A Long Night (Part 3)

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Your View
It must be rather late. A heavy silence had fallen over the entire mansion. It felt... unsettling.
I opened my eyes and looked about the room. There was but one lamp on in the whole room. I looked towards it, but soon saw a shadowy figure move in the surrounding darkness. I tried to sit up, but I found that I was quite gently but firmly pushed back by someone. I allowed myself to be pushed down. I felt someone place their hand gently on my face. I looked up to see that it was Russia.
He looked at me and gave a gentle smile. "Are you feeling better, sunflower?"
"Yeah," I rubbed my eyes. "I should probably be getting home now." I once more tried to get out of the bed, and was once more stopped. I looked up and saw that Russia wore an anxious expression.
"Нет (No), you are still sick." He said. He placed both his hands on my shoulders before saying, "What if you collapse again?" I looked away and felt heat rush to my cheeks. I hated to admit it... but he had a point. I sighed.
"I guess I'll stay... if it's no trouble." I mumbled. Russia beamed. He soon began to fuss over me. Asking me if I was hungry, or if I wanted a drink.
"I'm fine, I just feel cold." I answered. Russia looked at me and I saw a smile curve up on his lips. He soon crawled into the bed and laid down next to me.
"This will do, da?" He said with an innocent smile. I felt myself become bright red. I gave a small nod. He put his arms around me and held me close. I could feel the warmth of his body and I could even hear the sound of his heart beating. It went so steadily.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
It was really soothing. I felt my body beginning to relax as my eyelids grew heavy. Russia was burying his face in my hair. He began to stroke my hair and he began to say something, but I had already gone too far into the realm of sleep to hear.

Russia's View

When I had come back from the pharmacy I found (f/n) sleeping in my bed. Lithuania reported that she had fallen asleep after I had left. That was good, at least she can rest.
I waited by the bedside for quite some time. Her fever went down a bit but was still there. And she occasionally coughed in her sleep. Eventually she woke up. Her face was flushed and she seemed unsteady. Like a flower being buffeted by the wind. She tried to go but I forced her to stay in bed. It would be wrong to let her go home. Even if she was well.
I asked her if she needed anything but she simply replied that she was cold. Hearing that made me feel quite happy. I got into the bed and snuggled down next to her. I brought her closer to me. Seeing her blush is very cute. But then, everything about her was cute.
I couldn't help myself when I whispered my feelings to her,
"I love you." But she was already asleep. That's okay. I can still tell her another time... 
That is... if things go well over the next few weeks...  

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