy, we kissed and that means she's mine."

I raised my eyebrows at Stacy in an oh-really? look.

"Technically she is mine.  I own her, like I own you."

"Is that why she can play in my room and I can't play in hers?  She won't even show me.  I bet it's covered in yucky pink uh."

"Stacy stays in my room and it is not pink."

Kyle's moth dropped open and his eyebrows hung low in shock.  "She has sleep overs with you! Hmmph."  He crossed his arms over his chest very dramatically.  "She said she couldn't have one with me.  That it wasn't proper."

I glanced over to Stacy who was slightly amused and embarrassed with the whole conversation.  "We are getting off topic here Kyle.  I came to tell you, that you are starting schooling tomorrow, and that means you will only go to work for half the day, and be in school for the other half."

"Will Stacy be there?  Will there be other kids my age?" His voice grew excited.

"Some, and Stacy has work she has to do, but once you are done with schooling, you can come find her if you need help with any of your subjects."

"I don't think it's proper that Stacy has sleep overs with you and not me."

"I think you mean fair, it's not fair."

"No, you shouldn't be having sleep over's with someone else's girlfriend.  It's not proper.  Stacy told me what the word means."

I stood up straight, pulling away from the door frame I had been leaning on.  I had enough of this conversation.  "Good thing I own the both of you, and can do what I like then.  Like say, forbid you to have a girlfriend."

"You can't."

"I just did, and if I find out you have one, I'll whip her for every time you touch her."

He looked pale, and his head turned towards Stacy as tears came down his eyes.  She moved to hug him, to comfort him, and the quickly backed away from her.  "Don't Stacy, I don't want you to get hurt." He whined.  He tucked his head between his knees as I left and headed towards my room.

I don't know what had gotten into me, I think I might have been jealous.  Or maybe I just wanted to shut that damn kid up for once.  I heard him scream, then sob miserably as I closed my door.  Sometimes I hate the person I am when I have fed.  Sometimes I hate being so mean and heartless.  But it always feels so right when I'm in the moment, and the guilt doesn't come until it's too late.  I thought about Kyle as I got ready for bed, thought of how I can smooth this over with him.  I don't want him to hate me, I like the kid too much.

For all of you who are wondering, Kyle is six.  Just turned and although he may say some things that are older, or act older, I can assure you, it's the only child syndrome. 

My only child told me tonight she wanted to go to her uncles house in the morning.  When I told her she had to go to school, she told me to call her teacher and tell Ms. Shaw that she wasn't coming.  I told my wonderful five year old, that she had to go to school, unless she was sick.  Her exact words were, Well, just pretend I'm sick and we can go to Uncle's house. 

The logic of little kids kill me sometimes.


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