I am...

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Your View
I sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down at my hand and started playing with my ring.
I couldn't help but feel anxious. The date for the wedding was drawing ever closer.
I shook my head and walked into the bathroom. I walked over to the sink and splashed some cool water on my face. Looking into the mirror I said,
"Calm down (f/n). Everything will be fine." I glanced once more at my reflection.
I looked a bit pale, and yet flustered. I felt as if my hair was a bit out of place. Even my eyes looked a bit tired. I felt as though I could be sick at any moment from this dizzying feeling. I just shook my head.
"It's just the side effects of the medication." I mumbled.
I was still taking the heart medication, though thankfully they changed the dosage amount. But still, the side effects were taking their toll. I hadn't even told Russia that I had lost a bit of weight thanks to the medication. I know he'd just be worried.
I turned away from the mirror and went over to the bed. I hugged one of the pillows close to my chest as tears spilled over from my eyes.
As the tears flowed forth, so did a whirl of emotions. But the one thought that ran through my head was this;

I am... scared...

Russia's View
I looked away from the paper work and glanced at the calendar.

Soon, soon the wedding day will arrive.Soon I'll be standing at the alter.Soon I'll see (f/n) in her wedding dress.Soon I'll be lifting that veil... giving her a kiss...Soon, so soon, and yet not soon enough.I sighed a bit as I set down the paper work I was working on. I stretched a bit in the chair.
I proceeded to pick up my shot of vodka. I drank it, savoring the warm burning sensation as it went down my throat. I hummed a bit.
I place the glass down as I decided I had had done enough work for one night.
I walked down the hall and looked out the window, watching the small crystals of snow float down to the earth, coating it in a layer of pure white.
"Beautiful..." I whispered as I felt myself smile a bit. I continued down the hall till I got to my bedroom. I carefully opened the door. I walked over to the bed and was surprised to see my sunflower. She was hugging a pillow as she lay on the edge of the bed with her legs already off.
It was then that I realized she must've been waiting for me. I smiled a bit as I brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. I then gently tucked her under the covers, getting myself under too.
Careful not to wake her up, I slid my arms around her slender body. She stirred a bit before snuggling into my embrace. I chuckled a bit at how cute she was.
As I held her close and buried my face in her hair, I could not help but think;
I am happy.

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