Jealousy & Sadness

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Russia's View
I walked over to her and crouched down.
"Sunflower..." I said trying to get her attention. She looked at me with tears running down her face. I placed my hand on her cheek. She pulled away.
"I'm sorry Russia, but I need to go to the hospital."
"Whatever for my dear sunflower?" I asked as I pulled her into my embrace. Her body began to tremble a bit, but I still held her.
"M-my friend, he- he was in an accident." She said while trying to hold back a sob.
"Then we can go see him together, da?" She looked up and smiled.

~Time Skip~
When we arrived in the hospital, I held her hand as (f/n) walked through the hallways like she was familiar with them. We eventually reached a room that had two gentlemen waiting outside it. One with bright orange hair was trying to comfort the one with black hair. As soon as the the first one looked up he said,
"(f/n)" She looked at him and ran over to him, somehow slipping through my grasp. She hugged them both. Though she seemed to hold the one with black hair longer. I felt my blood boil with jealousy. The orange haired man looked at me and asked,
"Who is this?" (f/n) let go of the black haired man and motioned to me.
"This is my boyfriend Russia. Russia, these are two of my friends, Joseph," she motioned to the orange haired man, "and Leo," motioning to the black haired man.
"Good to meet you, just wish it was on a happy occasion." said Joseph. He extended a hand which I shook. The one named Leo started making all sorts of motions with his hands.
"What does that mean?" I asked. (f/n) giggled and said,
"He says he is happy to meet the guy who I'm dating, but he agrees with what Joseph said." I then realized that this man was mute. (f/n) turned to Joseph and asked,
"How is Zane doing?" Joseph shock his head.
"The doctors say his condition isn't critical from the car accident but..."
"But what?" Asked (f/n). I could see that she was visibly distressed. I went and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Well..." said Joseph. "The thing is... God I just can't say it." He put his forehead against the wall with his fists raised. Leo then began to sign a bunch of things to (f/n). She gasped.
"I-is it-it true," she stuttered. Leo sniffed. And Joseph just banged his fist against the wall. (f/n) placed her hands over her mouth and turn to me. She buried her face in my chest. I held her close. Leo just began to sniffle more and Joseph stayed at his place in front of the wall. I finally asked.
"What did he say?" My sunflower looked up at me and then shook her head before placing her forehead against my chest. She muttered one word: Cancer.
I held her closer when I heard this, it must be hard for her right now.

~Time skip~
A doctor came out of the room. He held a chart in his hands. He looked over us. Joseph went over to the doctor and asked,
"How is he doctor?" The doctor shook his head.
"The accident didn't cause too much damage, just a few cuts and bruises, but..." The doctor's voice trailed off. All four of us simply looked at him. He cleared his voice and continued, "The cancer is most definitely back." (f/n) sobbed into my chest while Leo just leaned against the wall like he was going to be sick, Joseph stood there with a look of horrified shock on his face. The doctor exhaled a breath before saying, "And it's spreading." The world seemed to stay quiet on that last word.

Your View
The moment I heard that I knew it was over for Zane. We walked into his room and saw him lying on the bed. He was obviously in so much pain but he tried to perk up as he saw us enter. Leo and I went to either side of the bed and hugged him. Joseph sat on the edge of the bed. Leo immediately began sobbing into Zane's chest. Zane held him close with one arm.
"Who's he?" Zane asked in a playful voice, pointing to Russia. I quickly told him who he was. The two exchanged greetings and shook hands. Soon we all started to bombard him with questions.
"What the hell were you doing? Getting in an accident!" Joseph said.
"Does anything hurt?" I asked.
Leo signed off his own multitude of questions.
Zane just laughed off most of them and assured us that he was going to be fine. But we all agreed that he wasn't going to be fine. After pestering him and keeping him company for a while I decided that Russia and I needed to be heading back home. I felt fine leaving Zane because I knew he was going to be fine with Leo and Joseph to look after him. But before I left I told them to call me if anything changed, even if Zane so much as sneezed. Zane laughed when he heard this, but the others promised to do so.
The ride home with Russia was quiet. When we got back to my house I just sat on the couch, while Russia tried to comfort me. It felt nice.
"Is there anything I can do?" He asked. I climbed onto his lap and buried my face in his chest.
"Just... hold me for a bit, please." I said. Russia held me close to him. He stayed over that night, and never left my side.

A/N: I know that this chapter is depressing but it is necessary.  

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