Christmas Special

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Dear Diary, It's been a month since the whole fiasco in Switzerland. I am happy to announce that I just got my boot off my left leg, so now walking is a lot easier... But there still isn't much of that happening anyway. And I still have a small cast on my wrist. Russia's become a bit more... protective of me since that whole incident. After waking up, I had to spend another week in a Swiss hospital, before I finally got the all clear. Once I got that, Russia seemed quite eager to bring me back home. I couldn't really blame him though. After saying our goodbyes to the other countries we returned home with Leo and Joseph. Those two were just as eager as Russia to get me home. But then again, I was pretty happy to be home soon. Moving on to more current events, it's now Christmas season! I'm really happy. It's my first Christmas with Russia, though it will also be my first Christmas without Zane. But I know that if he saw me moping he'll just get annoyed, so I'm determined to be happy. I've already gotten presents for everyone, though I must say it's amazing that I managed to get them all without Russia or one of the others noticing. I can't wait to see what they think of them. I also bought some gifts for the other countries. I just sent them out earlier today, thanks to Lithuania helping me. Ever since we came back from Switzerland, either Russia, or one of the Baltics would be following me around. I don't always mind it but still, it can have its downsides. When Russia is the one I'm with, he'll treat me like I am a fragile object that will break. So he tries to keep me as sedentary as possible. When it is one of the Baltics, they really act more as an assistant (after a week had passed since we came back). That's why I had Lithuania help me with mailing the presents. If I had let Russia help me, I have the strong feeling that he would've had me sit on the couch or bed and then he would've just destroyed the presents since he won't leave me be for very long, unless forced to by work, or the army on one occasion. Speaking of Russia, tomorrow I plan on meeting up with him for a little party at his house since it's Christmas Eve. I'll bring everyone's gifts with me. Now that I think about it, I should probably bring an extra set of clothes. I somehow always manage to end up staying for a sleepover whenever I go there. Not that I really mind, Russia's like a big teddy bear at times. Goodnight Diary, wish me luck tomorrow ​

I put the pen down and closed my diary. I yawned as I walked to bed.

~Time Skip to the Next Day~
After making sure that all the gifts were wrapped and ready, I finished getting myself ready. When I was done I put a red Santa hat on and walked out to my car. I drove for a bit in the freezing cold till I spotted the all too familiar mansion.
I parked and brought the gifts with me to the door. After ringing the bell, Lithuania answered. He wore a huge grin as he welcomed me in and helped me with the gifts. He showed me to the room where the others were.
When we entered the room I gasped in surprised. It was covered in lights and tinsel and all sorts of pretty decorations. There was even a big roaring fire in the fireplace. And the tree was amazing. As I stared about the room I heard a familiar voice say,
"Welcome sunflower," I turned to see Russia in his signature scarf and wearing a comfy sweater. I bounded towards him and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back.
"счастливого Рождества" He said to me. I smiled and said,
"Merry Christmas." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He simply beamed at me. Then the party got underway... Or at least, that was what was supposed to happen.
5 minutes after arriving we were invaded by a bunch of countries. America burst through the door yelling,
"It's not a party without the Hero!" Then an annoyed Englishman elbowed America, before a certain wine-carrying Frenchman said,
"Oui, do not be zo rough on him, Black Sheep of Europe." That set England off. Before anyone knew it, the two were at each others' throats. I stood behind Russia. As the fight continued, more arrived through the now broken door.
China, Spain, Prussia, both Italy brothers, Germany, and Japan arrived. They all came over to Russia and I, giving us a greeting. I turned to China and asked,
"What are you guys doing here? I thought America was having a Christmas party at his house." China blushed a bit and said,
"Well, aru... We uhh..." He couldn't find the words to explain the situation. As I waited for an answered, Russia walked over the two fighting countries.
He lifted them up by the collar and turned towards the laughing American. I think everyone could feel the terrifying aura being radiated off him. He smiled and said,
"You all will tell me what you are doing here, da." It didn't really sound like a question. The others quieted down. France and England stopped struggling in Russia grasp. America had stopped laughing. America locked eyes with Russia and said,
"We came to party dude!" The tension still hung in the air. I walked over to Russia and placed a hand on his shoulder. He immediately looked over to me and softened his gaze.
"You need to put England and France down Russia," I said. He sighed and did as he was told. He let go of his hands and let the two drop. They both spluttered a bit before getting up.
"Thanks love," England said. France kept coughing. Russia put his hands down by his sides. I grabbed Russia's hand. He seemed a bit surprised by this but soon Russia's aura seemed to die down and the party resumed, with the addition of the new guests.

~A Few Hours Later~
The party was quieting down. Everyone seemed to have a good time. I was also able to catch up with a few of the others, like Italy, so I was pretty happy. It was now a little past midnight. America was having fun with Romano and Italy, China and Japan were debating, England was in his own corner beginning to question his religion, all while Germany was sitting on a chair relaxing by the fire. France, Spain, and Prussia were rather drunk off of both the drinks they had brought with them, and the ones offered during the party. As I walked away from Russia to get some more water, France walked up to me.
"What's a belle like you doing with a guy like that?" He slurred as he put an arm around my shoulder. I quickly peeled his arm off, only for him to grab me by my waist. I squeaked in surprise as my face became heated with an undeniable blush.
"France! Please let me go, I don't like this." I said. I tried pushing him off but it was no use. He smiled.
"Oui, are you sure that is what you want?" He said in a seductive voice. I squirmed more. As he leaned in to try an kiss me, his head was pulled back.
Russia had grabbed him by the hair and got him to release me. I backed away from the drunk Frenchman. Russia tossed France aside. This caught everyone's attention. They all watched as the two faced off against each other.
"She is my sunflower," Russia said as a scary aura began to come off him. France stood up and was unsteady on his feet. He responded by saying,
"How do you know that she won't leave you for someone like moi?" Silence fell over the room. Russia's aura seemed to disappear as he chuckled. This caught everyone off guard. Russia walked towards me while saying,
"Da, you are right," I was surprised to hear this. Russia continued, "With the way things are now, it will be hard to make sure my sunflower stays mine." He eventually stood a few feet in front of me.
"Russia?" I said. I looked at that smiling face.
"I was planning to do this later in the morning, but now is better." He said. He took something from his pocket. What he did next was something completely unexpected.
He got down on one knee and said,
"Marry me" He opened the box in his hand to reveal a beautiful . I felt tears well up in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said,
"Da!" He held me close. When we finally broke from the hug he placed the ring on my finger. He then kissed me as several of the nations began clapping and whistling. Italy and Germany were the first to congratulate us.
"Russia," I said. He turned to me with a questioning gaze. I held his hand and kissed him. "I love you."
He smiled and replied,
"я тоже тебя люблю (I love you too)"  

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