Melting The Ice

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Your view
The sun had already set. Russia and I were talking on the phone with each other.
"I was thinking," Russia said. "That we could go skating tomorrow, da?"
"I don't know..." I replied, my voice trailing off.
"What is wrong, my sunflower?" He asked with a bit of worry. I shook my head and blushed as I said,
"I... Well..." I struggled to admit it but I finally managed to say, "I can't skate."
He breathed a sigh of relief and then said, "Worry not, my sunflower, for I will teach you. Be ready for me to pick you up at 10 tomorrow." And with that he hung up. I sighed. We had been dating for two months now and we still hadn't been kissed yet. Sure he gave me a greeting kiss, but that isn't a full on kiss. I still remember how my friend had been dating for this long without kissing her boyfriend and they broke up. I didn't want that to happen to me and Russia. He always made me laugh and was always spending time with me. Being with him makes me really happy.
I looked at the clock. It's getting late. With that I got up and went to bed.

The Next Day
At 10 exactly Russia arrived at my house in his car. He helped me inside the car and then we were off. He still had his usual cheerful smile and was humming a tune. It was rather soothing, and it even helped calm the nerves I was feeling.
Soon we arrived at a frozen pond. Russia and I both got out of the car. Russia pulled two sets of skates from the trunk of his car. And led me down to the edge of the pond. He then handed me a pair of skates and told me to put them on, which I did. I was a bit surprised at how well they fit me. Soon Russia started out on the ice, gliding around till finally he came back to the edge where I was.
He reached out a hand and said, "Come here my sunflower." I stood hesitantly.
"I'm not really sure about this..." I said. Russia came forward a bit more and gently took hold of my hand.
"It will be alright. I'm right here." He said. I felt reassured by those words. I took a hesitant step forward onto the ice and slipped a bit. Thankfully Russia kept me steady. Soon I managed to stand properly but I still had to hold on firmly to him.
"See, you are doing fine." He said. He soon started carefully leading me out into the pond, while giving me instructions on how to move and keep my balance. Soon I started to skate with him rather than be dragged behind him. It was fun. That is, till he let go of my hand.
"Russia, what are you-" I said till I felt myself begin to fall. I tried to right myself but just kept wobbling all over. Till finally I fell right into Russia. I ended up taking us both down. I landed on top of Russia who landed on a nearby pile of snow. I felt something that was at first cold but then warm press against my lips. I opened my eyes.
Our lips were touching. I heard a slight groan come from Russia. I lifted my head up and tried to get off of him but his arms wrapped around me.
"Are you okay Russia?" I asked. Russia open his eyes and looked at me.
"Da, I am fine." He replied. His arms squeezed themselves around me. "Are you sunflower?"
"I think so," I said. He patted my head with his big hand. Then he pushed my face closer to his and then...
He kissed me. I went wide eyed with surprise but I began to kiss back. It all seemed to go on forever, like time had simply stood still for the two of us. We broke apart and were both panting a bit. I glanced at Russia who had a little blush on his cheeks. He looked at me and said,
"With a kiss like that you could melt ice, my sunflower." He kissed me gingerly on the forehead. I just snuggled into his arms. Though soon we both got up. We were both a bit flushed from the whole thing as we proceeded to the car. I felt really happy, but embarrassed all the same.

Russia's view
As we drove to her house, I thought about that kiss. That kiss was wonderful. But it made me wish that we did not need to breathe, then we would not have had to break the kiss. Still it allowed me to see her cute blush. I want to see her blush like that more often.
When we arrived at her house I walked her to the door.
"Was it good?" I asked. She looked at me and blushed once more.
"It was great." She said. She looked too cute. I reached down and placed a hand on her cheek. She looked up and I gently kissed her. She began to kiss back as well. It tasted so sweet. Once we broke away she smiled and bid me farewell.
I walked back to my car and began driving home. I already miss her warmth.  

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