Special Chapter

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I heard my phone begin to ring. I glanced at the clock.
12:34 am
I groaned as I rolled over and reached for the phone.
"Hello?" I said in a groggy voice. I heard yells and cheers coming from the other end.
"Miss (f/n)!" cried a terrified voice. It was Lithuania. "Please hurry over here!"
"Huh?" I began to wake myself up a bit. "What's going on over there?" I asked. There were more yells and screams before the phone hung up. I jumped and changed, grabbing my cell phone along the way. I ran to my car and began the drive towards Russia's mansion.
When I entered I found the door unlocked. After entering I grabbed an umbrella that had been beside the door as I made my way down through the halls. I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. I walked quietly over to the door. I saw it begin to slowly open. I raised the umbrella over my head and-
The sound echoed throughout the hallway followed a groan. I looked down and saw a battered Lithuania on the ground.
"Oh no!" I cried. I swooped down beside Lithuania who began to sit up. "I'm sorry, I thought you were a burglar." I said. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile.
"It's fine, don't worry" He said. Changing the subject I asked,
"So what's with the frantic phone call?" Lithuania turned quite pale. Standing up and pulling me to my feet he led me towards the partially opened door to the kitchen. I peeked inside.
Russia was sitting there on the floor, with Latvia in a headlock and a scared looking Estonia cowering in the corner.
"So what were you saying little Latvia?" He asked as a menacing aura surrounded him.
"I-I d-didn't s-say an-anything M-Mr R-R-Russia s-sir." The little Baltic country answered in a trembling voice. Russia wore his signature scary smile.
"Good, now," He turned towards Estonia. "I want some more Vodka." Estonia quickly nodded and ran off to get some.
I turned to Lithuania and asked,
"Is he?" Lithuania nodded. I sighed and walked in with Lithuania. Russia looked up and wore a big dopey grin on his face. He let go of the terrified Baltic, who quickly ran away, and stood up. He walked over to me with his arms out wide, quickly enveloping me into a hug.
"Sunflower! I wazn't expecting you," He slurred a bit as he spoke. He smelled quite heavily of alcohol. I tapped on his chest. He looked down on me as I gazed up to him.
"Russia, you're drunk, aren't you?" I said. He quickly denied it. "Yes you are." He denied it once more. We went back and forth for a while.
"Okay, maybe a little." He finally admitted. I sighed and grabbed his hand. I led him to his master bathroom. Once there I made him splash water on his face. After that (and some drunk singing) I made him change into his pajamas and put him to bed. I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist.
"Don't go." He said. He gave me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't say no. When he realized this he beamed with happiness.
He pulled me onto the bed and held me tight. He nuzzled his face into my hair. Eventually we both fell asleep.

~Time Skip to Early the Next Morning~
I woke up to the sounds of someone being sick. Rubbing my eyes I walked over to the master bathroom where I found a hungover Russia sprawled out on the floor. I walked over and lay on the floor beside him. His bloodshot eyes fluttered open. He looked at me and groaned a bit. I giggled.
"Sunflower? When did you get here?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"Lithuania called me last night after midnight. I rushed over here to find you killing Latvia in a headlock, scaring Estonia, and forcing Lithuania to get you more Vodka with Estonia. You were pretty drunk." I said. He looked over to me.
"Did I do anything else?"
"Well... When I took you to the bathroom to wash your face, you began singing in Russian. After you were in bed, I began to leave but then you told me to stay so I stayed the night with you." He covered his eyes with his hand as a pale blush began to form on his face. I moved my head towards him and kissed his cheek before getting up. I extended a hand to him.
"Let's get you back to bed." He took my hand and I led him over to the bed where he once more held me close. He slept off the rest of his hangover while I regained the amount of sleep I lost. He was so warm to hug.  

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