Screams of Pain

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Your View
Where am I? It's so dark... What's that noise?
I tried to focus on that noise. Maybe a voice? No, more voices. Yes, I think they are yelling... but they are too far away. I can't make them out.
I tried to move, but was only met with pain. I cried out and the voices grew louder. I cried out once more. And they grew louder once more, only to die down till I could not hear them anymore.
All was still. No sound could be heard. Nothing was to be seen in the darkness that surrounded me.
I pulled my legs up to me chest and hugged them. Tears began to spill over from my eyes as pain came to me once more.


Russia's View
I ran through the halls of the hospital with several of the other nations. Eventually we reached a hall where Switzerland and the others were. Hungary greeted us and filled the others in on what had happened. I scanned the room.
The Italy and the others who had been with (f/n) were upset. I looked at Switzerland. He stood there staring at a wall... no a window. I looked inside and saw an operation taking place. There were doctors and nurses moving around quickly. I couldn't even see who was having the operation. I turned to Switzerland. I grabbed his shoulder and said,
"Where is she?" Switzerland looked at me then turned his attention back to the window. He pointed. I followed. I could see a some (h/c) hair hanging from the table. And then on an adjacent table was something truly horrifying.
It was a pale yellow scarf, covered in blood. I let go of Switzerland and walked over to the window. I could only stare.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and saw Switzerland raise a single hand towards my face. There was something in it.
It was the necklace I had given (f/n). Only now it had a crack going through it. I took it from Switzerland's hand and held it in mine. I stared at it for a long time. When I finally realized what this meant, I sank to my knees on the floor.
All noise, all the people rushing over to me, yelling at me, they all faded into nothingness as I let my pain spill forth into a single cry.  

Growing In the ColdHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin