Thoughts From Around The World

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A/N: So this chapter is going to be different (because why not). It takes place during the party from the last chapter. You'll get to see what the other countries think about you and/or your relationship to Russia. I had a lot of fun writing these, so I hope all of you will enjoy them. Feel free to make any requests for any countries that I left out.
Sorry I couldn't make these colorful.

America's Thoughts
Dude, this can't be happening. I'm the hero and Russia's the villain. How did he get a hot chick like that?! I looked to England and said,
"He must be threatening her, dude." England gave me a disapproving look before saying,
"I don't think so, look at her." He motioned to (f/n) who was chatting with Hungary, and Austria. She seemed quite happy. And her smile made me swoon. I soon saw Russia walk over and hug her. Her smile only grew wider. "See, she seems happy enough. Let's let them be."
I grumbled a bit and then decided against that. As I began heading over there, England grabbed me by the collar to begin lecturing me. But, being the Superman that I was, I simply thought about how to make her wish that she was my Lois Lane.

England's Thoughts
After finally having enough of America, I walked over to (f/n). She smiled and greeted me. She seemed quite content given the mobs of countries talking to her.
"How are you fairing, love?" I asked. She replied that she was doing well. Soon the conversation started to flow and somehow we got to books.
"What is your favorite fictional character?" I asked. Without hesitation she answered,
"Sherlock Holmes." I stared at her with wide eyes.
"He's my favorite too." I replied with excitement. We continued talking about him for quite some time. We debated on which case was his greatest.
"There's nothing I like more than curling up with a good book and a cup of tea." She said after we agreed on a case. I felt my heart skip. Soon Hungary waved (f/n) to come join her. (f/n) turned to me and said good bye. I watched her as she walked away. I felt a strange pang of pain.
"What could this be?" I thought. Then it hit me; loneliness. I wish she would've stayed.

Germany's Thoughts
I leaned against a wall, sipping my beer. That girl must be a lot braver than any of us here if she can stand Russia and his... tendencies. Soon Italy came up to me.
"~Ve~ Come on-a Germany~. You-a have to talk-a to this bella~."
"Nein." I replied. I felt too shy for some reason. Soon Austria came over.
"You really ought to give her zhe chance. Zhe is quite charming."
"You-a see, even Mr. Austria likes-a her." Italy said as he began to pull me in her direction. I let myself be led by the two over to Hungary and (f/n). They both smiled at me. And soon the conversation started.
"Tell me, (f/n), what are your hobbies?" Hungary asked.
"Well, besides reading, I like to bake." (f/n) replied. Italy's face lit up.
"What-a do you-a like-a to bake?" He asked.
"I love chocolate, so I often make things like brownies or black forest cake." She replied.
"~Ve~ Germany, you-a make that-a cake often." Italy stated. I felt a light blush appear across my face. (f/n) just smiled.
"I would really like to try yours, it will probably taste great." I felt my blush deepen. I was glad she didn't find it strange. And she didn't seem like a slacker either. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to make that cake. I wouldn't mind making one with her some time...

Austria's Thoughts
After all the talks about sweet things, we moved on to music.
"What kind of music are you into (f/n)?" Hungary asked.
"I really like classical music. Especially if it is played on a piano." She replied. I looked at her with a bit of surprise. Most ladies her age didn't really seem to care much for the classics.
"Do you play?" I asked. She blushed as she answered,
"I can play a little bit but I still am not that at a level where I can play the work of masters well enough to be satisfied." She seemed to be a harsh critic on herself, that was good.
"Mr. Austria can-a play really-a well~" Italy said. I felt (f/n) give me a curious look as Hungary and Italy kept on talking about me playing the piano. I felt my heart race a bit.
"I would love to listen to you play some time." (f/n) said with a sweet smile. I felt myself at a loss for words. I could only nod as I watched her walk over to Russia. I clenched my hands into fists.

China's Thoughts
"I still do not understand how you got a cute girl, aru." I stated to Russia. He merely chuckled. Japan had also asked this question before I had. Russia had only responded that he simply did.
Russia soon turned his attention away from us as (f/n) bounded towards us. She hugged Russia and then greeted us. I then decided to ask her:
"Why did you decide to date Russia aru?" I asked and Japan simply echoed my thoughts. She tilted her head and thought for a moment before answering.
"Well, he seemed pretty nice, and I just..." her voice trailed for a moment before saying, "thought he looked like a giant teddy bear."
Japan's mouth was wide open, and was mine. Russia just chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Japan looked as if he could've fainted.
"You thought... he looked like a teddy bear..." Japan said with disbelief. (f/n) just gave the most adorable smile before saying,
"Yep. I just love cute things." She stated. After the two moved away to get something to drink, Japan collapsed.
"What a cute but weird girl, aru" I said.
"I agree." Said Japan.

France's Thoughts
I felt I had just brushed with death. I had never seen Russia look so scary. I tried to get back to drinking with Prussia and Spain, but all they seemed to talk about was her. She reminded me of a bit of a former flame I had loved so dearly. But lost so horribly.
"Jou are vone lucky guy." Prussia stated, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Si, that could've been muy malo for you." Spain agreed.
"Oui, but how come he getz zee cutie?" I whined. Prussia glared.
"How come zhe Frau doezn't do for zhe awezome Prussia?!" Exclaimed Prussia. Spain only agreed. I looked over to her. She was laughing quite a bit while talking to Italy and Hungary. The sound of her laughing makes my heart flutter. I looked towards her with a flame of passion burning in my eyes.
"I'll prove that I am the only lover for her."  

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