Ribbons, Ribbons, & More Ribbons

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"Little brother Russia~ I've come to visit~" I heard a cheery voice say. Looking to the door, I saw a very... busty woman walk in, carrying some flowers. I recognized her as that woman from the hotel.
She soon walked over, smiled, and handed me the flowers. She then hugged me and said,
"It is so nice to meet you (f/n), I'm Ukraine, but please call me big sister!" I blushed a bit. I then said,
"It's nice to meet you too." She let go and beamed with happiness. Soon she went over to Russia and hugged him. He hugged back a bit, but was still a bit nervous.
"Big sister," He said. She looked up and said,
"Did little sister Belarus come with you?" He asked. I felt myself go a bit pale, my legs felt as if they would give out.
"No, she said she didn't want to come." Ukraine replied with a smile. Both Russia and I let a sigh of relief escape. Ukraine soon clapped her hands together and said,
"Let's not focus on that, but on your wedding!" She soon began talking about all the details and having the Baltics bring in different books for things like cakes, decor, dresses, pretty much everything we would need for a wedding.
As she chatted happily about this I couldn't help but think one thing;
What's this bad feeling in the pit of my gut?

~Time Skip To A Few Days Later~
Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, and I all met up to go visit the wedding dress store. Truthfully, I had wanted to go there another time, but Ukraine seemed determined to see me in a wedding dress.
We soon entered the shop and were greeted by one of the employees who showed us to a large room filled with dresses of all designs.
"Any preferences? Any themes or colors in mind?" The lady asked. I soon said,
"The whole theme is going to be spring and floral, but truthfully, I'd like something simple." I felt myself blush a bit, feeling a bit shy. The lady paced for a moment and thought for a bit.
"That's a toughie, but don't worry, we'll find the perfect one!" She said. She then told us to look around, so we all did. As I wondered about I soon heard Italy say,
"Ve~ All these-a dresses are-a so pretty. How will we-a pick just-a one?" Hungary then answered,
"I know they are all pretty, but we have to find the right one, this will be a special day for (f/n)." Ukraine soon said,
"And it will also be a special day for my cute little brother!" I felt that strange feeling coming back.
It felt like there was a block of ice at the bottom of my stomach.
'Will I find the right dress?'
'If I don't find there right one, will I ruin the whole wedding?'
I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking these things. I came back from the dead just to be with the man I love. As I thought this, I saw a dress out of the corner of my eyes.
It was a beautiful pure white dress. I walked over to it and ran my hand through the fabric. It was so soft and silky. Italy snuck up behind me and said,
"You should-a try it-a on." Hungary and Ukraine soon came over. I was then rushed off by the two into a dressing room where the lady from before helped me put the dress on.
I walked over to the room filled with mirrors that showed the dress from every angle.
I couldn't help but gasp.
The dress had cascading layers of white that flowed so naturally behind it. The whole dress seemed as is it were floating on me, giving me a fairy-like look.
The others had the same reaction.
"It's perfect (f/n)!" Hungary said. Italy nodded and agreed with her. Ukraine soon said,
"You will be so beautiful on your wedding! Brother is going to love the dress!" I simply smiled and nodded in agreement. Once I had changed out of the dress, we went and purchased the dress. Once out, Ukraine and I waved goodbye to Hungary and Italy.
We found Lithuania waiting with a car. He ushered us inside and drove us back to the mansion. All the while Ukraine and I talked about different subjects an laughed a bit too.
I must say, I like Ukraine. She is such a nice person and she seems to like me.
When we got back, Russia came and greeted us, asking how the dress shopping went.
"It went wonderfully! We found the perfect dress for (f/n), you'll love it." Ukraine said. Russia smiled and said,
"Maybe you could try it on for me, da." He smiled as he looked to me. I blushed a bit while Ukraine said,
"No, no, no, no. You can not see her in the dress till the day of the wedding." Russia pouted a bit and said,
"But big sister-"
"No buts Russia." Ukraine replied. Russia gave me his signature puppy dog eyes. I was about to say something when Ukraine pulled me into her embrace, shocking Russia, then proceeded to say,
"You will not use those cute eyes on us!" She then dragged me off into the house. When we finally got to her room, we both started laughing. The look of shock on Russia's face was just adorable.  

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