When the Wind Blows

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Your View
   It's snowing, but it's windy too.
I can't really see where I'm going. It's so cold too.
I was walking home from being in town when the wind picked up making it really cold and hard to see. As I looked up, I saw a dark figure somewhere ahead of me. I stopped walking and looked up once more. As I did so, my pale yellow scarf blew off my neck. I reached out to grab it but failed. I looked down as I began to shiver even more. Suddenly a gloved hand came forward and gave me my scarf.
"Is this yours?" asked a voice with a thick Russian accent.
I picked up my scarf and wrapped it around my neck before looking up and saying, "Thank you."
There stood before me a tall man with almost white hair, with light lavender eyes, wearing a large pale tan coat with a silvery gray scarf. He wore an innocent smile.
"No worries, try to keep warm, little sunflower," he replied as he waved a hand and walked forward past me. Soon he was swallowed up by the snow and wind. I kept trudging onward till I felt a huge gust of wind hit me square on. I had to stop and hold my ground. I waited... and waited till the wind died down. Then it stopped all together.
I looked behind me and saw that the wind storm that had passed me was still moving towards the town. It was moving as slowly as that person walked by me. I turned around and continued forward till I eventually reached my home. Where I began to warm up with a cup of warm tea.
Will I ever see that person again?

 Russia's View
I arrived home and still felt the cold come inside with me. The wind still whipped around me. I walked right into my room, ignoring others. I went straight to bed and flopped down on it.
Who was that girl?
My mind kept filling with questions.
What was she doing in the cold like that? Why was she shivering so much? Who is she? Will I ever see her again?
This last thought troubled me. I do not even know her and yet I can't help but feel like she is someone I want to be around. I sighed.
"Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania!" I called. The three came promptly into the room each seemed to be shivering with excitement.
"Y-yes R-Russia s-s-sir." They said.
I smiled as I said, "I need you all to find something out for me."  

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