Anxiety Building

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Your View
I felt like crying. Russia and I were walking in the airport. He was being called away for a meeting in France. He said he would probably be away for a week, 3 at most. Just as I was thinking this, I felt my hand being squeezed. I looked up at Russia, who wore a his innocent smile. He let go of my hand and pulled me into his embrace.
"I will be back soon, so be strong sunflower." He said. I felt reassured by those words. I savored the embrace for as long as I could. But when it came time for Russia to go board his plane, he reluctantly let go. He gave me a kiss and waved goodbye. I waved back and watched as the plane took off. When it was completely out of sight I finally left the airport.
The drive home was quiet. I found myself missing Russia's presence. Even if we didn't chat much while being in the car, it was still nice to have him there. When I finally got home I checked my messages. The first was from a friend, but the second one made my heart stand still and my body freeze... The world seemed to stand still.

A/N: Russia's view takes place a few days later after he left.

Russia's View
I sat there looking out the window I was seated near. This World Meeting was scheduled to be short but it still was too long for my taste. England was busy arguing with France, Germany was trying to maintain order, the Italy brothers and Spain were fast asleep, and America was being quite annoying as usual. The useless drivel that he spouts makes me want to punch him.
I sighed. I wonder how (f/n) is doing right now? Maybe after the meeting is over I will call her...

Your View
I drove through the snow covered city till I finally reached my destination; the hospital. Upon entering the building I felt myself shiver. I still never enjoyed being in this place.
I walked through the many hallways till I reached a door I was quite familiar with. I reached for the knob and stopped. I found myself shuddering at the thought of what they may say behind this door. I shook my head as horrible thoughts filled my mind. I knocked on the door and heard a man say,
"Come in." I open the door and walked inside. I shut the door behind me. The doctor looked up from his charts and gave me an encouraging smile, or at least what he thought was. I walked over and greeted him before sitting down in the chair he offered me. He started off with the basic questions and inquiries, "how are you" and "travel anywhere lately". Once all was set and done he moved onto the real questions.
"Have you had anything unusual happen lately?"
"Could you define unusual?" I asked nervously.
"Any sudden headaches or dizziness, perhaps any fainting?" He replied. I took a deep breath and told him about how I had collapsed the other day. He looked at me and began taking notes. "I see. You know what this means Miss (l/n). There is a strong possibility that it's back." I swallowed and nodded. The doctor continued. "We need to run some tests just to be on the safe side, but from what you have said I highly doubt that this was just a bad cold."
"I hate to say it, but I agree..." My voice trailed off and I held a clutched fist over my heart. The doctor stood up and gave me a pat on the back. He then left the room to get all the equipment ready and to get some nurses to help.
I felt tears beginning to spill from my eyes. As I began to wipe them away with my scarf, I heard my phone vibrate. I looked and saw it was Russia. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I answered.
"Hello?" I said. I heard a happy voice say,
"Hello my sunflower. How are you doing?" I smiled a bit once I heard his voice.
"I'm doing okay, just missing you." I replied. I heard a chuckle.
"I am missing you as well." He said and now it was my turn to giggle. 
"How is your work going?" I asked. I heard a sigh emanate from him.
"There is not much being down, but then that is usually what happens." He said. I giggled a bit more. But my laughter stopped as I heard the group of footsteps in the hallway grow nearer.
"I'm sorry Russia, but I have to go," I said. I could feel he wasn't happy hearing that, I then tried to perk up as I said, "I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Da," he replied. He sounded a bit happier. I then added,
"Don't forget to bring me a souvenir." Then I hung up. Just in time for the doctor to return with some of the other nurses. He motioned me to follow them. I got up and followed them as we walked through numerous hallways. I silently prayed for what both I and the doctor assumed to be wrong.
I could only hope as we finally arrived at our destination.  

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