Hold My Hand

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Your View
It had been a few weeks since I had told Russia about my condition. He had taken it rather well. He spent a lot of time with me. There would be plenty of nights he would stay over at my house or vise versa. He would often take me to visit Zane and the others. Although he did feel a bit jealous for me giving them so much attention. It made him look quite cute, till he got really scary. It wasn't until I explained that Zane and Leo were dating that he felt better. With Russia, I felt so calm.
I really felt nervous today though. Russia was taking me to the hospital for an examination. He held my hand as we waited for the doctor to return with the results.
"It will be fine sunflower," Russia said while giving my hand a squeeze. I smiled at him. I felt really lucky to have Russia here. Just then the doctor walked in. He looked over the charts and said,
"Good news, the cells have not multiplied." I breathed a sigh of relief. Russia placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. The doctor cleared his throat. "However..." I felt my body freeze. "They are still quite active. I'm afraid we'll most likely have to increase the dosage of the medication you're taking."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked. I felt my nerves coming back. Russia looked over to the doctor and asked,
"What is so bad about the medication?" The doctor sighed. He pushed his glasses up as he explained,
"The medication often times has some side effects. In small dosages, it would leave a person feeling tired or a bit on the weak side, as you must have noticed with Miss (l/n). In a slightly larger dosage, the amount that we want to give her, she will become very weak or exhausted. And she must not strain herself. If she were to do so, it could cause the cells of her heart, both normal and mutated, to begin acting up in a way that would be dangerous."
"Is there anything else that can be done for her?" Russia asked with a note of anxiety and frustration in his voice. The doctor shook his head before saying,
"Not much I'm afraid. There are other medications but this is the one with the best results. But there is another way to help her but..."
"But what?" Asked Russia. I knew what the doctor was going to say. I looked down to the ground and closed my eyes.
"There is a special surgery where we would have a small laser go into her heart and, in essence, destroy the cells. The problem is, the cells must be grouped in larger enough colonies so that the laser can detect and destroy them properly without harming too many of the normal cells of the heart."
"Then we should go with that." Stated Russia. I shook my head and said,
"It wouldn't work." Russia looked at me with a questioning look and asked,
"Why ever not?" The doctor thankfully answered for me.
"Her condition is different from other cases. The cells are more sparsely populated in her heart, and those colonies are too small. The laser would simply cause too much damage to her heart. And letting the colonies grow is not an option either. These mutations are too extreme. If they get too large, then they would pose a greater risk to her health. There would even be a possibility of death from doing something as simple as walking or even sleeping." Russia's grip on my shoulder tightened as he thought about what the doctor said.
"So Miss (f/n), should we move forward with the medication?" I thought for a moment. I looked at Russia who wore a very sobering face. He nodded. I told the doctor I would.

~Time Skip~
We had just arrived at my house with the medication. I would start taking it tomorrow. Russia and I sat down on the couch. He took my hand and soon engulfed me in a hug.
"I'm sorry that you had to hear that Russia." I said. I felt bad that he had to learn how bad things were getting. He shook his head.
"It is not your fault, sunflower." He said. When he held me like this I always felt better. "Sunflower..." He said in my ear.
"Yes," I answered. I blushed as I felt his warm breath tickle my ear.
"I was thinking, would you like to come with me to Switzerland?" He asked. I looked up at him.
"Why Switzerland?" I asked.
"In a week I must once again go on a business trip there, for perhaps a week and a half, but this time I want to go with you." He kissed my cheek which instantly became flushed. I smiled and said,
"I would love to Russia." I leaned over and kissed him. He beamed. "Just let me get the all clear from the doctor first."
"Da," he replied as he nuzzled my neck.

~Time Skip~
I got the all clear from the doctor, he only mentioned that I should try not to ski or climb any mountains. I readily agreed to that. I still couldn't believe that in a few days I will be Switzerland. I was so happy. Nothing could ruin this trip.

Russia's View
Tomorrow we leave for Switzerland. As I was packing my phone began to vibrate. I looked and saw it was one of (f/n)'s friends, Joseph. I picked up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Russia, it's me Joseph. Is it true you're taking (f/n) to Switzerland?" Asked Joseph.
"Da," I replied. I heard a sigh come from the other end.
"Do you mind meeting up with me tonight? I need to talk to you about something important."
"Sure, just tell me where and I will come." I said. Joseph quickly told me the cafe were he wanted to meet up. I soon got into my car and began to drive there. I wondered what he wanted to talk about.  

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