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Am I... Am I alive... or am I dead?
I slowly opened my eyes. I was greeted by a beautiful star filled sky. I slowly sat up and looked around.
Large glowing sunflowers were what surrounded me.
"Wow..." They were so beautiful. I stood up and could only see sunflowers surrounding me. I bent down and picked one up. It smelled divine. As I placed it in my hair I heard something.
"...(f/n)..." a soft voice said. I looked around. No one was there.
"(f/n)... over here..." said the same voice. I turned around and began to walk.
I walked for quite a while before I saw someone. Their back was to me. I moved faster. Soon I saw that they had long spiky brown hair. I ran faster, feeling tears well up in my eyes.
"Zane!" I yelled. He turned around and I saw those piercing blue eyes of his stare at me. I tackled him to the ground and began to cry into his chest.
"I-I thought I would n-never see you a-again," I stuttered. He held me close and patted my head. When I calmed down I pulled away.
"How... how are you here? I thought you were..." My voice trailed off. I couldn't bring myself to say it. He chuckled and finished my question,
"Dead?" He said. I nodded. He inhaled and then said, "I am." I covered my mouth. He patted my head once more and began to say soothing words to me. He then stood up and offered me a hand.
"Thanks," I said. "Where are we?" I asked. He smiled and answered,
"Come on, there's someone who wants to see you who can explain better than I can." And with that he began tugging me towards a hill. Once over I saw more of these glowing flowers along with a big glowing tree. By the tree sat a person who I never thought I would see again.
She wore a long light pink dress and let those long flowing locks of hair flow freely in the breeze. She looked at the two of us and gave us her sweetest smile.
Zane and I began to run towards her. Seeing us running towards her she stood up and spread her arms out. I ran faster than Zane and tackled her with a hug. She hugged me back and patted my head ever so gently.
"Maria..." I said. I looked up at her and she just continued to smile.
"Hello (f/n)" She said in a her sweet voice. It felt so good to hear it after so many years. The last time I heard her voice was just before she passed.

I was sitting beside Maria's bedside in the hospital room. There were flowers everywhere, from all of us. She was lying in the bed while I held her hand. Joseph had been off speaking with the doctor about her condition. We could occasionally hear a yell emanate from that area.
"(f/n)..." she said. She was so weak right now. I could feel it in her voice. "(f/n)..."
"Yes Maria, do you want something? Maybe another pillow, or a blanket?" I asked her. She giggled a bit.
"No, not those things, but... I need you to promise me something..." She said. I looked at her. The last time anyone in our group of friends had said that, they died.
"Maria... Are... are you saying that you'll..." She nodded. I gripped her hand tighter.
"Y-you can't!" I cried out. "You're going to be married soon!" I could see the sadness in her eyes.
"I know," she replied in a soft voice. "I know, what you are saying is true... but I can't go on much longer..." Tears began to spill over in both our eyes. "I need you... to promise me... that you will take care... of yourself and everyone else..."
"Maria... I-I can't take your place." I said. I put my head on her chest. She gently patted my head.
"It hurts... I know, but... you all need to be strong... and continue to live..." She lifted my chin so I could look at her in the eyes. "Promise me..." I swallowed the sob and nodded. She smiled. I lifted myself up and dried my tears. Soon Joseph, Zane, and Leo walked in.
"Maria..." Joseph said as he sat down beside her. She just smiled at him. He laid down beside her and drew her into a deep hug.
"Joseph... Promise me... that you will... smile... for both... of us..." Her voice was trailing. He hugged her tighter as we all came around her. As Zane and Leo begged her to stay. I just watched as her eyes dulled and slowly shut, as if she were falling asleep. Her body went limp. At that moment we all knew that it was over.

*Back to Present*
"I've missed you so much Maria." I said. I was now standing in front of her and Zane.
"I've missed you two as well. But I truly hoped I wouldn't see any of you here so soon." Zane chuckled.
"You know I never really listened." He said. Maria gave him a scolding look as I giggled a bit.
"Where are we anyway? Are we in the next world?" I asked. Maria shook her head.
"Not quite. Let's go talk over there." She motioned in the direction of another hill. Zane and I followed her.
I really hope I get some answers soon.  

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